"Stop right there, what do you think? "What about ID?" Luo Xiaobie said in a low voice. What she couldn't accept was that this man wasn't even looking at her.

No matter what, she was still a middle-class beauty. Yet, this man didn't even bother to look at her. She could forgive him for barging into the studio, but she couldn't accept being ignored by him.

Yan Kai ignored him. Once again, Luo Xiaobie who had been disregarded by Chu Feng was enraged. He turned around and began to charge toward Yan Kai with his long legs.

Yan Kai did not expect this woman to be so aggressive. Sensing the danger behind her, he immediately squatted down. Seeing that he had dodged her attack, Luo Xiao Bei's attack became faster and his movements became sharper.

"Women are more lovable when it comes to gentleness." Yan Kai said indifferently as he held her ankle with one hand.

"Who the hell are you? I know most of the police in the city's Criminal Investigation Department, and I've never seen you before. " With his feet in someone else's hands, Luo Xiaobie didn't panic and continued to ask.

It wasn't that she didn't believe it, but that it was impossible. Public officials had strict requirements, and she had never seen a male police officer with hair longer than a woman's.

Her bright black hair made even her as a woman jealous. It was because her hair quality wasn't that good that her hair was dyed, but this man's hair was actually much better than hers. It was too unreasonable.

"Just do your own thing. As a medical examiner, you can't even write the autopsy report. You should be dismissed." Yan Kai grabbed Luo Xiaobie's ankle and pushed him backward. Then, he took advantage of Luo Xiaobie's unstable position and quickly left.

"Dammit. You actually dare to tease me." Luo Xiaobie was annoyed. He didn't expect that the man would run away. However, it didn't matter. If he was really a cop, they would definitely meet again.

After Yan Kai came out, he immediately returned to the store. He had originally wanted to ask about the matter regarding Lie Ming's identity card. However, he did not expect Lie Li to be absent.

After finding something to eat in the fridge and seeing that it was still early, he decided to go back to bed.

At this time, at Luo Xue's house, Fang Ping was preparing breakfast. Luo Xue and Han-Er still hadn't woken up, so after Helian Chen came back, he was in a daze on the sofa.

"Boss, I'm sorry. My cooking skills are limited. Please order breakfast." As he spoke, Fang Ping placed the bowl of egg noodles in the hands of Helian Xi Chen.

"Thank you, Fang Ping. Can you get into the police system? I wonder if such a case has ever happened before? " Helian Xi took the bowl and placed it on the coffee table in front of her.

"Boss, don't worry. I'll accompany you to the police station to investigate in the morning. It shouldn't be a big problem." After you came back, you didn't say anything. As he spoke, Fang Ping sat down beside Helian Xi Chen.

Yesterday, because he had too many things to do, he didn't have the time to check the police report. All he saw was that his mother had a knife stuck in her stomach.

"Did you see the blood in the living room yesterday? When a person's blood shines, that's how it should look. However, if it's just a small wound, using a straw to slowly drain the blood, that isn't something an ordinary criminal can think of. Furthermore … "Father-in-law has a different aura. It's different from a human's aura …" said Helene, lost in thought again.

"Didn't you struggle? There are no other wounds or bruises on your body? " Fang Ping also felt it was inconceivable, but he could only analyze it from a human's point of view.

"No, not only that. From a human's point of view, there are many things that don't make sense. Originally, when we returned to the scene, we might have discovered something, but now …" Helian Yi sighed. At that time, he had lost some of his rationality and had actually destroyed the scene.

"What did you say? Not human? " Helian Xi was analyzing with Fang Ping, but she didn't expect Luo Xue who had just woken up to hear it.

"Xue'er, you're awake. Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?" Seeing that Luo Xue was behind him, Helian Xi hurriedly stood up and supported him.

"Xi Chen, you tell me, who killed my father, my mother." After Luo Xue slept for a while, she had calmed down a lot. At the very least, she had already accepted the fact that her parents had been murdered.

"Xue'er, believe me, I will definitely find out the truth. I will definitely avenge my parents!" Helian Yi helped Luo Xue to sit down, then she handed the bowl of noodles to Luo Xue.

Luo Xue pushed the noodles away and the noodles almost spilled out of the bowl. Luckily, Helian Chen was bathed fast enough, so Luo Xue scolded angrily: "You don't even know how to avenge your murderer? Wiping the hair, tell me, is it a human or a monster? "

"Xiao Xue, since it's a murder case, how can we find the culprit so quickly? Give us some time, big brother, and give the police some time. We will definitely find the culprit and avenge our uncle and aunt."

"Xue'er, I'm sorry. Although I went to investigate, but …" Helian Xi Chen didn't want to let Losey know that his father-in-law had died so miserably, so he stopped.

"No, I'm going to save my parents. Han-Er, as long as Han-Er takes us …" As Luo Xue spoke, she wanted to find her son.

"Xue'er, calm down. Han'er has not recovered her spiritual energy. Aren't you forcing her to do this?" Helian Xi Chen grabbed Xue'er. He could understand Luo Xue's feelings, but at this time, he couldn't not worry about his son's safety.

The deceased were already dead, so they couldn't change the fate of others. They would be punished if they did so. The child was still young, so they shouldn't bear such consequences.

"It's already been two months and Han'er has already recovered quite a bit. It's not like we have to go back, it's just that we can definitely go back to yesterday." Luo Xue didn't know that her son's superpower wasn't something that could be used anytime soon. Right now, all she wanted to do was to see her real parents.

Helian Yi could not persuade her, and could only say, "Xue'er, the murder case has already happened. We can't change it, unless you want to use Han'er's life to exchange for your father-in-law's life."

Fang Ping listened carefully, not understanding what this had to do with the children, so he did not speak. It was only when Helian Chen said it that he knew, and only then did he understand the true meaning behind what Luo Han had said to him last night.

"What do you mean? What does the cold have to do with my father and mother? " Luo Xue didn't know that her son's superpower was no longer something that could be used as he pleased. She would only feel that something wasn't right when she heard Helian Xi say that her son's life could only be exchanged for her father's.

"Xue'er, Han'er's abilities were abnormal the last time you were kidnapped. Otherwise, how could we have delayed it so long to save you?" Han'er had heard a voice telling him that this ability to traverse space and time was not to be casually used. He had to be careful, or else it would only … It will only harm Han-Er. " Helian Yi said bitterly.

If he could, he would have done so earlier, but his son and the two elders could not be determined by numbers. He believed that if the two old men were aware of this, they wouldn't want their beloved grandson to do such a thing.

"Impossible …" "It's not true. It can't be. I'm going to ask Han-Er. I don't believe it, I don't believe it …" Luo Xue shook her head and got up to ask Luo Han. Helian Chen held her tightly, not wanting her to disturb the children.

"This is true. Otherwise, how could I not let Han'er save his parents?" I know that your father-in-law is the person closest to you in this world, but your son is also the same. Han'er, I promise you, I will definitely catch the culprit and give them ten times, or even a hundred times the punishment. " Helian Yi carried the crying Loxue in his arms.

Fang Ping didn't even dare to breathe. At this moment, he finally understood why his family would come here.

"Mommy, I can try. Even if I can't save grandpa, grandma, at least we can see the killer." It turned out that Luo Xue had already opened the door to her son's room. Her crying woke the child up.

"Han'er, no …" "Don't..." As she looked at her son, she believed that Helian Yi Chen had spoken. The fear of losing her son instantly enveloped her, and she quickly pulled him into her embrace, "No, Han-er, no matter what, don't do this. Mommy has already lost her father, Mommy, I can't leave you behind. Han-Er, I can't." Luo Xue cried as she hugged him, as if she wanted to rub her son into her own body.

"Big Brother, Little Snow, don't be too sad, no one can really live forever, it's just something that will happen sooner or later. If you really want to find the culprit, then you better keep your spirits up. I'm on vacation right now, we can investigate together." When Fang Ping saw that Helian Chen was holding onto his family, crying and feeling pain, he did not know what he could do, so he tried to persuade her.

"Yes, Xue'er, Fang Ping has experience in this area. With his help, we can definitely catch the killer as soon as possible." Helian Yi held his wife and children. Yesterday, after seeing the corpses of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he suddenly felt scared. So, human lives were actually so fragile.

He and his son were still okay because they had the blood of a demon in them, and with their special abilities, it wouldn't be that easy for something to happen to them. On the other hand, Xue'er was very scared, and he urgently wanted to return to his world.

"Xi Chen, I want to go to the police station. I can't save my parents, so the only thing I can do now is to help the police catch the murderer as soon as possible, so that my parents can rest in peace." Luo Xue dried her eyes and decided to turn her grief into strength. She wanted to find out who had harmed her parents.

"Alright, Xue'er, seeing you like this, I feel a bit more at ease. Yesterday, you and Han-Er scared me to death." Helian's face was no longer stiff, and his expression relaxed.

"Han-Er and I will go wash up. Wait for us for a while." Losey sniffed. Now, she could feel the love in Helian Chen, and his panic and uneasiness.

"Alright, let's go out for a meal first and then go to the police station." Helian Yi nodded, his face full of tenderness and doting.

"Big Brother, I … I will protect Little Cold well. In this world, I will definitely protect a good person and prevent him from getting hurt in any way. " Fang Ping wanted to say something, but after opening his mouth for a long time, he suddenly said a promise.

"Fang Ping, thank you. Being able to get to know you and make you my friend is my greatest gain from coming to this world." Helian Yi was surprised and touched Fang Ping's shoulder gratefully.

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