"Hello, I am Officer Yan Kai's personal assistant. May I ask who you are?" When he answered the phone, Lie introduced himself so that he wouldn't be questioned later.

Hearing that it was not Yan Kai Luo, Xiao Bei was a little disappointed. However, since it was a personal assistant, she should know where Yan Kai is and should be able to find him.

"Hello, I'm Forensic Luo Xiaobie. May I ask if Officer Yan is here?"

Hearing the woman's voice, a trace of surprise flitted through Lie's heart. The king had only been at work for less than a day, yet there was actually a female medical examiner who called. It was truly strange.

"Officer Yan, he …" He went out to investigate the case and he's not here. " Although Lie was curious, he didn't dare to accept it on behalf of his master.

"How can I contact him?"

Luo Xiaobie was anxious. Although he knew that there might be a problem with the other party's words, he was afraid that he would never be able to contact Yan Kai unless he answered the phone.

Besides, she couldn't just stay in the police station and wait. With Yan Kai's personality, it was hard to say when he would go back to the police station.

I'm really not sure, even if I wanted to find him, it wouldn't be easy unless he took the initiative to contact me. If Miss Luo has any urgent matters, you can tell me first. As Lie Zheng spoke, Yan Kai came in. Seeing Lie's flattering face, he suddenly became a little interested.

"Then why is his phone here?" Luo Xiaobie could not help but speak up when he saw how soft she was.

"Miss Luo, this phone call is actually mine. Officer Yan is afraid of trouble and never leaves his phone number outside." When Lie answered the phone, he had thought that the other party might have this question. Therefore, she had had Bei Tai ready early in the morning.

As Lie was speaking, Yan Kai seemed to have thought of something when he heard the three words, "Miss Luo, it's that stupid woman again."

Although Lie stopped his cell phone in a hurry, Luo Xiaobie still heard it. At the same time, his anger surged up in a straight line.

Since she couldn't do anything about it, she had to use a threatening method. Following that, she shouted into the phone, "Assistant, please give the phone to Yan Kai and let him listen to the call. If he doesn't listen to the phone, I will make this surveillance report to the public."

Lie's complexion changed. Up until now, no one had dared to threaten the king, not even Snowy. This woman was simply asking for courage from the heavens.

He immediately hung up the phone so that his master wouldn't hear.

"What did the woman say? can actually make Lord Lie of the Demon World lose face? " Yan Kai initially did not pay much attention to this. He was carrying a cup of coffee and was about to watch TV when he saw Lie nervously hang up the phone.

"I didn't say anything, I just asked the king to listen to the phone. Your Majesty, how did you offend this woman?" Lie asked carefully.

"Offended? Did she say that? " Yan Kai stared at the TV, but put down the cup of coffee in his hand.

"That's all right, but from her tone, it seems as if the king has a deep grudge with her. Since there isn't, then it's fine. Your majesty, do you have any weakness that could fall into her hands?"

Lie originally wanted to not say anything, but he didn't know what that woman's threat was. He at least wanted to confirm if it had any effect on the King.

"A weakness? What weakness does This King have with that woman? Lie, what did that woman say? You'd better answer truthfully. " Yan Kai's face darkened. Judging from Lie's stuttering expression, that woman must have said something 'ruthless'.

"Your Majesty, if she really has nothing on you, we don't need to bother with it." He looked at the king, intending to pass the time.

"Indeed not, but this king wants to know what he's using to threaten you with to make you so worried." They had known each other for thousands of years, yet even the slightest change could be seen on their faces. Not to mention, their faces were unsightly to behold.

"Do you have to say it, my lord?" Lie looked to Yan Kai and his killing intent was completely revealed. In that case, he was afraid that the woman's life might be forfeited.

"If you don't say it, This King will punish you as well." Yan Kai was enraged, he casually picked up the coffee pot and threw it over.

"Your Majesty, did you have some kind of indecent video in that woman's hands? She just said that if Your Majesty didn't return her call, he would have made the video public, so your subordinate suspects that Your Majesty might …"

"Stupid woman, she's tired of living. You dare threaten Ben Wang? Lie, go bring her over immediately. Also, destroy the surveillance cameras she used to threaten Ben Wang." Yan Kai kept pressing the remote control, as if he was trying to suppress his anger with the movement of this key.

"Your Majesty, did you bring her here directly?" When they were in the Infernal domain, the king's emotions of joy and anger had completely disappeared, but now, it seemed that he was even more irritable than the 'Tyrant', Helian Chen. When the two of them arrived in the modern world, their personalities seemed to have changed.

"Of course, since she dares to threaten This King, then This King will let her taste what it means to wish for death, to beg for death, and to return quickly. There's no need to take a taxi, isn't she curious about what method This King used to enter her studio? Let her have a look." Yan Kai waved his hand.

"Very well, Your Majesty." Firstly, he could not disobey the orders of the King. Secondly, it was rare that there was something else that attracted the King. This way, the King would not have to go and look for Snowy and Helian Zhi so that they would not have to bump into each other.

Following Yan Kai's instructions, Lie first destroyed the tape and then, of course, it was to temporarily disable the monitoring system so that there wouldn't be any evidence left behind.

"Miss Luo, right?" Luo Xiaobie, who was holding onto the scalpel, was frightened by the soundless appearance of the scalpel. The scalpel in his hand almost injured him.

"I am Luo Xiaobie, may I ask who you are?" Luo Xiaobie looked at the handsome man who suddenly appeared in front of him and felt ecstatic.

This voice sounded a little familiar. Furthermore, the only person that could appear in this manner was Yan Kai. This person …

"You are Yan Kai's assistant, the one who answered my phone just now?" Luo Xiaobie looked at Lie in surprise.

"Miss Luo is indeed very smart. However, it is unknown whether or not Miss Luo will be able to come back alive. You are the first person who dared to threaten my family's master. I am here on orders to invite Miss Luo back." Lie didn't hide anything at this time. Since the King planned to 'take revenge' on others, there were naturally many things that he could no longer conceal.

"I don't believe that Yan Kai would dare to ignore the law." Luo Xiaobie was not afraid. He was just astonished.

As a law enforcer, she believed that Yan Kai wouldn't break the law. Besides, Captain Wang and the others had so many eyes on her during the meeting this morning. If something really happened to her, then the first one they would suspect would be Yan Kai.

"Miss Luo, it is an honor for you to see what the so-called law is in the eyes of your master." Ye Zichen shook his head fiercely. No wonder the king said that this woman was stupid. This woman was truly naive.

There were many people in this world who did not place the law in their eyes, let alone the supreme kings of the demon realm.

What master? You are not... "Ahh!" "Before he could even ask, Lie was holding her hand. She felt dizzy and wanted to scream, but no sound came out. Before she could understand what had happened, Yan Kai was right in front of her.

"Stupid woman, you have been dealing with the dead all day. I think you should know how to write the word 'die' very well." Yan Kai sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. Luo Xiaobie stared at him in a daze.

She knew that this man had a personality and that his hair was very long and bright. However, she didn't expect that a man with long hair could be this handsome.

At this moment, the long hair that was originally restrained had spread out, revealing a bright and vertical head of black hair, slanted straight straight straight straight straight eyebrows, slender and black eyes, thin and pursed lips, sharp and distinct contours, like an eagle in the night, cold and aloof yet overbearing, exuding the power to look down upon the heavens and earth independently. Who was he?

"Was the body of Han Zhengtao and his wife a masterpiece?" Luo Xiaobie didn't ask Yan Kai who he was. This answer wasn't important to her and she would find out sooner or later. What she wanted to know now was the truth. She would not allow any failures at work.

"I won't allow anyone to touch their bodies, including you, woman. You'd better be clear about this. You're a medical examiner, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with the body. You'd better remember that." Yan Kai stood up. This woman was very annoying. Before he finds out who killed Uncle Han, he will not let her go out again.

"Why? Are they really your uncles, Auntie? " Luo Xiaobie looked at Yan Kai. She believed that it was just an excuse.

"You don't need to know so much. You are the first person who dared to threaten Ben Wang. From today onwards, you are not allowed to leave until I find the person who killed them." Yan Kai waved his hand at Lie and said, "Lock her into the barrier. Since she's playing with corpses, then find more corpses for her to play with."

"You … Yan Kai, you demon, what are you planning to do to me? " Luo Xiaobie's face instantly turned pale when he heard that.

"You're right this time. This King is a demon, but I'm not a ghost. Lie brought her down." Yan Kai waved his hand. Seeing this woman caused him to feel annoyed. This woman seemed to be reminding him of how useless he was as the Infernal King, to not even be able to catch a killer.

"Your Majesty, are we really going to do this?" Lie lowered his head and asked for instructions. Although this kind of king was like a king, he was still very uneasy. Would it be okay for the king to change back to his original king?

"Shut up and follow This King's orders." Yan Kai shouted coldly.

"No, Yan Kai, I'm not going. I'm the medical examiner on this case, so you have to cooperate with me." Before Luo Xiaobie could make contact with Yan Kai, she had already leapt forward and tightly hugged onto Yan Kai's leg.

She did not know what punishment Yan Kai was talking about. However, as long as she held Yan Kai tightly, she would not be in danger.

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