Helian Yi looked at his son in shock. No matter how different he was from ordinary people, his son was still just a child. How could he take such a big risk?

He was not a modern man. He did not have the open-mindedness of a modern man, so he definitely could not let anything happen to his son. When he returned, Renault would still need to rely on his son to govern and reform it.

Helian Yi's face darkened and said seriously, "No, investigating the crime is the business of an adult and also the business of a police officer. It is enough for a child to be a child."

"Daddy, do you really expect the police? Do you think they can find the killer? "Are you sure they won't pick anyone up to face the consequences?"

Luo Han argued excitedly with Helian Chen. These past few days, it wasn't just Mommy, he also didn't feel good. Every night, as long as he closed his eyes, he would be able to see his grandfather and grandmother die.

"Han'er, who told you this? "Even if you think that the police are not to be trusted, do you think that your godfather, who you have always relied on, is not to be trusted?" Helian Yi stared at her son in shock. These words should not have been said by a child, not to mention a child who was not even four years old yet.

Even people living in this world might not be able to understand this, but Han'er … Looking at his son, he felt too much regret. He did not give his son the joy of a child. It was he who wiped away his son's innocence. Every time he looked at his son, he felt regret for what he had done before. He wanted to use the knife to stab himself in the heart every time.

Sure enough, after hearing the two words "godfather", Luo Han's eyes lit up. His gaze was completely different from before, and even his tone was clearly different. "Godfather?" Is he helping us find the killer? "

"Yes, Yan Kai went to the police station to investigate the case. That's why, Han'er, you just need to stay at home with Mommy. Leave the investigation to Daddy and …" "Your godfather." It was hard for Helian Yi Chen to say he trusted Yan Kai, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It was no wonder that his son treated Yan Kai better than he did his own father. However, he knew very well that this was not the time to be jealous, and he had to quickly solve the problem by getting Xue'er out of her sorrow and into the shadows.

"Okay, Daddy, I will protect Mommy. I will work hard and find a way to recover my spiritual energy as soon as possible. I hope that after this is done, we can go back. I am already tired of this world." Luo Han nodded with a look of disgust on his face.

At first, he thought this place was fun and fresh, but now, he no longer had any good feelings towards it. The two relatives he cared about the most were no longer here, and there was nothing left in this world to linger for.

He believed that once he returned, his son would definitely become a good king. He even looked forward to it a bit as he squatted down and patted his son on the shoulder, solemnly promising, "Good son, Daddy will definitely catch the murderer as soon as possible. When that time comes, our family will return to our world and build a perfect home there."

"Then, dad, can I go find dad now?" Ruo Han suddenly asked.

"Han'er, at this time, Yan Kai is at work. Tonight, Father will accompany you." Helian Yi Chen's heart ached. He didn't know when his son could speak of him with such respect and emotion.

"Then can I call godfather?" Helian Yi Chen had just refused, and Ruo Han immediately said that he would call.

Seeing that his son was looking forward to it, Helian Chen didn't have the heart to let his son down. He could only nod and say, "Okay, then you can make the call. Daddy will go out and accompany Mommy first."

"Thank you, Daddy. I'll call you." Ruo Han jumped up happily and ran to the phone.

Seeing the smile on his son's face as he picked up the phone, Helian Chenchen's heart was filled with jealousy. He did not expect that Yan Kai would not only come to steal his woman, but his children as well.

It was said that blood was thicker than water, but why would a son like him keep thinking about outsiders? As a father, his heart was extremely sore. If it wasn't for all that had happened recently, he would have definitely ruthlessly beaten up his son.

"Xue'er, where are you going?" When Helian Chen came out of his room, he saw Luo Xue holding onto the door handle. It seemed that she wanted to go out, so he was scared. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

"I want to go home with my parents." Luo Xue didn't even raise her head. That faint voice seemed to come from another world, frightening Helian Xi.

"Xue'er, don't be like this. Han-Er and I are both very worried. The person who swore the oath is already enough. Father-in-law, mother-in-law does not wish for you to be grieving and torturing yourself for them." Helian Yi hugged Luo Xue tightly. He had the illusion that Xue'er's body was becoming fainter and fainter, as if she would suddenly disappear.

"I am the most useless daughter. Dad, mom gave birth to me and raised me, but I kept making them toil, grieve, and cry for me. They didn't even give me the chance to be filial. I am the most unfilial daughter in the world …" Speaking of her parents, Luo Xue cried again.

"Xue'er, there are many accidents in life, this is not your fault. Just promise me, please don't be like this anymore, alright? Even if you don't care about yourself, you should at least think about Han'er and me, right? "Could it be that apart from your father-in-law and mother-in-law, there is no one else in your heart other than us?" He helped her to the sofa and sat her down.

"Sorry, these few days …" "For the past few days, I've always felt that my father and mother were calling me, blaming me …" Luo Xue raised her head and looked at Helian Xi Chen. Only after a long time did she speak softly.

"Xue'er, father-in-law, mother-in-law. Even if I'm really calling out to you, I must tell you not to be sad. I must make you strong …"

Helian Yi held her hand tightly, pulling back her thoughts, her feelings, bit by bit.

In the master bedroom, Ruo Han was holding the phone. The phone had been ringing for a long time, but her godfather hadn't picked it up. Luo Han was slightly disappointed, but he refused to give up and continued to pull.

On the other side of the city, Yan Kai, who was playing online games, suddenly heard a cell phone ring. He was too busy beating the big BOSS and didn't have his hand on the phone.

However, his cell phone kept ringing, which was very annoying. He clenched his teeth and continued to kill the big BOSS. He only picked up the phone after he passed the test.

When he saw the number on it, he immediately tried to pull it out again. However, the phone rang and a busy signal came through. He had no choice but to give up.

He waited for a long time, but the call did not come back. However, looking at the number, he could already guess who it was.

Although it was the only number that he remembered in his heart, at this moment, the person that he remembered was definitely not in the mood to call him. As for Helian Xi, she probably didn't even know his phone number, let alone take the initiative to call him. With this, the only thing left was Ruo Han.

During the process of the phone call, he was also adjusting his mood. That brat could read the mind, so some things couldn't be seen by him. Some things had to be seen by him.

"Dad, is that you?" After the call, Ruo Han's excited voice could be heard, and Yan Kai became a little excited. He did not expect that after not seeing him for a few days, this brat actually thought so much of him.

"Yeah, Han-Er, godfather was a bit busy at the meeting just now. How's your mommy these two days?" "Not even his godfather went to visit you" Yan Kai said apologetically.

"Godfather, I heard from dad that you're a police officer now. Did you go there because of grandpa and grandma?" If one did not blame Yan Kai for that, one would not blame him for his actions. After all, he had trusted Yan Kai very much, and was also very intimate with him.

Ruo Han and Yan Kai spoke with great enthusiasm and warmth. However, it was rare for them to talk like this with Helian Xi Chen. Most of the time, father and son spoke with coldness.

"godfather feels very guilty for not being able to protect your grandfather. Grandmother, if I went to visit them from time to time, perhaps this wouldn't happen. Han-er, would you blame your godfather?" Yan Kai repeatedly expressed his mistake over and over again on the phone. Of course, it wasn't just speaking from his mouth. Ruo Han could also clearly feel Yan Kai's apology from the phone, and at the same time …

"Dad, is Master Qi here?" Yan Kai was surprised by Han Yu's sudden question. He quickly pressed the button on his mobile phone to avoid being called and at the same time placed it on the counter. This way, he wouldn't feel it right?

"Cold …" Han'er, who did you hear it from? " After he calmed down, Yan Kai picked up the phone and pretended to be surprised.

"Godfather, Master Qi knows who killed my grandparents?" Luo Han felt too much information from Yan Kai, the child did not know to hide and immediately asked.

Han'er, no, don't think too much. Anyways, dad promised you that he would definitely catch the culprit and bring them to justice. You rest first, dad is still at work, otherwise, I'll call you after dad gets off work. Yan Kai was worried that he would leak too much, so he hurriedly hung up the phone. This made Luo Han even more suspicious. With his childish nature, how could he wait for him to get off work?

Sure enough, Yan Kai hung up, and Ruo Han was still holding the phone in a daze.

Only when they heard voices coming from the living room did Ruo Han put down the phone, run out quickly, and shout as she ran, "Daddy! Daddy! Something's wrong!"

Hearing his son's shout, Helian Xi looked at Luo Xue who had just calmed down, then looked at Fang Ping who came back to buy vegetables.

"Han-Er, what's wrong?" Seeing her son running out with a strange expression, Luo Xue asked.

"Mommy, are you better?" Hearing Mommy calling him for the first time in the past few days, Ruo Han was obviously pleasantly surprised.

"Sorry, Mommy ignored you these few days. Han-Er, I'm sorry, Mommy promised you, I definitely won't do that." As she spoke, Luo Xue went up to hug her son. She said softly, "Mommy only has you now. Mommy will definitely stay by your side until you grow up …"

Helian Yi Chen looked at his wife and children, too much feeling in his heart, touching. He stepped forward and gently held Luo Xue and her son in his arms: "In the future, our family will be together, we will never part again."

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