He finally got rid of Little Liu and Little Cheng, but they were all gone. Even the food was gone. The table was so quiet that people couldn't bear to move their chopsticks.

"Eat, Fang Ping. Why don't you move your chopsticks?" Seeing Helian Chen and Fang Ping still holding their chopsticks, Luo Xue knew it was her fault, so she led the way.

"Yeah, Fang Ping, eat, eat more." When Helian Yi saw that Luo Xue had finally opened her mouth, he felt a little better. He, who had never been an ordinary person since he was young, had never felt this conflicted before.

"Right …"

Fang Ping was about to apologize, but Luo Xue stopped him with a step, "Fang Ping, don't talk during dinner. It will affect your digestion."

Helian Chen's heart was filled with worry for his son, but he did not have any appetite. Seeing the two of them only eating and not eating, Luo Xue knew something was wrong, but she did not ask further. Instead, she continued to help the two of them eat.

This meal was very painful, especially for Luo Xue, who almost ate it with tears.

After dinner, he let Fang Ping leave. On one hand, he was afraid that Fang Ping would leak it, and on the other hand, he hoped that Fang Ping would help him look up some information, so he personally sent Fang Ping home, hoping that he could find some clues from the headquarters.

Since they were able to detect it when they first arrived here, then they must have been able to as well. The only reason why they were willing to reveal it was because of this.

When Helian Xi sent Luo Xue away, Luo Xue called Yan Kai. It was just that this time was a little different than the past. Yan Kai did not pick up the phone.

Luo Xue nervously stood in front of the phone. She only hoped that her worries were unnecessary and that Han'er was safe. She was wrong, she should not have brought Han'er into this world of tigers and wolves.

Her mistake was outrageous. If something happened to Han'er, she wouldn't want to live anymore.

Yan Kai's phone could not be reached. Helian Xi had left for a long time, but she did not return. Luo Xue could no longer sit down. She decided to go find Yan Kai.

When he left, he was worried that Helian Chen wouldn't be able to find her, so he left a note saying that he was going to find Yan Kai.

Other than the shop, Luo Xue didn't know where to look for it, but right now it was the most crowded time of the night shop. Luo Xue immediately frowned when she arrived, at night, there were more women than men, and there were all kinds of women.

"Beautiful girl, nice to meet you. Is this your first time here?"

"Beauty, what kind of man do you like …"

"Beautiful lady, let me buy you a drink …"

Not long later, Luo Xue was surrounded in the middle. She was a bit annoyed, judging from Yan Kai's situation, he had managed this shop well, but why was there so many 'Young Masters' staying here? Did he not need to invite other customers?

"I'm here to look for someone. Please give way." Luo Xue's face was dark as she coldly said.

"So young miss has already fallen for him …"

"Miss, what number are you looking for? Let's go call him for you."

Even though Luo Xue had said she would look for someone, there were still a few people by her side. It was unknown if it was because their business was not good, or because they were especially interested in Luo Xue.

Luo Xue was a little annoyed, so she deliberately mentioned Yan Kai's name, trying to get rid of these bored 'young masters'. "I'm looking for Yan Kai, is he here?"

Who would've thought that someone actually took it seriously and even replied affectionately, "Yan Kai? Beauty, we all use numbers here, do you know what his number is? "

"That's right. Beauty, come to us …"

"What are you all doing here? You don't need to entertain guests anymore? " Perhaps it was because this place was too eye-catching, but the manager soon arrived.

"Manager, aren't we here to entertain guests? This beauty is here to find someone …" Seeing that the manager had arrived, everyone dispersed.

"Are you the manager here?" When Luo Xue heard the word 'manager', she immediately took a few steps forward. These 'young masters' did not know who Yan Kai was, but the manager did, right?

The manager nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, Miss, how can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Yan Kai. Can you tell me where his office is?" Luo Xue said straightforwardly.

The manager was stunned and asked in surprise, "This … Miss, Boss Yan isn't usually here, may I know how to address you? "

"What about Lie? "Is he here? I can look for him." Although Luo Xue had a premonition that Yan Kai wasn't here when he arrived, she was still very disappointed when she heard him say that he wasn't.

The manager was stunned for a moment, then said with embarrassment, "Miss, I'm really sorry, but the vice president is also not here. If there's anything you need, you can call Director Yan or the vice president, but if it's inconvenient for you to do so, leave behind your name and number. When Director Yan or the vice president return, I'll ask them to call you back."

"He's not here either? "How could that be?" Luo Xue was stunned. She never thought that both Yan Kai and Lie would be absent. Wouldn't her trip here be a waste?

"Yes, mademoiselle, if you need anything?" the manager said again.

"Then forget it, I'll look for them later." Luo Xue Xin immediately sank to the bottom. Yan Kai wasn't here, and neither was Lie. Had they all gone to find Han'er?

Had Han-Er been taken away, or had she disappeared, as Xi Chen had said? The truth was that the answer was obvious. If it was just for fun, Yan Kai and Lie would not have gone 'missing' with them. But did they really bring Han'er away?

Luo Xue's heart was anxious. She didn't even say goodbye before she turned around and left.

"Miss, how should I address you?" the manager called after him.

Luo Xue could only think of her son, so she didn't hear him. She quickly left the nightclub, went out, and waved for a car.

"Miss, where are you going?" The driver glanced behind him and asked.

Luo Xue was stunned. She really didn't know where she was going. She didn't know where Yan Kai and Lie were. When she returned home, she saw that Yan Kai and Lie were gone.

The driver was getting impatient. He raised his voice and said, "Miss …"

"Go..." You can go ahead. "

"Miss, don't you dare say it's expensive later." As the driver said this, he started to type his watch. Luo Xue didn't hear him at all.

Where was her son? Was Yan Kai and Yan Lie going to look for their son? She couldn't understand, although her son's spirit energy hadn't completely recovered, leaving wouldn't be a difficult task, even if that person was strange, he shouldn't be trapped. Why hasn't there been any news of their son for so long?

Ever since the birth of their child, they had always relied on each other. Other than their parents' time, when they lived at their parents' home and were threatened by Jiuyu, the two of them hadn't been separated for more than a day.

Moreover, it was already so late. Han'er was so filial and filial, she should have thought that as a mother, she would be worried. Why didn't she go home?

"Master, I want to go home. This way …" At this time, Xi Chen was no longer there, and she was no longer there. If Han-Er did not see them when she went back, she would definitely be worried. No, she had to hurry back as soon as possible.

"Miss, to get to where you're talking about from now on, there must be at least hundreds of them. Are you sure?"

As the driver said this, he gestured to Luo Xue to look at her watch. She didn't know if she had seen it or not, but when she saw that Luo Xue had been stunned, she felt that it hadn't been long since she came out.

"Master, is your meter broken?" Luo Xue looked out of the window. Since she was born here, she was very familiar with this place. Coming from Yan Kai's shop, it was no more than 20 kilometers away.

"Miss, touch your own conscience. Just now, you were the one who told me to drive forward. On the way down, look at the time …" Besides, I'm in the business here. There's someone who just got off before you got on the car. Miss, could it be that you want to ride in the overlord's carriage? "

The driver snorted with a look of disdain.

"Alright, I won't argue with you. You can send me back now." Luo Xue had something on her mind, so she was not in the mood to argue with the taxi driver over such a small matter.

"Alright, then take a look. Don't say that there's something wrong with me later." The driver grunted in displeasure.

"I understand. Hurry up and drive, I'm in a hurry." With her heart anxious for her son, Luo Xue didn't argue with the driver. Right now, she just wanted to return home early.

"Yes." the driver said, stepping on the gas.

The more Luo Xue thought, the more anxious she became, so she said to the driver: "Master, can I borrow your phone? I called home to see if my son was home. "

"Miss, did you not bring a phone when you went out?" The driver didn't say if he wanted to borrow or not, instead, he asked Luo Xue about it.

"I came out in a hurry. I didn't think about taking the phone. Can you lend me your master's phone?" Luo Xue said again.

"Mm, you go ahead." The driver was very generous and handed the phone over.

"Thank you." Luo Xue took the phone and rushed home. However, she called again and again, but no one answered.

"Miss, from the looks of it, you seem to be in a hurry. Has something happened at home?" The driver looked at Luo Xue through the mirror, his eyes full of scheming.

Luo Xue handed the phone over and softly said, "En, thank you Master. It is possible that my son has not returned yet."

"I can't really tell. The young lady looks to be around 20 years old, but she already has a child?" The driver chatted with Luo Xue while driving.

"I got married early, didn't I, Master, in the wrong direction?" Luo Xue couldn't help but feel puzzled when she saw that the surrounding lights were all gone.

"Aren't you in a hurry to go back? I'm just going to take a closer look." The driver looked nervous.

"Oh, thank you master. I'll have to trouble you to hurry up then." Luo Xue nodded. Under the night sky, she didn't see the anxiety of the driver.

It was getting darker and darker. The surrounding buildings couldn't be seen anymore. No matter how stupid Luo Xue was, she realized that something was amiss. She called out to the driver, "Master, this isn't the way back to my house. What are you planning to do?"

"What for? Miss, you are really not an ordinary fool. " The driver saw that he had been exposed, so he turned off the lights.

Luo Xue was angry, but she didn't get out of the car. She didn't want to hurt anyone, nor did she want to cause any trouble, so she tried to persuade the driver, "As long as you send me back, I won't lose a single cent."

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