In the living room, on the sofa, leaning against two old men, Helian Chen rushed forward, his blood red on the marble in front of the sofa.

"Father... Mother, who is it? Who killed you? " Helian Chen shakily stretched out his hand. If he only looked at his face, he would think that the two old men had fallen asleep. However, when he looked at them …

The two old men leaned against the sofa, and Mama Han rested her head on his shoulder. She looked so calm, but Helian Chen knew it was definitely not suicide.

There were no obvious wounds on his father's body, not even his clothes, but his face was pale, as if he had lost too much blood and died.

He had wanted to investigate the investigation, but every kingdom had their own laws. If they broke the evidence, they could let the murderer get away with it. But now, he wanted to tell Xue'er that she would never be able to accept the fact that her father-in-law had died miserably.

He did not know if he should call the police. If he called the police, Xue'er would know. However, if he did not call the police, he could not leave his father-in-law's and mother-in-law's corpses lying there.

He did not believe that his father-in-law and mother-in-law would be confident. There was no indication that they were going to commit suicide. If Han'er had recovered her spiritual power, she might have been able to return to a few hours ago and save her parents. But now, she could only watch helplessly as tragedy befell her.

He had been standing in front of his father-in-law's dead body the whole time. He knew what he was going to do, but he couldn't bear to do it until the phone rang. When his father-in-law's phone rang, the first thing that rang was his father-in-law's phone.

But shall we go back like this? How could he explain this to Xue'er?

Soon after, his mother-in-law's phone rang. Helian Xi knew that she could no longer hesitate here. She had to go back, or else Xue'er would rush over.

When Helian Chen returned home, Luo Xue and the others were all waiting. Seeing that Helian Chen was the only one to appear, Luo Xue was stunned and immediately asked, "Chen, where's Dad, Mom? Aren't they at home? "

Luo Xue's words reminded Helian Yi Chen. He nodded and said, "No. I originally wanted to wait, but I didn't come back. Could it be that I went to visit relatives?"

"I don't think so. Take a seat first, I'll call my relatives and ask them." Hearing Helian Yi say that her parents were not at home, Luo Xue was even more worried. Today, she always felt that something was wrong. She fainted for no reason, and after coming back, she had always been restless. Could it be that something really was going to happen?

Seeing that Luo Xue was calling her relatives one by one, Helian Yi was a bit worried. He advised, "Xue Er, I think we shouldn't call them. Perhaps they are also eating dinner this time. Why don't we delay it a little?"

"Chen Xi, did you really not see your parents?" Luo Xue finally noticed that Helian Chen's face was abnormally pale. She frowned and asked.

Seeing that her father's expression was off, Luo Han used the bed again. When he saw the bloody scene in Helian Chen's mind, he cried out, "Daddy, Grandfather, what happened to Grandmother?"

Hearing his son's scream, Helian Yi Chen knew that he could no longer hide it. She stepped forward and hugged Xue'er in her arms, saying, "Xue'er, promise me that no matter what happens, you must hold on. Remember, Han'er and I will always be by your side."

Seeing that Helian Chen was so serious, Luo Xue's heart sank. She grabbed Helian Chen's arm and said shakily, "Chen, quickly tell me, Father, what happened to Mother? What happened? "

"That's right, big brother, uncle, what's wrong with auntie?" Fang Ping also felt that something was off. Helian Xi's expression did not seem right. He was someone who had remained calm even before Mount Tai had collapsed. How could he suddenly become so heavy?

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, and the others …" They have already... has been killed. " Helian Yi hugged Luo Xue tightly, afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on.

"What did you say?" Luo Xue's expression froze, she grabbed Helian Xi's arm and asked, "Killed? "Impossible, impossible, they were still fine when they left in the morning, this is impossible …"

"What, big brother, what's wrong?" Uncle, did aunty have an accident? " Fang Ping was also astonished. He was originally here to be the godson of two old men, but now ….

"It can't be. I don't believe it. You must have seen wrongly, you must have seen wrongly …" Luo Xue's expression was panicked, both her hands pinching Helian Chen's arm.

"Xue'er, I hope you're wrong, but …"

"No, I don't believe it. Take me with you. Quickly take me with you. You must have seen wrong, it must be …" Losey pushed Helian to wash Chen and told him to take her to see her parents.

"Mommy, I want to go too." Luo Han's small face was in disbelief.

Fang Ping saw that the child's expression was a bit strange, so he went forward to pick him up. He was prepared to follow and see if he could be of any help.

"Xue'er, we … Should we call the police first? " Helian Yi Chen really couldn't bear to see that bloody scene.

"Of course. Before we go, we must first report to the police and try our best to keep the scene intact. Boss, Uncle, Auntie, where are you right now?" Fang Ping was relatively calm. At this time, only he could deal with this situation rationally.

"At home, it's very likely that dad lost too much blood … I looked and there was no wound. Mom... "Mom's situation looks like suicide on the surface, but …"

Just as Helian Yi Chen said the word "suicide", Lanxue pushed him away and shouted at him, "No! My mother would never commit suicide! Impossible!"

"I know, from the looks of it, people would think that we …"

Fang Ping saw that it would be a bit difficult for Helian Chen to deal with Luo Xue, so he decided for him, "Let's call the police first. We can't let the culprit get away scot-free. Try to keep the evidence intact."

"No, I want to see for myself. Quickly, take me there. I don't believe that my dad and mom will be alright. I don't believe that they left in the morning, it's impossible." At this moment, Luo Xue couldn't stop crying. The reason she didn't faint was because she was supported by an unbelieving conviction.

Unless she saw it with her own eyes, she would never believe anything had happened to her parents.

"Let's go by car. If we suddenly show up like this, the police won't be able to explain it, and it could possibly destroy the crime scene." When Fang Ping saw that Helian Chen was about to disappear, he quickly let go of a hand and grabbed his arm.

"Yes, Xue'er, let's go by car." Helian Yi nodded his head. He was afraid that Xue'er would not be able to bear it once she saw her father-in-law's and mother-in-law's deaths in the hall. He hoped that she would calm down after a while.

"Go, let's go quickly …" As she spoke, she staggered towards the door. Helian Chen was so frightened that he quickly stepped forward to support her.

"Big Brother, I think we should call the police first." Fang Ping looked at the unsteady Luo Xue with fear in his eyes. He was truly worried.

"No, perhaps it's not my parents. Chen Xi must have seen wrongly. Their relatives must have …" Luo Xue didn't allow Helian Chen to call the police. Even Fang Ping took out his phone and was stopped by her.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam at the moment, so Luo Xue urged the driver on. After 40 minutes, they finally arrived, but when they arrived, they saw that there were many people surrounding the building as well as several police cars parked there.

"You called the police." Luo Xue glared at Helian Xi with a cold expression.

"No, I definitely didn't. Although I did think about it, I can't hide it from you when I think about calling the police, so I didn't." Helian Yi helped Luo Xue out while Fang Ping quickly paid for the car.

The few of them pulled open the crowd and wanted to go upstairs, but they were stopped by the police. It was only after Fang Ping took out his ID card that they were able to enter.

It turned out that although they were part of a separate organization, they had the ID of an Interpol officer. No wonder it was so easy for Lin Jing to bring Helian Yi Chen to London.

"Xiao Xue, calm down, maybe... Lin Jing, how did you end up like this? " Just as they were about to enter the house, they saw Lin Jing coming out. Fang Ping was shocked.

"Helian, you really came back." Lin Jing, on the other hand, did not seem to see Fang Ping. She only saw Helian Xi. She could not tolerate anything else.

"It's you, isn't it? Did you kill my parents? " When Luo Xue saw Lin Jing, she pulled away Helian Xi. With an excited expression, she stepped forward and grabbed her.

"No. Although I do not like you, I have not reached the degree of killing them. Furthermore, there is no benefit in killing them." Lin Jing grabbed Luo Xue's arm and tried to push her away.

"Let her go, Lin Jing. Don't force me to make a move." Helian Yi stepped forward and said expressionlessly.

"Helian Xi Chen, please find out. She was the one who came up and grabbed me, and now you're blaming me." Lin Jing said innocently.

Although she didn't kill the person, she still had to thank the murderer. Otherwise, how could she have seen Helian Xi Chen so quickly?

"If it was you, I would have cut you into a million pieces." A thought struck Lin Jing's mind. Helian Xi knew what he was thinking, but at this moment, he could not rule out the possibility of Lin Jing killing someone.

Lin Jing already knew that he could read minds, so she was most likely faking it. Moreover, it wasn't fair for her to appear here.

Ruo Han rushed into the house. After hearing her son's crying, Luo Xue abandoned Lin Jing and rushed into the house. Helian Chen hurriedly followed.

"Lin Jing, don't dig your own grave. This time, I really hope Uncle, Auntie's matter has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, no one can save you." Fang Ping looked at Lin Jing. Even he felt that Lin Jing was suspicious, not to mention Luo Xue and Helian Yi.

"Fang Ping, what's with that look in your eyes? Why would I want to kill them?" "If I really wanted to kill them, I wouldn't be here, nor would I call the police. Fang Ping, I really didn't expect you to become Helian Chen's dog. You …"

Lin Jing and Fang Ping had worked with him for many years, and now that they saw him doubting them, they felt extremely wronged in their hearts as they argued.

"Lin Jing, you still dare to say that it wasn't you? Why did you come to see your aunt and uncle? Why did it appear here? " Fang Ping grabbed Lin Jing. At this time, he couldn't help out much by going in, so she could only look for an opening from Lin Jing.

"Fang Ping, what qualifications do you have to interrogate me? Who do you think you are? "I'm happy to be where I am, but what can you do about it?" Lin Jing was agitated by Fang Ping's tone.

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