"You're right. I will indeed die before you do, but Xue'er will definitely die before me, perhaps a few hours earlier." Helian Yi waved his hand and asked for another cup of wine.

He would not let Xue'er face the pain of losing him, so when his life was about to end, he would kill her first. Whether he was selfish or cruel, no matter if he lived or died, he would never leave Xue'er again.

"Impossible, I won't let that happen. I will make Xue'er a member of my demon race." He did not expect Helian Xi Chen to be so selfish.

He understood Helian Xi Chen's intention. He knew that Helian Xi Chen wanted to kill Xue'er before his life ended. With just this, Helian Yi Chen was not qualified to have Xue'er.

Yan Kai, then I will tell you, this is also impossible. Xue'er is my wife, humans have a saying: 'Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog,' since Xue'er is my wife, she is a person of Helian Chen, and she is also a ghost of Helian Chen. We cannot live and die together in the same year, but we can die on the same day in the same year. "When he had finished speaking, Helian Yi put down his cup and got up as if to leave.

"Stop, Helian Xi Chen, don't you act so shamelessly like a child? We agreed that we won't leave until we're drunk, so how can you just leave like that? " Yan Kai said as he poured a cup of wine towards Helian Chen.

He could have avoided it, but he didn't. Instead, he allowed the cup of wine to wash over him.

"It's almost dawn. I have to go back. When Xue'er wakes up, she won't be able to see me, so I'll be worried." Helian Yi was abnormally calm and did not continue to be angry at Yan Kai.

"Take good care of her and leave the matter of capturing the culprit to me. I will definitely bring the culprit to uncle and aunt so that they can rest in peace." Yan Kai said in a muffled voice.

"Thank you, but I still believe that he is not an ordinary person. I will follow suit and definitely not let the killer get away scot-free. I'm leaving. Thank you for your wine. It tastes really good." Helian Yi Chen never turned around. He and Yan Kai were enemies, but not enemies.

If there was no Xue'er, perhaps they would just be pure enemies and not be friends like they were now. People who were too outstanding were destined to never become friends, not to mention that they were of the same sex.

"My King, Snowy's father, has his mother been killed?" Helian Yi said after Chen Hao left.

"Mm, when I went, the police had already carried away the corpse. All I could see was the bloodstains in the room. From what Helian Xi said, the murderer was very cruel. "Suicide, we don't have any leads right now. I checked the building's access information, and there's only one woman that's suspicious, but Helian Yi said that it's not that woman. Lie, do you think Helian Yi changed?"

Yan Kai put down his wine cup and decided to make himself a cup of coffee. Without an opponent, this cup of wine seemed to be bitter in the mouth, not even comparable to coffee.

"My King, Helian Xi Chen knows how to read the mind. Since he said that it's not the case, then it shouldn't be the case. Perhaps it's really as he said, what if it's not done by a human?" Lie Li said from the angle of a bystander.

"Not human, the mouths of the people on Earth are worth five billion, do you think it's easy for us to find non-human beings out of this five billion? Lie, just take us for example. If we had no enmity and grudges, we wouldn't have taken another's life for no reason. Even if we had a relationship with them, we wouldn't have been so merciless. So it wasn't just Helian Xi Chen who couldn't figure it out, even Yan Kai couldn't figure it out.

Be it a human or a demon, even if it was a demon, if there was no enmity between them, they wouldn't take someone's life for no reason. Even if it meant taking a person's life, it was straightforward and efficient. There was no way he could use such a cruel and merciless method.

To die from excessive loss of blood? According to Helian Chen's description, Uncle Han must have died from fear when he was alive. When a person saw his blood seeping out from his body, that fear could not be described with words.

"Your Majesty, I feel that we should not interfere. This matter is originally a matter of the human police." Lie hesitated for a moment before persuading.

"Lie, what happened to you? Although we are demons, when we first came here, who took care of us, who gave us a place to live, who told us to pay attention to these things in this world? Now that they have been harmed, you want me to stand by and watch without doing anything? " Helian Yi scolded Chen Lie in a displeased manner.

"Your Majesty, your subordinate didn't mean that. I believe that if the two elders were alive underground, they wouldn't wish for your Majesty to interfere. This is …"

"Enough. This King must investigate everything thoroughly so that the murderer can be punished as he deserves." Yan Kai slapped the bar counter angrily. Cracks immediately appeared on the solid surface of the bar, making Lie no longer dare to say anything.

Looking at the stubborn king, Lie thought to himself: The king is becoming more and more like a human being, even more emotional than a human being. What should I do?

Yan Kai drank a few more cups of wine. Seeing that Lie did not say anything, he became displeased and raised his head to speak coldly, "Lie, do you have any objections to me?"

"This subordinate would not dare." After all, he was the only one at the king's side right now. If only Qi was there, he would have a good way to persuade the king.

"Don't dare? Do you think This King made a mistake? " Yan Kai's displeasure continued to deepen.

"No, Your Majesty is right. Your subordinate was wrong, but your subordinate thinks that …" Your Majesty, you are the King of the Infernal domain. If someone interferes with our law, what will Your Majesty think? " Lie advised again.

"Lie, I know what you mean, but do you count on those guys? Do you think they'll find out if even Helene says there's no clue? So what if they found out? But they were only locked up for a few years, and then they used all sorts of methods to reduce their sentences to let them out. Do you think they're trustworthy? " Yan Kai sneered. Even though he had only been in the modern world for a short period of time, he still knew about this.

Looking at the king's indignant expression, he couldn't help but lament in his heart. The king was the king of the demon realm, and now he was no different from a human being. What should he do? If he did not return to the Infernal domain, the King would probably turn into a complete human.

"My lord, Helian Xi Chen is the emperor, not a constable. It's normal for him to be unable to investigate a case, but the police in the modern era are different. They have all gone through professional studies before putting on police uniforms, not to mention that the current technology is far more useful than the naked eye. This subordinate feels that my lord should be at ease."

"No, Lie. I know you feel that I'm becoming more and more like a human, but I have to deal with this matter. Once this matter is settled, I will not interfere in human affairs anymore. I must go to the police station now." Yan Kai put down his wine cup. He looked a little drunk.

"Your Majesty, are you planning to go to the police station like this?" Seeing that Yan Kai was about to leave, Lie Lie immediately came out to stop him.

"What's wrong with that? Do you think I should get myself a cop and go with them?" Yan Kai raised his eyebrows. He did not know what to say to this subordinate of his.

Yes, thousands of years, they were indeed like brothers, but now … He felt that Lie was more like a human being than he was. He had learned all the advantages and disadvantages of a human being, and he was also very concerned with using the weaknesses of a human being.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the business, he was clear that Lie was increasing the size of the business. Right now, their assets had already surpassed 9 digits. However, this didn't mean that he had to accept all of his suggestions.

Lie didn't take Yan Kai's mockery to heart. Instead, he was inspired and said happily, "This is a good idea. Your Majesty, please give me some time. Today, I will definitely give you a reasonable status to participate in this case."

"Lie! Please! We are demons! We have our own methods! Now, see whether I am becoming more and more like a human, or you are becoming more and more like a human!" Yan Kai shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he had to help that little demon Ruo Han and quickly leave this world before everyone else went insane.

"Your Majesty, I'm wrong. As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, what's wrong with us using their methods? Your Majesty, please give me some time, I guarantee that Your Majesty will investigate this case fairly." Lie Kai's expression changed as he hurriedly promised.

"We'll talk about it later. I'll go check on Uncle Han and the others first. I'll come back at noon to get my documents." Yan Kai pushed Lie to the side and decided to check for himself.

"Your Majesty, you've drunk so much, please don't …" He wanted to tell the king not to go to the police station after he drank some wine.

Seeing that Yan Kai had left, Lie Lie quickly put down the work in his hands and hurried to find his master's official certificate.

Yan Kai used the information provided by Helian Yi to find the medical examiner's office. Fortunately, he did not work at this time, and the medical examiner worked late last night, so no one came.

However, Yan Kai did not place down a barrier like Helian Chen did, so the security cameras were very clear.

Yan Kai also saw the wound, but he had lived thousands of years longer than Helian Ran. He saw something, but it was lacking in evidence and he was afraid that the murderer would not be found that way.

If his guess was right, the killer should have been killed already, and the way he died should be the same as Uncle Han.

After he had examined the corpses, he did not immediately leave. Instead, he sealed up the bodies of his parents. The two of them had died so miserably, he did not want them to be dismembered again.

"Who is it?" You actually dared to break into the medical examiner's office? "

Yan Kai frowned as he did not expect the medical examiner to be a woman.

"You are the medical examiner. Did you examine the corpses of Han Zhengtao and his wife?" Yan Kai wanted to tell the medical examiner that there was a problem with Han Zhengtao's autopsy report.

"What has it got to do with you? Who the hell are you? Do you know that anyone can come in here? " Although the one who had arrived was not the medical examiner from last night, he was the most famous one in the judiciary, Luo Xiaobie.

Last night, after a forensic examination of the body, Lin came home and decided that there were still a lot of endpoints, so he asked her to come over and help him.

"I'm not some random person. I'm in charge of investigating this murder case. You'd better do something serious. Don't think that you can just write it down just because you have a qualification card." Yan Kai swaggered past the woman as he spoke.

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