Helian Xi Chen had set up a barrier outside the house this time. The police would not come back anyway, but he did not want anyone to see them.

"I don't know, I'm only starting to suspect. Father-in-law's death was too tragic, and the murderer was too cruel. My intuition told me that it wasn't human, and there was no evidence, nor was there any suspicious person." He came back to the remaining sofa.

When his hand touched the sofa, his body trembled as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Helian, what happened to you?" Li Jun was so shocked that she quickly came over to help him up.

"No, that's impossible." Helian Chen's expression changed drastically as he softly muttered.

"What's impossible? What happened to the sofa?" With a puzzled expression, Lie looked at the sofa and didn't quite believe what he saw. He walked forward and placed his hand on the arm of the sofa.

"This aura? Impossible, it cannot be the King's. " Lie's face turned even uglier. He trembled as he retreated a few steps.

"What?" Yan Kai, you said earlier that it could not be Yan Kai, what did you sense? " Helian Yi stared angrily.

"Helian Yi Chen, don't spout nonsense. Uncle Han was killed, and the king is more nervous than you. In order to find the culprit, the king even went to become a police officer, it can't be the king." Lie stabilized his mind and said.

"Did you sense Yan Kai's aura?" Helian Yi Chen said dejectedly. If it was Yan Kai's aura, then it would be nothing. Last night, he and Yan Kai fought intensely here, so it was normal for them to stay.

"Helian Xi Chen, you think too much. Did you and the king come here last night?" Seeing Helian Yi Chen's dejected expression, Lie immediately understood. No wonder they went back to drink together in the morning.

"But what about the traces on the monitor?" Helian Yi was in a rather sorry state. He was too impatient to ignore Yan Kai. He already had the physique of a half demon so it was normal for him to have demonic aura in this room. The reason why Lie was able to sense the aura of the devil was also because of Yan Kai. It was wrong, it was wrong.

"Helian, you and your highness are thinking too much. This is the human world, even if a human is killed, it must be related to a human. Don't use the thoughts of our world. There are no demons, no demons, only humans." He looked at Helian Chen with intense sympathy. If the murderer was still unable to be caught, the King and Helian Chen would probably go crazy. Sigh, what kind of calamity was this?

"What about the vampire? "Lie! I believe that there are not only people in this world. There must be other beasts as well. It's just that they are too well-hidden. Perhaps this incident is a provocation to us?" Helian Yi stared at Lie Lie and suddenly thought of another possibility. It was a provocation of the same kind.

"What you're talking about now is only your guess, you have to talk about evidence. It's the same not only in this world, but in our world as well. Don't make any more mistakes for the mistakes you committed against Little Snow and her son." Lie shook his head and reminded Helian Chen.

Helian Yi was embarrassed by Lie's words. With a face full of green and red, she pointed at him and said angrily, "Enough! I didn't come here to teach you a lesson. I will definitely find the killer."

Lie Lie sighed as he looked at Helian Yi Chen and said meaningfully, "Alright, I'll be leaving now. Since we can't revive the dead, we should hand over the matter of capturing the culprit to the police. I think the most important thing right now is to help Ruo Han recover so we can go back as soon as possible, otherwise, if this goes on, I'm afraid both you and the King will …" "I'm crippled."

"Scram …" Helian Yi Chen opened the barrier and shouted to Lie.

"Sigh …" This is indeed an era of demons and devils. The people here are not like humans, monsters are not like monsters, and even the Infernal King is no longer like a demon. " Lie sighed and left with infinite worry.

Helian Yi did not leave, but sat down on the sofa instead. If he could not find the murderer, Xue'er's smile would not return. If he could not find the murderer, his father-in-law, his mother-in-law, would not be able to rest in peace.

After Lie left the Han Family, he came to the police station. However, when he arrived at the door of the police station, he only stood there for a moment before he left.

It wasn't easy for him to get hold of a proper police witness. Of course, it couldn't be someone from this city. Otherwise, it would be easy for people to suspect him and even expose him.

Yan Kai did not take that criminal investigation certificate seriously. In any case, it was just for convenience's sake. However, Lie Lie repeatedly declared that it was real, so he hurried over to verify it.

When he came to the entrance of the city police station, Yan Kai had indeed been stopped at first, but when he took out his ID, the man did not say anything and only stared at his head. When Yan Kai came to the entrance of the city police station, Yan Kai had indeed been stopped at first, but when he took out his ID, the man did not say anything and only stared at his head.

"Hello, Officer Yan. Our Chief Lin is waiting for you." Hearing the words of the police, Yan Kai was stunned. He had thought that those were merely documents. Who would have thought that the Arcane Art would be so impressive.

Yan Kai followed his' colleague 'and arrived at Chief Lin's office.

"Hello, Bureau Chief Lin. I'm Yan Kai from C City." Yan Kai was a little taken aback by this encounter with the so-called bureau chief. He only remembered that Lie seemed to have mentioned C City before, but he had not listened to anything else.

"Hello, Comrade Yan Kai. Hello. Your Director Fang has called in the morning. We are also very pained about your uncle and aunt. We sincerely apologize here." Although we have the policy of evading, as Han Zhengtao's nephew, I can understand your desire to do something for your family. However, this case is still under the responsibility of Captain Wang Hai, so you can only join this investigation team. "Can you put it in your hat? You know we cops have to have the image of a cop too, a man..."

After hearing what Bureau Chief Lin said, Yan Kai felt a bit dizzy. However, that was not important. As long as he could investigate Uncle Han's case with a legitimate identity, that would be enough.

"Over there, over there. I'm already very grateful to Director Lin for allowing me to join. I'll definitely find the culprit as soon as possible to comfort uncle and aunt's souls." Yan Kai said with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao Fang, ask Wang Hai to come to me." When Director Lin saw Yan Kai's sorrowful expression, his nose turned sour. He picked up the phone and called for Captain Wang Hai, who was in charge of this case, to come over quickly.

"Director Lin, there's no need to trouble the captain. I'll just report to the captain." Yan Kai laughed out loud.

"Alright, then let Little Liu take you to the Criminal Investigation Department." Director Lin nodded, seemingly quite satisfied with Yan Kai's performance.

Yan Kai enjoyed his day quite a lot, and soon he became involved with his new colleagues in the police station. However, the investigation had not started yet, because he went to the scene late, and the crime scene last night was destroyed by him and Helian Yi.

According to tradition, when he had just arrived, he should have at least gotten an audience. However, Yan Kai had refused him. Firstly, he did not like going crazy in a place with many people. Secondly, he was not in the mood to do so.

However, he promised to buy everyone a drink as soon as the case was solved.

After getting off work, Yan Kai wanted to investigate the case privately, but he was coaxed back by Lie's call.

"F * ck, do you know that you've ruined Ben Wang's plans? Originally, everyone was going to welcome me tonight. Your call made me feel quite awkward." Yan Kai said deliberately.

"Your Majesty, you definitely didn't expect that someone would come looking for you today." Lie just smiled and pretended to be mysterious.

"Could it be snow?" The first person that Yan Kai thought of upon hearing Lie's words was definitely someone he would never think of, was Luo Xue.

"Ah, my king, other than Snowy, can you think of anyone else?" Lie Bai sighed helplessly.

"Nonsense, men only call themselves the Heavenly Classic and Earthly Mirror when they miss women. Could it be that you've learnt the bad habit of this place and your taste has become stronger?" Yan Kai knew what Lie was worried about, but he still said it purposefully.

"This subordinate can't say it, but your majesty, let's not talk about this. At noon today, Helian Chen came to find you in a hurry, and then brought his subordinate to Uncle Han's house. Over there, we discovered some unusual auras. Your Majesty, do you want to go and take a look?" Lie's expression was solemn.

"An unusual aura? What aura is this? " When Yan Kai heard that they had arrived at the Han Family, he immediately replied in a serious manner.

"Your Majesty, it might be because you and Helian Xi Chen have been there before. Your subordinate is not too sure, so I hope that Your Majesty can make another trip." Lie's expression was grim.

"F * ck, what exactly is there? Why not say it out loud and save This King the trouble of making this trip. You know, working here is really tiring, so it's not suitable for This King." Yan Kai knocked on the table. He did not seem like he wanted to move at all.

"Your Majesty, if you want to find out who killed Uncle Han and the others, then you must make a trip here." Lie very seriously replied.

"Do you have any leads?" It was not that Yan Kai did not believe Lie, but he had gone there last night and did not sense anything. Thus, he did not wish to go there at this moment.

"Yes, otherwise Helian Yi Chen would not have come looking for you so late in the afternoon. Your majesty, please trust this subordinate. Your trip here is definitely worth it." In order to move Yan Kai, Lie promised again and again.

"Alright, then This King will make a trip. I hope it's worth it."

Yan Kai was moved by his words, and the master and servant went back to the Han Family. Although they had cleaned up the place before, the room was still filled with the thick smell of blood, as if it couldn't be dispersed.

"Your Majesty, aside from our auras, have you felt any other auras?" In the darkness, seeing that the king had not spoken, Lie asked.

In the darkness, his sense of smell seemed to be much sharper than before. It was just that, like what Lie said, he was not too sure. Thus, he did not say anything and only moved a little towards the direction of the sofa.

"This King has forgotten this aura. Lie, what do you think?" Yan Kai found it difficult to conceal his excitement from his voice. It seemed that he had truly discovered something.

"If Your Majesty has truly forgotten about it, it means that Your Majesty has already forgotten that he is the supreme ruler of the demon realm … The Infernal King. " Lie took over Yan Kai's words and said.

They were born in the Infernal domain, and had lived there for thousands of years. If they were to forget about this aura, it meant that they were no longer demons.

"But that's impossible, we came here because of Ruo Han, and at that time, other than the few of us, there shouldn't be anyone else, right?" Although Yan Kai was not as intense as Helian Xi Chen at noon, their thoughts were the same, both of them said it was impossible.

"This is what I don't understand. Helian Xi seems to have made a different discovery from us. Therefore, I'm thinking, could it be that we're joining hands with people from the Illusory Realm, or maybe it's just Jiuyu?" Lie guessed boldly.

"They allied with the people of the Illusory Realm? Lie, that's impossible. We are here, and if Qi Qi comes, then our demon realm is very weak right now. Yan Kai's expression changed greatly. He did not dare to accept Lie Lie's bold guess.

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