After Luo Xue and Luo Han washed up, Helian Xi and the others prepared to go out to eat. However, when they were waiting for the elevator, an unexpected guest arrived.

"What are you doing here?" As soon as he saw Lin Jing, Fang Ping immediately stood in front of Helian Xi and Chen family.

"I know you don't welcome me, I just said a few words and left. This is before the incident with Han Zhengtao and his wife, all the surveillance cameras in the building. I think you must be interested to see it, there are some things that ordinary people might not understand, I believe Helian will understand."

Lin Jing raised the bag in her hand so that Fang Ping and the others could see.

"Helian, what do you think?" Fang Ping looked at the bag and looked back at Helian Chen.

"You father and son both know Mind Reading, so you should be able to tell that I don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to help you. Although I didn't kill them, I did find them before they were killed." Lin Jing looked straight at Helian Xi. In front of someone who could read the minds of others, any disguise was unnecessary.

"F * ck off, it's all because of you. After you appeared, something happened to my dad and mom. F * ck off!" Luo Xue couldn't stay calm when she saw Lin Jing. It was fine if this woman didn't say anything, but once she said it, she couldn't help but associate her parents' deaths with her.

Because of her appearance that morning, Dad didn't go to work. Not only that, she also followed him to his parents' house, and she didn't forget that this woman also had special abilities. Why couldn't she have killed him?

So what if she had Mind Reading? As long as she knew how to disguise herself, she could still trick Xi Chen and her son. It wasn't like she hadn't tried that out before.

"Mommy …" Luo Han saw that Mommy's hair was flying in the air, so he immediately pulled on her hand.

"Leave your things behind. You can leave now." Helian Yi knew that Luo Xue was unhappy, but so far, Lin Jing was the most suspicious one. However, he really didn't see Lin Jing lying. If she could really deceive Han'er and him, then that woman would be too scary.

"Lin Jing, if this really has nothing to do with you, you should leave the city as soon as possible. If this is something that you did, I advise you to turn yourself in as soon as possible." Fang Ping took the bag and faced Lin Jing.

"I know that no matter how much I say, you all will not believe me. I will definitely find the culprit and return my innocence." Lin Jing looked at Helian Xi and said with a sorrowful expression, "Helian, I know that I am a little unscrupulous when it comes to doing things, but I will not kill them. Killing them will only bring me hundreds of benefits without any harm. And then I left... " Ever since she found out that Han Zhengtao and his wife had died at home yesterday, Lin Jing had been under a lot of pressure.

She knew that all the accusations were directed at her, and even the police were suspicious of her. If it wasn't for her identity, she was afraid that she would be under surveillance as a suspect.

"You can leave. I've said it before, I don't want to see you again." The moment he saw Lin Jing, he thought of himself. If it wasn't for him, he would have gone straight home that day, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law might not have been killed. When he thought of this, he blamed himself even more and swore to catch the real culprit as soon as possible.

"As soon as I have any leads, I will immediately contact you. I'm sorry, I've disturbed you." Lin Jing knew that she was not welcome. Under Luo Xue's angry gaze, she entered the elevator.

But Helian bathed Chen and the others, and returned home with the tape she had brought.

Because of the time, they could only eat instant noodles. Fang Ping had a few bowls of noodles while Luo Xue started to play the tape.

From that morning, his parents got off the car all the way to Lin Jing entering the building. From Lin Jing entering the building, stepping out of the elevator, walking towards the Han Family, there had been 42 minutes. During that long period of time, no one believed that Lin Jing hadn't done anything.

Everyone was silent. No one said that it was definitely Lin Jing, and no one said that she was the culprit.

But indeed, ever since Lin Jing went to the Han Family, no one else entered the Han Family. Until that night, when Helian Chen came home, Lin Jing's pale face could be seen on the surveillance camera.

"Big Brother, did you notice anything abnormal?" They watched the tape from beginning to end, but they didn't see it.

Helian Chen shook his head. He did not expect the woman to play with him like this. He stared at the screen gloomily.

Unexpectedly, Fang Ping's phone rang. As soon as he saw that it was Lin Jing, he immediately picked it up. As he listened to the phone, he took the remote control from Helian Chen's hands.

"What did she say?" Seeing that Fang Ping had hung up, Luo Xue asked him, because she had gone to change the tape.

"Lin Jing said that there was something abnormal after she left the Han Family. She didn't ask her and just told us to watch carefully." Fang Ping said as he reeled.

"Stop …" Luo Xue suddenly shouted.

Fang Ping quickly pressed the pause button, but there was nothing on the screen other than an empty corridor.

"Pull back a little." As she spoke, she took the remote control.

"Xue'er, is there anything?" Helian Yi stared intently at the screen. He did not see anything unusual. What exactly did Luo Xue see?

"There is. Chen Chen, look at the wall …" Luo Xue pointed at the screen. From the outside, it didn't seem like anything, but on the wall, on the wall, there was actually … There were actually traces.

"From that height, if he flew parallel to it, then his height should be … between 175 and 180 centimeters. " Fang Ping analyzed with his professional eyes.

"There's really someone here, but why can't I see them?" Luo Xue was almost glued to the TV, but she couldn't see anyone at all. Moreover … The door was not open.

"Big brother, let's go take a look. Maybe we can find some clues." Fang Ping stood up and decided to visit the Han Family again.

"Let's take another look and maybe see something else." As Helian Yi said this, she asked Luo Xue to play the video at a normal speed. However, she didn't see even a single tape after it was broadcast.

"Xue'er, you and Han-Er stay at home, Fang Ping and I will go take a look." Helian Chen stood up, expecting Xue'er to follow him. He didn't expect that Luo Xue wouldn't even look at him.

"Daddy, can I come with you?" Luo Xue's eyes were only focused on the screen, she didn't hear Helian Xi's words at all. It was so cold that it seemed like she really wanted to go.

"Han-Er, come. Daddy will go with Uncle Fang to catch those bad guys. Help daddy take care of Mommy. Remember, don't open the door for anyone." Helian Yi looked down at his wife. Seeing that she was still focused on the tape, he did not say anything.

He was afraid that if he went too late, he would not be able to find any clues. In truth, Helian Xi Chen's words were a little unnecessary. If the culprit was really that powerful, then what was the use of a mere door.

Helian Yi and Fang Ping took a taxi to the Han house. There were less police than last night, but they were all in the house.

"Big brother, this room …" Fang Ping entered the house and looked at the messy surroundings. He turned around to look at Helian Chen behind him and sighed.

No wonder Big Bro's complexion looked so bad when he returned this morning. So that's how it is, but with such destructive power, other than Big Bro, no one else would have such destructive power.

"I was so angry that I fainted. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have lost my mind." Helian Yi Chen knew what Fang Ping was thinking and felt a little embarrassed.

"Big brother, come over and take a look …" Fang Ping looked at Helian with determination, beckoning him over. He also found something unusual on the wall in the room, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it was just a wall.

Helian Xi came to Fang Ping's side and placed her hand on the wall, as if she was trying to sense something. The policemen in the room also left one after another.

"Big Brother, what did you see?" Although Fang Ping saw that Helian Chen's face didn't change, there was sweat on his forehead. He was sure that he had found something.

"Fang Ping, go to my house first. Remember what you said, you must protect Han'er. Before I go back, you must protect them." Helian Yi said and disappeared, leaving a confused Fang Ping not knowing what had happened.

But since the boss said so, there must be something going on. He didn't dare to delay any longer and rushed downstairs to get a taxi.

Helian Yi seemed to have gone crazy as he came to Yan Kai's nightclub again. It was noon, and there wasn't a single soul in the shop.

"Yan Kai, Yan Kai …" Helian Yi Chen was shouting in the shop, but no one was around even after he had searched the entire nightclub.

"Damn it, where did he run off to? Yan Kai, you bastard, where did you go?" Helian Yi, annoyed, shouted into the empty room.

"Helian Xi Chen, are you looking for the king? Did he go out on some business? " Finally, a person came out of the shop. No, it should be a demon.

"Lie, where's Yan Kai? What do I need from him? " Helian Yi said unhappily.

Previously, Lie had a very good attitude, especially in Renault. He hadn't thought that he would become so cold and indifferent right now.

"The king has gone to work. I will tell him if Helian Chen doesn't wait for the king to come back." Lie looked at it.

"No, call him. Call him now."

"Helian Xi Chen, what is it, must you call the king?" Lie was puzzled as well. What's wrong with Helian Xi?

"You … Lie, you have also fought against monsters before, you can come with me as well. " As he spoke, Helian Yi dragged Lie away.

"Helian, what is going on? Why is it so urgent?" Lie looked around and exclaimed, "Isn't this Uncle Han's house?"

"Yes, just last night, I won't talk about the details. Can you help me look at what's different in this room?" Helene asked, holding up the marks on the wall.

"Different? Helian Xi Chen, what exactly is there? I'm not very good at guessing riddles. " He knew that Helian Yi Chen wanted to catch the murderer as soon as possible. Just like the King, these two people were becoming more and more crazy.

"Can you help me see if this room has the aura of a demon or a devil?" Helian Chen pointed to the indistinct marks on the wall.

Hearing Helian Yi's words, Lie Lie was stunned. He could not believe what he had just heard. "You suspect that Uncle Han and the rest were killed by the beast race?"

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