"Kid, don't go overboard with your actions. Did you get my permission before you patted me?" Helian bathed the stalker and, with one hand on his neck, dragged him to the side of the road.

Just based on their height alone, they were at least fifteen centimeters away from each other. Plus, the filming itself wasn't right, so how could the young man dare to say anything?

Helian Yi's face was dark as he asked the young man for his cell phone. "Hand it over and I'll spare your life."

"Haha, mister, did you learn kung fu?" I saw you appear in the hospital with a 'whoosh' and someone said that you are the 'martial arts expert' that was shown on TV a few days ago. Big brother, do you accept him as your disciple … "

The young man laughed and decided to have a fight with Helian Chen. He did not know that Helian Chen had already seen through his pettiness.

"Take it out, don't force me to do it. Usually when I do, there won't be any survivors." Helian Yi warned coldly. He did not want to kill anyone because he had been an emperor and he knew that laws were essential in all dynasties. Although it was useless for him to kill someone, he did not want to cause any trouble.

"Big bro, if you like my phone, then take it out. However, those photos you took have already been posted online, so even if you destroy my phone, it's useless." The young man obediently handed the phone to Helian Xi, because he knew that no matter how tough his brain was, it was no weaker than the table in the doctor's office. This big brother of his could break the table into pieces with one kick.

Since the video had already been uploaded, it was useless for him to take out his phone. Moreover, with just that video alone, he would be able to get a generous bonus, enough to buy a new phone.

"Deleted …" No matter what you send, delete it immediately. " After Helian Yi Chen found out the truth, he threw his phone to the young man and said coldly.

"Big Bro, it's really not working anymore. Even if I delete it now, it's too late. Do you know how many people have forwarded it? Download it? That's insane. If you don't believe me, just take a look." The youngster didn't seem to believe that Helian Xi Chen would make a move. He didn't want to delete such a rare video. He immediately opened a link and pointed to the video above.

"Look, this Weibo account has already been broadcast 150,000 times. There's also this video. The number of hits is already over 60,000. It's completely useless, which is to say …"

"That's tolerable. How could I possibly tolerate this? You're looking to die." Helian Yi didn't have to look at the phone. It was obvious that he was going crazy. He snatched the young man's phone and held it in his hand …

"Big brother, you …" The young man looked at the phone in Helian Chen's hands, which was being 'squeezed' into a thin layer. He then watched as it burned until there was not even a speck of dust left.

"You … What about his phone? Where's my phone? " His phone was gone and the young lad had gone crazy. That was the ipone5. No matter how easy it was, it shouldn't have disappeared, right? Even if it was burned down, there should at least be ashes …

"Remember, don't let me see you again in the future, or else I'll definitely take your dog life." Helian Yi Chen really wanted to kill this kid, but the location was wrong, time and space was wrong, so he could only suppress his anger.

"Big brother, you are too amazing. This little brother truly admires you. Please accept this little brother as your disciple. Big brother, please wait, please wait …" As if he had just woken up from a dream, the young man saw that Helian Chen was about to leave, and he immediately ran after him in hot pursuit. Before Helian Chen could disappear, he grabbed his arm.

"Let go, brat! If you don't let go, I'll kill you!" Helian Yi was furious. If it were not for the large number of people on the streets, he would have disappeared a long time ago.

"Big brother, please accept me as your disciple. Please, I am willing to be under you. I will enter the mountains and train in martial arts." said the young man, kneeling down in front of Helian, who was bathing his knees. But he did not let go.

More and more people came to watch. Although it was noon and it was a little hot, but the passersby saw a young man hugging another young man's leg and came over to watch the fun.

As they approached, they heard the young man say that he was going to take them as his master, which was even more new, and more and more people gathered around him, so that Helian Chen was unable to leave even if he wanted to. They had already been surrounded by people on the third floor and the outer three floors, and no one knew who said that the police had arrived, which made Helian Yi think of something.

"Let go, brat. If you don't let go, I'll call the police." Helian Chen swung his legs. If he wasn't afraid of hurting someone, he would definitely throw this brat into outer space.

"Big brother, please take me in as your disciple. I'm begging you, I'm begging you …" However, the young man seemed to have been possessed and refused to let go.

"Eh, isn't this that 'Kung Fu class' where 'Hengkong' appeared in the hospital?" Someone in the crowd said something, and Helian Xi's face turned even more green.

His head was about to explode. He did not know what martial arts lessons were, nor did he understand what these people were shouting about. All he knew was that he had to leave as soon as possible.

However, in front of everyone's eyes, he could not use any spells, nor could he suddenly disappear. Under such a helpless situation, he had no choice but to first tap the young man's acupoints, then quickly pull out his hands and cried out, "Ugh! A UFO!"

While everyone was looking up at the sky, he quickly left the crowd.

By the time everyone came back to their senses, he was already out of the encirclement. Although he had also used a spell, because he hadn't gone far, and because everyone had raised their heads to look at the sky, no one would think in any direction.

"Outside, outside..." "Quickly chase, where is he …" The crowd gradually dispersed. Some of them noticed Helian Yu standing on the other side of the street. They heard someone shouting and others pointing at them. Helian Xi knew that the time had come so she quickly ran away and disappeared from everyone's sight with her legs.

The people on the side of the road gradually dispersed, leaving only the sad young man.

"Young man, what's wrong?" Finally, someone noticed that the young man was acting weirdly, and nudged him.

But with a push, the young man immediately fell to the ground, and the man immediately bounced away in fright.

"It's not me, it's not me. It's none of my business, it's none of my business …" Seeing the young man fall to the ground without saying a word, his face turned pale from the pushing. He wished that he could disappear into thin air as well.

"Quick, quickly send him to the hospital." No one knew who shouted, but no one stepped forward.

"Wasn't this young man very energetic just now?" What's going on? It can't really be a mental illness, right? "

Another person suggested, "It's useless to say anything now. The one he was carrying just now has already escaped. Why don't we call the police?"

"The hospital isn't far. I think it's better to send him to the hospital. Call 120 …"

Those who didn't leave started talking all at once, but no one really did it. Even the person who pushed him carefully backed off, as if afraid that he would be stuck.

"Could it be that Brother Kung Fu injured someone and ran away …?"

Fortunately, the police officer wasn't far away. He had noticed this from the beginning and immediately rushed over when he saw someone falling on the ground.

"What happened? What happened to him? " The policeman tried to help the young man up, but the young man's kneeling posture did not change, he could not stand up, the policeman was troubled, he immediately called for his colleague's support, while asking the onlookers about the situation.

"This... "Actually, we didn't know either. When I came, he was hugging the leg of a long-haired man. He called me big brother and said he wanted to take me as his master or something …"

"Right, right, that man is so handsome …"

"That's right, and it looks very familiar."

"Isn't that the kung fu lesson? "Comrade Police, I know that kung fu lesson. Look …" An enthusiastic young man took out his cellphone and immediately searched for the video.

"Are you sure it was him?" The policeman frowned as he watched the video.

"Of course, I don't believe that if you want everyone to recognize you, then there's no mistake. It's this' Brother Kung Fu 'here."

Very soon, a few police cars arrived. The police officers immediately divided the work, "Alright, you guys wait here and go with our colleagues to record your statement. We'll send this mister to the hospital first."

The young man who had been ordered by Helian Chen was carried to the hospital by the police. The young man was in a miserable state.

He wanted to say that he was fine, but he couldn't. This time, he just wanted to find that 'chivalrous hero' as soon as possible. He must study under him, and this should be the legendary acupoint.

The young man was burning with anxiety, but he couldn't move or speak, so he could only let himself be manipulated.

Wuuu, wuu. He was truly worried that after arriving at the hospital, the doctor would treat him seriously. If it was just an injection, he would recognize him after checking, but what if … "Well, well, the young man did not dare to think any further, and now he could only hope that the Hero would appear and save his life.

When they arrived at the hospital, since they were being pushed by the police, they naturally didn't have to register like ordinary people. They queued up and directly entered the emergency room.

"Comrade Police Officer, what is the condition of this patient?" The doctor looked at the young man who was placed on the bed by the police and still kneeling, and asked about his condition.

"It should be a sudden situation. According to the passersby, he was still full of energy tens of minutes ago, then suddenly he couldn't speak or move." At that time, they were not present, so they had no way of knowing what had happened. They could only put it together from the mouths of passersby.

"There's nothing wrong with his vocal cords. Let's do some other tests for him. Look at his heart, his brain... Is there anything wrong with it? " The way the doctor treated the police was also very different. He would be polite and considerate at the same time.

When the young man heard this, he secretly complained. He desperately looked at the doctor, but the doctor could not understand.

"That's all we can do. We'll inform the patient's family members as soon as possible. We'll get them to cooperate with the doctor in treating the family members when they arrive." The police nodded. They had already found the documents from the young man, but they were a little curious about whether there was a phone number for the young man these days.

"Alright, then I'll have someone push this mister to a CT scan and see if there's anything wrong with his head before taking a blood test …"

"Ah …" When the young man heard this, he was so frightened that he actually cried out.

The police and doctors were stunned. The young man was also stunned. Then, as if he realized something, he immediately jumped down from the bed and could actually move too.

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