He had to find a way to deal with Lin Jing, so he went to find Fang Ping, who had come back from London.

Fang Ping and Chen Haodong rushed back to the organization as soon as they returned to London. They reported the situation in London to their superiors.

"Mm, you guys can go back and rest first. I will send someone to communicate with Helian Xi Chen. As for Lin Jing, I will send someone to bring her back." The leader knocked on the table, telling Chen Bo and Fang Ping to go back and rest first.

After the two of them left, he immediately sent people to find Lin Jing. There was no need to bring Lin Jing back.

Not long after Fang Ping and Chen Haodong left, Helian Xi came looking for him. Of course, he didn't come looking for an organization, but for the conditions.

"Helian, you're finally back. I knew you were a man of your word." The chief was not surprised to see Helian Xi. However, his enthusiasm was extraordinary. Not only did he personally rise to welcome her, he even personally made tea for her.

"No, I'm not here for the mission. In fact, I came because of Lin Jing, she has seriously hindered my life. I hope you can bring her back. At the very least, don't let her appear in front of me again." Helian Yi clearly knew that the Chief was giving him a way out, but he just didn't give the Chief any face at all.

"Helian, now that you have left the organization, you don't need to be considered one of us, we should not interfere in your life, and we have no obligation to help you solve your problems. As for Lin Jing, as long as we are done with our tasks, we have no right to ask about her private life, especially her relationship problems, so tell us the truth …"

Hearing Helian Xi Chen's words, the Chief's expression clearly changed, but he still spoke out with a smile like a tiger.

To tell you the truth, although the conditions you set at the beginning were very tempting, but that was only limited to us remaining in this place. And now, my wife and I have discussed it, we will not stay in this world, we will eventually return to the world that belongs to us. Helian Yi was extremely clear about the thoughts of his superior. He knew that the only reason for his worry was that he was afraid that the other party would use him.

It was because of this that Helian Yi told the truth, hoping to dispel the worries of his superiors, so that they would not violate each other.

"You really decided to go back?" The Chief was a little surprised. The conditions that he had put forward were also based on Helian Xi Chen's needs at the time. If his entire family was to stay here, money would naturally be indispensable for proof of identity.

But now that he wanted to return to his own world, he naturally lost the temptation to do so. No wonder Helian could speak in such a carefree manner.

However, with his abilities, it was a pity that he could not be used by the organization.

According to the original plan, if an 'expert' like Helian Xi Chen could not be used by him, then he would have to be eliminated. Of course, that was at a great cost. However, now that he said that he wanted to leave, it was naturally different. Merely, he could not decide on this matter alone.

"Yes. Although this place is very advanced and has many tempting things, compared to freedom, compared to everything I have in my own world, these things are insignificant." After coming to this world, Helian Yi Chen realized how important freedom was.

After he returned this time, he would definitely make some moves and change his mind. He would also have to abolish some pedantic ideas and systems that restricted human nature and freedom.

"Alright then. Forgive me for asking, but is the world you live in very different from the world we live in? In which world are you a professional? " The chief looked at Helian Xi Chen and put down his dignity. Like an elder, he sat beside Helian Xi Chen and began to chat.

"It's very big. However, the people here probably won't be able to get used to it, so there's no need for Chief to know too much about it." Helian Yi said indifferently, blocking the Chief's way.

"Then when will you leave?" The leader finally asked what he was concerned about.

Helian Yi thought for a moment, his son's situation was hard to explain. If he said that he couldn't leave in a month, then he would probably cause trouble for himself. At that time, it would definitely not be a small problem, and it would definitely be a huge problem for him to kill someone.

However, he could not grasp the timing. It would take too long for him to say this. He could not be at ease on this side, and might even put forward more conditions. At that time, even if he agreed or not, there would be no way for him to back out. It would be better to just say that it was a bit longer, and if he left too early, they would not pursue the matter. Of course, because there was no way to investigate, no matter how late he was, he would not be half a year late, so he decisively replied.

"Head, you can rest assured that it won't last more than half a year. My wife has dealt with the matter here and we will be leaving soon. In this half year, besides basic food and clothing problems, we will not cause any trouble, and there won't be any problems that Head is worried about."

"Half a year? "In half a year, you are enough to help us solve this problem." The leader stood up and walked around the room with his hands behind his back.

"Chief, this is not a matter of whether or not we can solve the problem. It is that I originally did not belong to this world, and if I were to intervene in the matters of this world, then it will definitely change the fate of many people, and even affect this world. I believe that this is something that the Chief does not wish to see." Helian Yi looked at her superior with a smile. She said it lightly, but in reality, her words were very real.

The leader didn't seem to plan on giving up, as he probed again, "If it's just someone, I believe it won't happen."

"Of course not if he's an ordinary person, but is the target of the Chief's mission just an ordinary person?" He leaned back in his chair and decided to drop a bomb for the Chief.

"This …" The chief stammered for a moment, then produced a cigarette, lit it, and then took a long drag.

"Chief, haven't you always been curious about my identity? Actually, I haven't said it before, but I don't want everyone to think too much about me. In my world, I'm the emperor, the ruler of a nation, equivalent to your modern president, the president, right? But my authority is definitely higher than the president, the president, and I've always been the one ordering others, but no one has ever dared to order me."

She did not need to look into the eyes of others at all. He knew that the leader was somewhat astonished, and that was their early guess. It was also because of this that Lin Jing dared to say that he was the Emperor in ancient times.

"I'm very sorry. I've wronged you in this period of time. Since it's like this, I won't make things difficult for you. As long as you can do what you say, I will." After the chief finished smoking the three cigarettes, he finally compromised.

"Thank you for your understanding. What about Lin Jing?" Helian Yi Chen stood up. Now that this big problem had been solved, the only thing left was the small problem of Lin Jing.

"I believe in a little Lin Jing. For a Emperor like you, it shouldn't be much of a problem, right?" The leader smiled craftily as she looked at Helian Yi Chen, not revealing the slightest hint that he had already sent someone to 'capture' Lin Jing.

"Of course, I believe you understand that women usually prefer to be jealous, and so do my wife, who has too many concubines in my palace. At that time, she had a long time of hard times with me, and after coming to the modern era, since there are no other women, our relationship has only improved a lot. Now, there's suddenly a Lin Jing, which makes her very unhappy. Helian Yi said.

"Okay, you win. I've already sent someone to bring Lin Jing back. There's only one thing, I hope you can keep your promise or we won't show any mercy. No matter how strong you are, you are still just one person." The smiling leader stood up and sent Helian Chen off while reminding him.

The corners of Helian Chen's lips curled upwards as he thought to himself, Why did you say it out loud? If anything were to happen to him in the future, he wouldn't show any mercy. In fact, if he didn't say anything, and put it in his heart, he might still give him some face.

"Thank you for the reminder, I have always kept this in mind. For our family right now, as long as we can remain calm and enjoy these few months of foreign land life peacefully, it would be the best."

"Sorry, I won't send you off too far. If you're interested, you can come visit often before you go back. It's just a chat. I'm also very curious about the ancient times." The chief said as he rang the bell for someone to send him off.

"Of course, of course, Chief, please wait." Helian Chen said half-heartedly. It was really tiring to deal with these people. Fortunately, his subjects were as crafty and cunning as this. Otherwise, the Emperor would have been dragged off the throne long ago.

After leaving the headquarters, Helian Ri felt relaxed. Even the foggy city had a special atmosphere.

He had already discussed everything that he needed to talk about, and it was only 3.30 in the afternoon. It was still a little early, so he could go and talk to Fang Ping, which could be considered a farewell.

In one of the apartments in the city, when Fang Ping came back, he wanted to sleep, but he was not sleepy. He wanted to look up some information on mind-reading or space-time travel on the internet, and since the conversation with Helian Xi Chen in London, he had become very curious about these things.

As he was using his cell phone to download some superpower novels, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Fang Ping opened the door and saw that Helian was stunned at first. He then yelled out in joy and gave Li Yao a big hug. "Helian …" "Wow, Boss, why did you think of coming to see me?"

Helian Yi pushed Fang Ping away. She couldn't stand the 'overly enthusiastic' greeting of modern people.

"Thank you for coming back for me. This time, I happened to come over to discuss some matters with the head. I also happened to drop by to see you and bid you farewell." Helian Chen walked into the house. It was difficult for him to find a place to sit down. The sofa was covered not only with dirty clothes, but also with snacks. He even saw cockroaches jumping around on the sofa.

"Sorry, sorry …" The last time he came back, he was in a hurry to go to London. He was too busy to clean up, so he planned to rest for a day and pack up tomorrow … Come and sit in the room. " Fang Ping felt very embarrassed. There had never been a visitor in his little apartment. If he had known that his boss was coming, he would have cleaned up the room as soon as he came back.

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