"Is there even a need to check? Lie, don't be too nervous. Other than the Heaven Realm and the Illusory Realm, there is no one else who can come here, and it could also be the three realms working together. At present, we don't know how many of them have arrived, so let's just stay put. "

This matter, he did not really care much about it. To be able to come here meant that he was definitely not an ordinary person, and to put forward three more conditions to Qi Jian, he had to be someone not a good person.

Why did he have to kill Uncle Han, whether it was because of him, Helian Chen, or the two of them? Want to get rid of them both in modern times? If that was really the case, then that person would be extremely terrifying. If he and Helian Yi Chen were not here anymore, then there would be big movements. At that time, both the demon realm and human realm would probably be minced meat.

"But my lord, what about the wonder? He's dangerous alone. " Lie He said worriedly.

"F * ck, a brother that has lived for thousands of years, don't tell me you still don't trust him?" Yan Kai looked at Lie and was very dissatisfied with his reaction. He believed that he had a sense of propriety and was currently more worried about Luo Xue and the others.

It was impossible for him to bow his head to Helian, but if they continued to do so, it was very likely that the enemy would have an opportunity, but luckily, there was something strange going on. Yan Kai believed that if the other party were to really make a move, he would not just let it go. Regardless of what he promised him, he was still a citizen of the Infernal domain.

"Your Majesty, it's not that your subordinate doesn't believe in strangeness, it's just that I'm worried. With his personality, he would have done anything if he agreed to three things. What if …" Lie was exceptionally worried. Although there were three things, these three things could really take a person's life.

Since Qi was present, it would be difficult to say that he did not interfere. Moreover, Qi Jian left in such a hurry, he was worried, worried that one day, the King would make a choice between Qi and Luo Xue.

"In case what?" Yan Kai had already walked to his desk. Hearing Lie's words, he turned his head around in confusion.

"Perhaps I am overthinking it. Your Majesty, since they are able to come here, they should be able to return. There is no need for us to wait for Ruo Han to recover." Lie evaded Yan Kai's gaze as if he wanted to warn him.

"I don't want to owe anyone a favor, so I'll wait until Han-Er recovers." Yan Kai answered without thinking.

Hearing this, Lie immediately kneeled down in front of Yan Kai and advised, "Your Majesty, if you don't know when I can recover, then this isn't the best choice. We should go back as soon as possible."

When Yan Kai heard the noise in front of him, he raised his head and was shocked to see Lie Lie kneeling down. If they could go back, would Qi not tell them? Do you think those people are reliable? "

Now that he didn't even know who the other party was, he placed his hope on them. Lie was getting more and more outrageous, it seemed like he really needed to go back.

"If you let Ruo Han bring us back, wouldn't we owe you a favor? Your Majesty, can I really go back if I am as cold as ice? " Lie and Helian Yi Chen argued with each other. He hoped that Yan Kai and the Helian Xi Chen family would completely break off their relationship with Snowy.

Thinking back, ever since they met Luo Xue and her son, the Infernal domain no longer seemed peaceful. After the Infernal domain's seal was released, the king even followed the mother and son around. He knew that this wasn't a good sign, but now, the king didn't even want to return.

"Lie, this is This King's decision. There won't be any changes. You can leave. This King is a little tired." Yan Kai was annoyed by what Lie Lie had said, especially the look in Lie's eyes, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Ever since he saw Qi Qi, he was also a bit confused, and had thought that he would have this kind of crazy idea even when it happened. Originally, he was full of hope, but after hearing Qi's words, his heart sank all the way to the bottom.

Not to mention that he would not be controlled, even Helian Xi Chen would not agree. At this time, it was impossible for Luo Xue to leave. All these years, he knew Luo Xue very well. Before he had found the culprit and avenged Han Zhengtao and his wife, Luo Xue would never leave without taking care of their affairs.

So other than waiting and staying by her side, the only thing left was to find the killer as soon as possible. Although the case was clear and there were witnesses, how could the killer be caught?

Yan Kai was caught in a dilemma he had never experienced before. He would definitely be able to catch the culprit, but the strange thing was that he would definitely suffer. If he didn't do so, there was no way that Luo Xue would be able to explain herself.

He wondered if he should give up and hand this' difficult task 'over to Helene.

When that time came, both sides would most likely suffer losses. However, he was in a position where even if Helian Yi Chen won, it would not do him any harm. If he lost, he would have even more of a complete victory.

Helian Xi Chen was not a pure demon, his body was extremely weak. It would not be difficult to kill him here. If he could borrow someone's hand to kill Helian Yi Chen, he would appear … Perhaps he was the final winner.

Thinking of this, Yan Kai had already made up his mind. Moreover, he planned to find Helian Xi and reveal some information to him. At least for now, he had to maintain a friendly relationship with Helian Yi Chen.

He sat in his office, turned on his computer, and surfed the Internet. Once he set a goal and made a decision, he would no longer be in a hurry. He believed that Helian Xi would definitely come to find them.

While Yan Kai was sitting and waiting for Helian Xi Chen to take action, in Luo Xue's house, it was always dull. The cooking was' contracted 'by Fang Ping.

"Xiao Xue, how about you let your big brother accompany you for a walk. You'll get sick if you stay at home like this all day." Fang Ping was really worried. Luo Xue sat at home for an entire day, staring blankly at the photos of Han Zhengtao and his wife.

Helian Yi kept giving Fang Ping meaningful glances, but Fang Ping just couldn't see it and kept urging Luo Xue, but Luo Xue acted as if she didn't hear him.

"Fang Ping, can you take a look for me? How are we going to check this thing out?" Helian Chen was afraid that Fang Ping would touch Luo Xue's nerves, so he quickly called him over.

For the past two days, Xue'er hadn't spoken a word, so he didn't dare to say anything. However, he always paid attention to Xue'er, and at this moment, her mind was only occupied with the scene of her parents' deaths.

Helian Yi didn't dare to go there now, she could only stay at home and watch. Other than fearing that Luo Xue would collapse, she was more worried that she would run out to find the murderer.

They had all seen the brutality of the murder. If it was done by a human, then that human must have an extremely perverted mentality. If it wasn't done by a human, then it would be even more dangerous. However, he couldn't go out these few days, so he had to stay at home. He was very anxious.

Luckily, Yan Kai was also investigating. Since Yan Kai had entered the police station, he hoped that he could find some clues. From the looks of the current situation, only by capturing the killer could she quickly recover to her normal state.

"Big brother, check what?" Fang Ping stood up and asked Yan Kai, but he did not leave.

"Come and help me take a look, Han-Er, stay with your mommy." Helian Yi looked at Fang Ping, and he finally understood.

Fang Ping followed Helian Xi Chen into the room. As soon as he entered, he sighed, "Boss, didn't you want to look up clues? "How do we check at home like this?"

I'm worried about Xue'er. If I leave, you might not be able to take care of them. Although Xue'er is just a normal human, she has also learned magic, so if she leaves, you might not be able to stop her. Helian Yu put his hand on Fang Ping's shoulder. Here, there was no one to send, no soldiers to use.

"This … Boss, since Snowy knows magic, even if we meet the murderer, there shouldn't be any danger, right? If that's the case, I think you guys can go investigate together." Fang Ping reminded Helian Chen.

Helian Chen shook his head. As the saying goes, if the matter was not settled, then the matter would be thrown into chaos. Luo Xue was indeed rational and calm enough when doing things, but the people who were killed were her father and mother.

"No, the culprit is not ordinary, I don't feel at ease. Moreover, the culprit who killed my father-in-law must have had a motive. Perhaps, it was because of Xue'er, so I cannot take this risk."

Fang Ping nodded. It was just that his vacation was limited, and he couldn't stay here forever. Moreover, Chen Haodong and the others had already called him today, most likely to urge him to go back with them.

"Big brother is right, but it's not a problem for you two to be cooped up at home all day. Also, haven't you noticed Xiao Xue's situation? Something's not right."

"I know, so I can't leave. Let's wait for a few more days." Helian Yi Chen was also annoyed. If he really couldn't do it, he could only go and beg someone for help.

After all, Fang Ping had a job, he wasn't his subordinate, so he couldn't stay by his side forever.

"That's the only way. Then, big brother, I'll go out and buy some food. Stay at home with sister-in-law." Fang Ping nodded and decided to go out to talk to Chen Haodong. He also called the Leader to ask for a few days' leave.

"Fang Ping, it's been hard on you." Helian Xi nodded, her heart felt indescribably grateful. If it wasn't for Fang Ping, they probably wouldn't have been able to eat for the past few days.

Fang went out, and when Han came in, his head was bowed, his hands in his pockets, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Han'er, what's wrong?" "Are you hungry? Why don't you follow Uncle Fang and see what you like to eat …" When Helian Yi saw his son come in, he realized that he had neglected his son for the past few days. His son had always said that he was not a good father.

Only now did he realize that it was harder to be a good father to a good husband than to be a good emperor. No wonder the ancients all said, "Cultivate your body and rule over the entire country." If the first few could be dealt with, then governing a country wouldn't be too difficult.

Ruo Han raised her head and said loudly to Helian Chen, "Daddy, you stay at home with Mommy. Let me go find the murderer, okay?"

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