"Yan Kai, what exactly happened? Can you tell your colleagues about it?" Wang Hai emphasized the word "colleague" when he said it.

"There is nothing to say. In this world, there are many people with special abilities, and I am one of them, but the murderer might not be someone with special abilities. If you trust her, then you can listen to her analysis." Had it been Yan Kai's previous temper, he would not have bothered with everyone's words. However, at this moment, he did not want to be enemies with the police. He did not have the time and energy to do so.

Yan Kai was about to leave, but Luo Xiao Bei grabbed his arm.

"Woman, let me go." Other than when he was in love with a woman, he would never allow a woman to touch him.

"No, you have to say it clearly. Was it you who was at the studio the night before yesterday?" Luo Xiaobie was stunned by Yan Kai's sudden aura. However, she did not loosen her grip.

"No, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude." At this moment, Yan Kai was like a cold air machine. The temperature in the meeting room had dropped by at least ten degrees. Even the policemen did not know why he suddenly became so angry.

"But other than you, I can't think of anyone else. I saw the surveillance the night before yesterday. Forensic Lin and his assistant Xiaolei originally didn't find Han Zhengtao's death, but after they went out for supper …"

"A long-winded woman." He didn't need Luo Xiaobie to tell him that Yan Kai knew who he was, but he didn't want to say it or hear it.

Hearing Luo Xiaobie's scream, Yan Kai realized what he had done and could not explain it further.

"Yan Kai, what are you doing?" The captain was after all the captain. He was the first to wake up and shout at Yan Kai.

Of course, the main reason was that Yan Kai did not plan to run away. He seriously looked at the elite police force in the room. It wasn't because he wanted to despise them, but because they really could not solve this case.

"I didn't do anything, it was just my instinct. Captain Wang, forgive me for not wanting to sit here and listen to the report. To me, catching the culprit is the proper thing to do." Yan Kai looked straight at Wang Hai. This was the most courteous time for him in the past thousands of years.

"Yan Kai, there is an element in Han Zhengtao's body that has never been there before. That is the real reason why he died. With that thing in his body, his blood will not congeal and he will die from excessive blood loss." Luo Xiaobie finally managed to stand up with the help of the table. With this fall, she knew it would take her some time to recover.

"What is it?" Yan Kai, who was about to leave, was completely attracted by Luo Xiaobie's words.

"That's why I'm here, but I want you to apologize for what you did." Luo Xiaobie clenched his teeth. She would never say anything unless she heard the man's apology.

"My apologies, Luo Xiaobie. You're dreaming. I don't need to read your report." The corners of Yan Kai's mouth curled up as he smiled mockingly at Luo Xiaobie. He then turned around and left.

Upon hearing this, Yan Kai felt even more uneasy. All the evidence was pointing towards the non-humans. He had to make the best use of his time and find the killer before Helian Yi found out about it.

"Yan Kai, quickly, go and chase him back." Captain Wang said angrily.

"It's useless. If he wants to leave, no one can stop him." Luo Xiaobie kicked away the high heels on his feet and gave a wry smile.

Yesterday morning, after Yan Kai left, she specially went to check on the surveillance camera, but he did not expect to see Yan Kai entering without opening the door, the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

She was an atheist and did not believe in ghosts, but what had happened in the autopsy room was inexplicable, and she wondered if the deceased had died of something else.

Just when she wanted to dissect Han Zhengtao's body, something unexpected happened. The scalpel couldn't dissect it. On the surface, the corpse looked unchanged, but the scalpel was impenetrable and the scalpel couldn't cut through the skin. It was like … It was like a funny dream.

She even tried to burn it with fire, but to no avail. This series of events had provoked her, so she had to reinvestigate from another angle. This was the reason why she was able to find out the true cause of death.

Recalling all the strange things that had happened yesterday, Luo Xiaobie felt that Yan Kai could not escape from all these. Yet, he had actually run away now. She must have been running away out of guilt.

"Physician Luo, can you explain to us what the so-called new elements are?"

Wang Hai stood at the side and looked at Luo Xiaobie with a puzzled face. She didn't react when he tried to call her.

Therefore, Wang Hai called him a second time, "Forensic Doctor Luo, can you please explain what the so-called new elements are?"

Just as if they had lost their hearing, Luo Xiaobie did not hear them and was waiting for the meeting. All the policemen looked at Xiao Zhen in shock.

When so many eyes were focused on her, she finally woke up from her memories.

"Sorry, I'm thinking about something. Sorry, I think this case really can't be explained with normal thinking. Captain Wang, if you trust me, can I handle this case with Yan Kai?" Luo Xiaozhen looked at the police officer sitting below and asked Wang Hai for his permission.

It wasn't that she looked down on the police, but that she didn't want to scare people or cause social unrest.

"Forensic doctor Luo, I don't know what Yan Kai did, but I think it must have been done by someone, I don't know if anyone noticed the recent news, but on Weibo, we saw that 'Brother Kung Fu' appeared in the hospital all of a sudden, and he was able to shatter a wooden desk with one kick. There were rumors on the internet that one of them was a kung fu class, and since there was indeed such a person in the air, then everything would be normal once Han Zhengtao was killed."

One of the policemen took out his cell phone and walked to Wang Hai's side.

"Captain Wang, if the culprit has kung fu skills that fluctuate between high and low, like Bro Wu, then killing someone wouldn't be a difficult thing."

"Thank you for all the news, but I think the first thing we need to know is whether the murderer is human or not. "To be honest, ever since I saw the studio's surveillance cameras, I've been thinking about a question. Is there really a ghost in this world?" Luo Xiaobie did not explain anymore. She felt that she really had a lot of work to do.

If what Yan Kai said was true, then Yu Meifeng's death still needed further investigation. But now that Yan Kai had left, where would she go find him?

"Examiner Luo, I remember you saying that you're an atheist. Have you changed now?" Wang Hai looked at Luo Xiaobie in astonishment. After a long while, he smiled coyly.

"I haven't changed my mind. I just feel that we lack very important evidence. The evidence we have now is too weak. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yan Kai to leave just like that." Luo Xiaobie shook his head. Yan Kai's departure was a taunt to him. No matter what, she must investigate thoroughly. However … She did not understand why he could not move the corpse, nor why he could not dissect it. There was only a limited amount of work that he could do.

"I will be in charge of this case. Yan Kai is here because he is Han Zhengtao's nephew, so you don't need to bother with him. You just need to explain your autopsy report to me." Wang Hai was obviously displeased.

Luo Xiaobie's words had hurt his male pride. He was in charge of this case, but there was only Yan Kai in his eyes.

"Isn't the autopsy report in your possession? If you find it useful, use it first. I'll find out more about the cause of death. " As Luo Xiaobie was about to leave, Wang Hai didn't know how to stop her. He could only watch as she left.

"Captain Wang, don't you think that the conversation between Doctor Luo and Yan Kai is very strange?" After Luo Xiaobie left, the team member reminded Wang Hai.

Wang Hai looked at the autopsy report with a sullen face, "I don't need you to remind me. Xiao Liu, immediately pass Yan Kai's information to me, I suspect that he is not Han Zhengtao's nephew."

Luo Xiaobie wanted to talk to Yan Kai. However, she did not know where he was, nor did she know where he lived, so she could only return to his office. However, she could not do anything while facing the corpse.

The more she thought about it, the more suspicious Yan Kai felt, so she went to the surveillance room again to retrieve the surveillance tape. She kept going over and over again, until he came to the conclusion that the abnormality of Han Zhengtao's body the night before had something to do with Yan Kai.

In order to find Yan Kai, she once again called the city police station and finally got Yan Kai's number.

When the phone rang, Yan Kai was looking at the information on it. However, when he saw the unfamiliar phone, he did not intend to pick it up.

To him, this phone call was just a decoration. Initially, he made this phone call to let Luo Xue and Ruo Han find him as soon as possible, so unless it was Luo Xue and her son, he wouldn't answer it at all.

"Your Majesty, your phone hasn't rung for some time. Don't you want to see who it is?" Lie Lie was truly annoyed by the ringing of the phone. However, since Yan Kai was neither answering nor shutting down his phone, he could only quietly protest.

"There's no need. Other than you and Xue Moyan, no one else knows about this phone call." Yan Kai did not pay much attention to this and directly threw the phone onto the stage.

"No, Your Majesty, when you go to work, I... I've already left your number. " When Lie heard this, he knew that he might have done something wrong this time.

This King has already decided not to go to work anymore. In any case, nothing can be found out if we stay with them. We will check for ourselves. Yan Kai shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"But, Your Majesty, if we were to be complained about, it would be very serious. At least right now, we have your police certificate, so we can easily investigate it. You should take the call first. If you take a call, you won't die." The phone kept ringing. Lie could only helplessly advise.

"This King isn't interested in picking you up." Yan Kai snorted and walked out.

"Ai, alright, I'll pick it up. At least it's better than not." Lie watched his master leave, grumbled, and resigned himself to his fate as he picked up the phone.

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