After he and Fang Ping became sworn brothers, Helian Yi looked at some houses on the Internet and made some phone calls, but those people hung up when they heard that they were only renting for three or five months.

"Big brother, how about this? Let's rent for a year first, then you can leave when you go back. I'll take care of the rest." Fang Ping saw that the house was really hard to find, and Helian Xi Chen wanted to move so much, so he suggested.

"About this, the two cities are thousands of miles apart, it's not convenient for you to handle them. Also, with your work, if you want to travel, you can travel …"

"Big brother, this is just a small matter. It belongs to little brother, so don't talk about it. How about this, I'll go meet sister-in-law first. Goodbye sister-in-law's father, mother, the matter of renting a house is settled." Fang Ping said straightforwardly.

Helian Yi originally thought he was straightforward, but he didn't expect Fang Ping to be so straightforward. Thinking about his suspicious personality in the past, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Alright, Fang Ping, I'll borrow your phone for now. I'll give Xue Er a call." Helian Xi finally accepted Fang Ping's suggestion and was about to take Fang Ping back to meet Xue'er, so she borrowed Fang Ping's phone. Today, when they were breaking up in front of the hospital, he asked for his home phone.

The phone at home rang, but it was his son who answered the phone. Helian Xi immediately lowered her voice and asked, "Han'er, is Mommy home?"

"Daddy, you're looking for Mommy, you won't come back yourself, what's the meaning of making a phone call? It can't be that you have to come back late, right?" When Luo Han heard Helian Chen's voice, his tone changed. When he called out "hey" just now, it was still sweet. But now, he was mocking his own father like a little adult.

"Han-Er, it's father's fault, can you give your phone to Mommy?" Facing his son, Helian Xi Chen had no other choice but to humbly coax him.

When Fang Ping saw how 'gentle' Helian Xi Chen suddenly became, his eyes widened. He thought that the Emperor was very fierce, but who would have thought that … "I didn't expect him to have the side of an ordinary man."

"Mommy, it's your call. Someone's going to try to coax you again. Don't be fooled by them again." Luo Han purposely left the phone open and shouted towards the kitchen.

"He's here, he's here, Han'er, whose is it?" So it turned out that Luo Xue was busy cooking and did not listen to her son's words.

"Han'er, it's me. I'm bringing my brother back today. Also, there's another joyous occasion. Why don't we wait for me to return before telling you?" Helian Yi wanted to say something, but Fang Ping was trying his best to hold back his laughter, causing him to be unable to speak.

He knew that Fang Ping was laughing at his current tone and expression.

"Alright, will you guys be back for dinner later?" "I'm cooking. If you're right, remember to come back early, and …"

Luo Xue and Helian Yi were talking about love and affection, but Ruo Han was shouting loudly in the kitchen, "Mommy, the pot is soaked …"

"Ah …" "Chen Xi, let's not talk about that anymore. I'll go take a look at the pot first …" Hearing her son's shout, Luo Xue became anxious and was about to hang up. Unexpectedly, Helian Xi Chen followed her son and said loudly.

"Wait, Xue'er, call your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Have them come over for dinner, I have found a good son for them."

"Oh, what do you mean, I found my son?" Hearing Helian Yi Chen say that she had found her son for her parents, Luoxue was immediately attracted. At this time, she didn't care whether the pot was full or not.

Actually, the pot wasn't sticky at all. If it was, Luo Xue would have smelled it long ago.

"Xue'er, prepare some food. We'll talk about it in detail when we get back. Remember to call your father-in-law. Mother, we'll be back as soon as possible." When Helian Yi Chen finished speaking, he did not wait for Luo Xue to ask any further questions and immediately hung up the phone.

"Son, I really don't know what he's talking about. Forget it, the pot …" Luo Xue rushed to the kitchen, but Ruo Han stood in front of the stove and made a face at her with a smile.

"I've already turned off the fire, so you should thank me."

"Alright, tonight, mom will make more food. Han-Er, go call grandpa and grandma and ask them to come over for dinner tonight. If they don't come, then tell dad to come over tonight." Ruo Han was busy in the kitchen, so she asked her son to call her.

Ruo Han was very obedient, but no one answered the phone again and again. Seeing that there was no one on the line, he called his grandma again, but similarly, he called again and again, but still no one answered.

"It's really strange, Mommy. No one answered Grandma's phone, and no one answered Grandma's phone. Do you want to call again?" Luo Han held the phone in his hand and shouted into the kitchen.

"Then you can call me later, son. Can you help Mommy clean up the table first?" Luo Xue loudly replied from the kitchen.


Luo Xue had done enough, but no one had come. Furthermore, no one had picked up even after two more calls from Ruo Han. Luo Xue felt uneasy in her heart.

Even if her mother had gone out, she should have brought a phone with her. Moreover, she already believed it. If it was during normal times, she would have gone home to cook. Could it be that she went to visit relatives? He looked at the time and saw that he had just gotten off work. He wondered if there was anyone else at his dad's office.

Luo Xue quickly made a call to the office. Luckily, someone still hadn't left. However, the person on the other side of the phone said that her dad didn't go to work today.

This time, Luo Xuexin was even more unable to calm down. Dad, mom's phone calls were not picked up, and there was also no one who answered at home. Also, dad didn't work all day, where did they go? Even if they were going out, even if they were relatives, at least one of them would bring a phone. Suddenly, that heartbroken feeling came over her again. She quickly helped herself to the sofa and sat down.

"Mommy, do you want to go to grandpa and grandma's house to take a look? Han-Er is always feeling flustered today, could it be grandpa and grandma is in trouble?" At this time, Luo Han walked over, sat down next to Luo Xue, and said.

I don't think so. If there's really something, my grandparents will probably call Mommy. Otherwise, I'll call her again later, or my grandpa and grandma will be visiting her home." Luo Xue hugged her son and suddenly felt her entire body turn cold. She really wanted to go back and take a look, but Helian Yi hadn't come back yet.

"Grandmother doesn't even play cards, mommy …" As they were talking, the doorbell rang. Ruo Han immediately ran over to open the door.

"Ah, Daddy... Mommy, Daddy is back. "

When Luo Han opened the door, he saw that it was Helian Xi Chen. He was a little disappointed, and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

"Xi Chen, it's good that you're back. We just called our mother's home and no one answered our phone, so why don't you stay at home with Han'er for now? I …" Is this Mr. Fang? "Take a seat inside. I'll be back soon." When Luo Xue heard her son calling her father, she immediately stood up and shouted as she walked. However, when she saw Fang Ping, she was stunned.

"Xue'er, wait at home. I'll go see my father-in-law. Mother, I'm faster than you." Helian Yi blocked Luo Xue's path. She already had a hard time today. If she continued running over like this, she would only be more tired and his heart would ache for her.

"Alright then, go and come back quickly. I'll cook a few more dishes and we'll be able to eat soon." Then, he seemed to remember something and said, "When you come back, try to take a taxi."

"I know, Fang Ping. Then you take a seat and help me out when you're free. I'll go get my father-in-law and mother-in-law first." Seeing that Luo Xue's hand was still wrapped around it, Helian Yi hesitated, as if she wanted to stay.

"I know, big brother, go busy yourself." Fang Ping nodded. Although he couldn't cook, he could still be an assistant.

Fang Ping was no longer surprised when he saw Helian Haoyu disappear into the sky. He was just a little surprised that Luo Xue was so young. He reached out his hand to Luo Xue and said, "Sister-in-law, hello. I'm Fang Ping for the first time."

"Situ Luoxue, from the looks of it, you should be older than me. You should call me Little Snow." Luo Xue shook her head. She was not even twenty years old yet, so she felt it was strange to be called sister-in-law.

"Alright, Xiao Xue, if you need any help, feel free to tell me." Fang Ping said happily.

"Mommy, he's gone again." Fang Ping and Luo Xue exchanged pleasantries for a long time. When Luo Han just came out of the room and didn't see Helian Chen, his expression immediately changed.

"He's back. Your dad went to pick up your grandpa and grandma. Han-Er, hurry up and greet Uncle Fang." Luo Xue pulled her son and told him to call his Fang Ping, but Luo Han just looked at Fang Ping and didn't have any intention of calling him.

"Mommy, can you not always call me uncle when you see someone?" Ruo Han looked at Fang Ping. First, she used her radar to read his thoughts, then changed to a child's innocent smile and said to Fang Ping, "It's useless. Even if you and my father become sworn brothers, you still won't be able to come to our house."

"Situ Ruo Han …" When Luo Xue heard it, her face instantly went pale as she shouted loudly.

"Mommy, it was originally like this. However, it all depends on his performance. If he performs well, I can consider bringing another person along." She immediately jumped to the door of the bedroom and stood there waving at Fang Ping, "Uncle Fang, let's have a match. If you win, and dad agrees, when we get home, I can consider taking you with me."

"Situ Ruo Han, I forbid you …"

"I know, Mommy. If you don't go now, how are you going to know if this uncle is a bad person? Go and cook. Grandpa, Grandma is coming. You haven't even finished cooking, and that would be embarrassing." As she spoke, she stuck out her tongue and waved at Fang Ping.

"Mr. Fang, then I'll have to trouble you to accompany Ruo Han. I'll be fine in the kitchen by myself." Seeing that her son seemed to accept Fang Ping, Luo Xue finally felt relieved.

"Xiao Xue, then I'll play with my little nephew first. If you need help later, just call me." After receiving the order, Fang Ping immediately followed Luo Xue into the room.

At this time, when he arrived at his father-in-law's house, Helian Xi was completely stunned. To prevent himself from being seen by others, the place where he stayed was his son's guest room.

Helian Xi's heart trembled. She had a bad premonition. She shouted, "Father, Mother!" and rushed into the living room.

The closer they got to the living room, the more bloody it smelled, causing Helian Xi to feel dizzy. He could not feel the scent of the two old men at all, and in this room, there was only the smell of blood and death.

"Dad, Mom …" Helian Yi called out to his parents again, but there was still no response. His legs were trembling, and he did not dare to take another step forward.

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