"It's alright, you don't need to feel embarrassed. I came to visit you so I'll be leaving." When he entered the room, Helian looked at the bed and saw that it was the only bed he could sit on, but he was not used to sitting on it.

"Boss, don't be in such a hurry to leave. We'll go out to eat later, and when we're drunk tonight, you can't refuse me …"

Fang Ping felt that Helian Chen was about to leave, so he pushed him onto the bed and sat him down, feeling anxious.

"It's better not to. My son is still waiting at home. This time, he has returned …"

"Boss, give us some face. It's rare for us to be so destined, we …" Wait, boss, did you just say … Say goodbye? Are you planning to go back? " Fang Ping got anxious and only now did he completely absorb what Helian Xi had said when he came in.

"Almost, Fang Ping, I'm very sorry, you have your life, and I don't belong to this world, so …" Helian Yi wanted to explain to Fang Ping, but Fang Ping shook his head and reached out a hand to stop him.

"Boss, if that's the case, then we'll have to drink to our heart's content tonight. Let's not talk about anything else. Let's go out and find a place to sit and chat." Fang Ping patted Helian Chen's shoulder, took his coat, grabbed his wallet, and was about to take Helian Chen to 'cool'.

"No, Fang Ping, how about this, I'll treat you, but before that there's something I have to deal with." Fang Ping's enthusiasm and sincerity made Helian Xi Chen unable to refuse, but he promised Xue'er that he would return tonight.

Fang Ping patted his chest. "Boss, if there's anything you need, please instruct me. As long as it's something I can do, I'll definitely be able to help."

Seeing that Fang Ping was so loyal, Helian Xi felt a little hot in his heart. To deal with modern women, modern men were naturally the best. So he told Fang Ping about Lin Jing coming to his house to cause trouble.

Not only that, she even stayed in a hotel near my house. From the looks of it, she's planning to fight a long term war, can you help me think of a way to solve this woman's problem, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go back home.

After we got off the plane, Haodong took a look and knew that she went to look for trouble with you. I think that at this time, Haodong is on his way and you don't have to worry, the authorities have already sent people over. In at most another day, they will definitely be able to bring Lin Jing back.

Fang Ping gave the only computer chair in the room to Helian Chen, sat on the bed, and started talking.

Helian Xi nodded. This was what she was worried about. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to look for Fang Ping. "I was worried about that."

"That's not right. Boss, didn't you say you were leaving? Since you're leaving, what are you going to do with Lin Jing?" Fang Ping looked at Helian Xi with a puzzled expression.

Looking at Fang Ping, Helian Xi Chen did not intend to hide anything and said: "This …. My wife has some things to take care of, maybe three or five months from now. "

"So it's like that. That's a bit troublesome, unless you guys are moving, but moving around is also troublesome. Also, there's no need to move around for a few months. You might not even be able to find a suitable house for now." Fang Ping's mind spun very quickly and he immediately thought of a way.

Although Fang Ping only casually said it, he reminded Helian Xi Chen. He said happily, "Good idea, Fang Ping, looking for you is indeed not wrong. I remember that my wife always looked for you online before. Is your computer convenient? I want to see if there is a suitable house."

Although the living environment now was not bad, it was still found by Yan Kai. Moreover, he did not want another man to appear in his family from time to time. Moving to a house could be said to be killing two birds with one stone.

However, when he opened the search website, a scene popped up. Helian Chen was focused on searching for a house and did not pay much attention to it. On the other hand, Fang Ping saw it immediately.

"Did you see the right house?" Helian Yi Chen thought that he had seen a house suitable for him and was overjoyed.

As Fang Ping spoke, he took the mouse from Helian Xi and opened the small window's advertisement. He said in surprise, "No, Boss, look."

"What is this, this is …" Helian Yi's expression changed. He remembered, before he came here, there was that young man who was pestering him and the phone that he destroyed.

"Boss, you …" "You're too awesome. Just how did you show up in front of everyone with sister-in-law in your arms?" Fang Ping was shocked. This kind of thing had never happened before. He happily looked at the comments below.

"Nothing much to look at. At that time, I was just too impatient. It was nothing." Helian Xi wanted to close the door, but Fang Ping's strong interest even pushed his away.

"Wow, cool. Boss, that kick of yours was too fierce, and you even scolded the doctor. These guys just deserve a beating. You scolded them too much …" Fang Ping looked for the address below and then found the video. He was delighted to see Helian Chen breaking the table with a kick and Helian Chen showing off in the hospital.

When he looked at the comments below, it was basically the same feeling. Usually when he went to the hospital, not only would he plead with his grandpa and grandma, he would even have to give red packets and beg softly. He was sure that a patient's family member like Helian Xi was definitely one of a kind.

"Do you have to go to the hospital to beg them? Even if you're going to die, you still have to wait in line? " Seeing the video, Helian Xi Chen's mood in the hospital was aroused again, and he said in a bad mood.

Almost, queuing up is a normal phenomenon, and there are even people who refuse doctors. People these days are the first to fall, not to mention the hospital, even if someone falls on the road, no one would dare to help them. If you stay here a little longer, you would understand. Fang Ping sneered. The reason why he chose this job was because he thought that he would do his best to uphold justice. But there were times when it wasn't the case. Interpersonal interests, intergroup interests, intercountry interests … There were too many of them, and they were not something that he, an ordinary person, could control.

"No wonder Xue'er is always unwilling to go to the hospital. Fang Ping, stop looking and quickly find a house for me. I'll move tomorrow." After Helian Yi Chen listened to all of this, he had a lot of feelings and a lot of thoughts in his heart.

However, these thoughts could only be realized after he returned. He must build a peaceful and happy world that was ten times better than the modern society.

Hearing this, Fang Ping had a sudden inspiration. He jokingly said, "Boss, have you heard that the most dangerous place is the safest place? Or you can consider moving here with sister-in-law. I believe Lin Jing would never have thought of this."

"That's what I said, but …"

"Are you afraid that sister-in-law won't agree?" Fang Ping saw that Helian Xi Chen seemed to be a little shaken, and he tried even harder to persuade her.

"No, my wife originally belonged to this world. It's just that eight or nine months ago, an accident happened and her body in this world was destroyed. Afterwards …"

Hearing this, Fang Ping became even more interested and immediately put on a show. "Oh, I know, there's a fashionable term for this right now …" "Transmigration."

"Yes, that's why she has relatives in this world. And the reason we chose that city is because our parents are there. Fang Ping, there's something I want to ask of you." Thinking about his father-in-law who was about to enter his prime and had no one to take care of him, he knew that Luo Xue would not be at ease either. Looking at Fang Ping, he suddenly had an idea.

He hadn't known Fang Ping for long, but he could feel that he was an upright man. Perhaps, he could give his mother-in-law's phone to him to take care of.

Seeing Helian Chen's words, Fang Ping patted his chest and said proudly, "Boss, don't be so formal, it is my honor to be able to help boss. Think about it in the modern era, besides me, who else would have the honor to serve the Emperor."

"Good, Fang Ping, good brother. Coming to this world, the happiest thing I have done is to make you my friend." Helian Yi was touched. He stretched out his hand and was afraid of Fang Ping.

When Helian Yi said this, Fang Ping actually felt a bit embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, "En, boss, don't be so childish. Quickly, what is it?"

"It is my father-in-law, mother-in-law. Our family will always leave this place. "Father-in-law and mother-in-law are both close to the age of sixty, and they only have Xue Er and her daughter in their lives. After we leave, no one will take care of them, and I hope that after we leave, you can often go visit the elders …" Helian touched Fang Ping's shoulder. Please.

Fang Ping said righteously, "This is just a small matter, no problem. How about this, I will go back with you. If uncle, auntie doesn't mind, I am willing to be their son. I will be filial on behalf of the boss and sister-in-law."

"Good brother, Fang Ping, thank you. I wonder if you would be willing to become sworn brothers with me." Helian Yi Chen was very grateful and touched as he suggested to Fang Ping.

"Really? You're willing to become sworn brothers with me?" Holding Helian Chen's hand, Fang Ping felt as if he was in a dream.

"Fang Ping, I'm not a complete human. Ever since I was born, I've experienced many twists and turns, and I've even been betrayed by my brothers, so I don't really like to interact with people. You're my first friend, thank you!" Helian Yi did not expect that when he came to this modern age, he would still be able to obtain a sense of brotherhood. When he thought back to his bros in another time and space, he felt touched, especially by that Jiuyu who wanted to replace him and put him to death.

"Big brother, since we are brothers, then let's not talk about this. I don't know the way you ancient people made your vows, and it's not convenient for us to hold any ceremony right now. We can only make things simple. Big brother, please accept little brother's bow." As Fang Ping spoke, he bowed to Helian Chen in the same way that the ancients did in movies and TV dramas.

"Ping Di, those red lines and red lines are not important, as long as you and I are sincere, it will be enough." As Helian Yi Chen spoke, he helped Fang Ping up and walked into the living room. Fang Ping was puzzled until Helian Yi Chen came in with two bottles of beer.

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