The driver opened the door, pulled open the back seat, leaned against the door and lewdly smiled, "Miss, you mean, if I don't send you back now, you won't have to pay."

"How much do you want?" Luo Xue's face was gloomy, secretly cursing herself for being so silly. She should have seen through the driver's evil intentions a long time ago, so she shouldn't have believed her lies so easily.

"A woman who goes in and out of a nightclub doesn't care about money, she would probably have at least a thousand drinks. If I were to find another man, I'm afraid I'd have over ten thousand. You want to trick me into saying that there are children and that there are too many female brothers. Women like you who don't know their place …"

Luo Xue was stunned. From the driver's words, she originally thought that he was just trying to rob her, but now, from his words, it sounded like … Luo Xue's brain exploded. An image from the news report jumped into her mind... Several single women who went in and out of the entertainment area were robbed and raped, and finally murdered.

Could it be that this man who looked like a taxi driver was? As Luo Xue was speculating, she saw that the driver already had a knife in his hand.

"You … What are you going to do? If... "If you want money, I'll give it all to you …" Luo Xue trembled as she opened the bag, looking as though she was frightened.

"Come out." The man gestured with his saber towards Luo Xue and shouted.

Luo Xue trembled as she alighted from the carriage. Her arms were wrapped around herself, and even her voice was shaking. "No …" Don't Kill Me... "I'll give you anything you want …"

"Give me everything, hahaha …" Of course, for women like you whose private lives are a mess, of course you wouldn't care about anything. Do you know … " As the driver spoke, he forced his way towards Luo Xue step by step. Luo Xue trembled as she retreated, but in the end she was trapped between the driver and the front of the car.

"I... "I think you misunderstood. I'm not going to the nightclub to look for a man. I'm just going to look for a friend …" Luo Xue acted like she was very scared and explained to the driver.

"Right, is there any difference in looking for a man or a friend? "None of the women who enter or leave that place are good …" It was very dark and Luo Xue couldn't see the man's face clearly, but from his voice, she could hear his hatred towards the woman. Luo Xue didn't move, but only quietly listened …

"Sir, I'm not lying to you. I really have a three-year-old son. If you don't believe me, you can call me at home. I …"

"Shut your mouth, woman, and you will be full of lies. Do you think it is so easy to fool a three-year-old son? "Look at you, not to mention having a child, it's hard to tell if a man is willing to take you, yet you want to lie to me? You must be tired of living …" As the man spoke, Luo Xue only felt a bright light flash in front of her. Immediately, she felt a chill and a slight stabbing pain on her neck.

Luo Xue knew that if she moved even a little bit, the blade on her neck could cut her arteries, so she only advised, "You are too paranoid. I did not deceive you. When you open the knife, you are still young and have a good future."

"Future, what future do you have? You women, each more snobbish than the other, you want a room, you want a car, and you even want to deposit money. Do you think you're princesses?" The man's voice grew louder and louder, and the pain on Luo Xue's neck became even more intense. If this continued, her little life would really be gone.

"Although what you said is the truth, not all women are like this. Sir, calm down and quickly take the blade away." Luo Xue was still trying to persuade him to give up. She didn't want to hurt him.

"Bullshit, you women, especially people like you, rely on your looks to hook up with men everywhere. Who do you think you are …" "You …"

Following the speed and tone of the man's words, Luo Xue felt that the blood on her neck had already flowed down. She could no longer take her life as a joke.

She quickly grabbed the man's hand and pushed the knife away from her neck.

"I don't want to die, I still want to find my son. Since you won't listen no matter what I say, then I can only offend you." As Luo Xue spoke, she bent her knees and extended her fists. In the blink of an eye, she had already snatched the saber from the man's hand.

"Ah, it hurts … B * tch, you … "Are you a policeman?" The man clutched at his lower body as he jumped away. Then, he seemed to have thought of something and cried out in fear.

"I'm not a police officer, send me back now. I'll pretend that nothing happened today." Luo Xue was a bit hesitant. She knew that she should call the police and send this man to the police station, but she was even more anxious to go back.

"Are you really not a police officer?" The man stared blankly, maintaining a safe distance from Luo Xue. However, he did not leave, as if he was trying to guess Luo Xue's identity.

There were too many things in this world that had nothing to do with her. In here, Han Xue was already a dead person, and Situ Luo Xue didn't exist, so she didn't want to cause any more trouble for them. Moreover, the police already suspected them, so if they were to hand this person over to the police, they would inevitably cause various questions from the police.

"No, I'm not the kind of woman you're talking about. My son is missing, I went to the nightclub just to find a friend for help, it's that simple. Please send me back, I have to go home as soon as possible."

"Alright, then return the sabre to me. I'll send you back right away." As he spoke, the man stretched out his hand, asking for a knife from Luo Xue.

"I'm sorry, but this blade cannot be returned to you. Although I don't know if you've harmed anyone, the blade in your hand is a threat to me. So, this blade is temporarily in my custody." Luo Xue's hand lightly touched the wound on her neck. Luckily it wasn't too deep, as long as she went back to bandage it, she should be fine.

"Beauty, since you aren't that kind of woman, I naturally won't hurt you. Give me the blade, it's in your hand, I don't feel safe, what if you stab me in the back …" "If you get out of the car and grab me and call the police, my future will be ruined." He didn't think that the driver would actually play rascal with Luo Xue.

Luo Xue was worried and didn't want to waste time, so she threw the knife to the front passenger seat. With her ability, this man couldn't hurt her, so it didn't matter anymore. She threw the knife down and said, "Sir, please drive as soon as possible."

"Sit down, we're back in the city …" Originally, she wanted to borrow his phone to call back, but thinking about how this man wanted to commit murder, she gave up. She had already decided to get off the car after entering the city and change to a different car to call home. This driver in front of her was too unreliable.

Luo Xue closed her eyes and was about to rest for a bit, but the driver suddenly braked. Because she was in the back seat and didn't have her seat belt on, Luo Xue's body fiercely rushed forward and crashed into the back of the seat in front of her …

"Beauty, your voice is really nice, and your skin is rather smooth and tender." As the man spoke, he grabbed Luo Xue's wrist with one hand and pointed the knife at her neck with the other.

Luo Xue was furious, she just spared his life, she didn't think that he would still be so vicious, and angrily said: "I gave you a chance, don't you keep on making mistakes."

"Wrong. If I don't kill a bastard like you today, that would be my mistake. Quickly, take off your clothes." The man moved over from the middle, pressing the tip of the blade against Luo Xue's pink neck.

The wound on his neck was still bleeding, but he acted as if he didn't see it.

"I'll give you one more chance. Put down the knife."

Luo Xue's face was as cold as ice. She finally understood that for some people, the more tolerant they were, the more they would grow. It was very obvious that she would meet them today.

"I will. I will let go of the knife soon. Right now, tie your feet up." The man laughed lewdly and once again threatened Luo Xue.

Under the light of the car, Luo Xue saw the cruelty in the man's eyes. She sighed and said, "I finally understand what it means to have a path to heaven but you're the one who asked for it today."

As Luo Xue spoke, her body fell backwards. Her hand moved like lightning, quickly grabbing the man's hand. In the blink of an eye, the man's blade once again fell into Luo Xue's hand.

"No …" "Impossible …" The man looked at Han-Er's blade in Luo Xue's hand in horror.

"There is nothing that is impossible in this world. If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts. Now, go back and drive." Luo Xue said angrily.

The man seemed to see that Luo Xue didn't have any intention of killing him, so he wasn't afraid. Instead, he said with a mischievous smile, "Miss, I'll be very nervous driving like this. If I step on the wrong foot, the brake will be used as the accelerator, and if …"

"Shut up! If you don't drive, I'll kill you immediately." Luo Xue's face was gloomy. Even the stupidest person would be able to see this little trick of a man.

"Then kill me, kill me, then drive back yourself." The man smiled cunningly, as if he was sure that Luo Xue didn't know how to drive.

"Don't think I don't dare, killing you is too easy, hurry up and drive …" Luo Xue said with a dark face. She knew that there was no way to reason with this kind of man. She could only use evil to deal with evil.

"Alright then, beauty, just drive yourself …" "Hahahaha …" The man laughed out loud. Under the circumstances that Luo Xue didn't expect, he actually abandoned the car and ran away.

Originally, Luo Xue wanted to let him go, but tonight, this man really pissed her off.

He opened the car door and Luo Xue followed. She quickly caught up to the man and stood in front of him.

"Run around for me again." The blade in Luo Xue's hand was pointed at the man's chest. As long as he moved a few more inches, it would be enough to take his life.

"You … Are you human? Is it a ghost? " The headlights of the car shone on the man's pale face, and fear was written on it.

"That depends on whether you're a human or a ghost." Luo Xue sneered, "Hand over the phone."

She no longer wanted this man to send her back, so she could only call for help.

"You … What are you going to do? " The man clutched his pockets.

"If you don't take it out, I'll kill you right now." Luo Xue could be considered quite experienced when it came to dealing with evil people. In comparison to being ruthless, she was more ruthless than anyone.

"Here …" The man looked at Luo Xue and handed the phone over with a tremble.

Luo Xue took the phone and called home, but there was no answer. She had no choice but to call Yan Kai. Even at this time, she didn't want to have any contact with the police.

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