Everyone accepted the order and boarded a private plane to B City.

On the plane, Chen Haodong and Lin Jing appeared to be a bit agitated. Especially the tranquility, it turned out that they were quarreling because of a small problem.

"Jing, calm down. We don't know what happened right now, so it's useless to be in such a hurry." Chen Haodong pulled Lin Jing and advised.

"Chen Haodong, the chief has made it clear that there is nothing else you don't know. Chen Haodong, do you really wish for something to happen to Helian Chen? Don't you think so?" Lin Jing shouted at Chen Haodong. Her tears felt like they had been cut off.

"Lin Jing, have you said enough? Are you still thinking about him? Do you think he'll like you? Didn't you hear what the chief said? Helian Yi killed thousands of people, and it's because of his wife. What else do you think? Do you think you can take advantage of the fact that his wife is dead? "Lin Jing, you are …"

"Pa …" Lin Jing fiercely slapped Chen Haodong's face.

"Chen Haodong, shut up. Are you still human? No matter what, Helian Xi Chen was once our colleague. Now that he has something on his mind, you are very happy, right? You want him to die, don't you? " Lin Jing resentfully looked at Chen Haodong. She hadn't forgotten about what happened in London. She didn't forget how heartless Chen Haodong was to her. She didn't forget how ruthless he was to her.

A man who could be cold-blooded and heartless in front of a man next to him, how could he expect him to be good to his love rivals?

"Yes, I really wish for him to die, only if she dies will your heart completely belong to me, only if he dies will your heart, which is filled with longing for him, die, Lin Jing, even if he doesn't die, I will kill him myself this time, just you wait, I will definitely kill him." Facing Lin Jing's love for Helian Xi, Chen Haodong's heart was filled with unspeakable hatred.

Even though he already knew that there had been no relationship between Helene and Lin Jing in London, he could not let it go.

It was funny, if it wasn't for Helian Xi, let alone Lin Jing's heart, he wouldn't even have been able to get her body. But even more so, because of this, he couldn't wait for Helian Xi Chen to die, and only death could dispel the hatred in his heart.

"You despicable scumbag. If you dare to even touch a single hair on Chen Xi's head, I will die with you." As Lin Jing spoke, she attacked Chen Haodong.

"Lin Jing, Chen Haodong, quickly stop. Are we on the plane?" Seeing Lin Jing and Chen Haodong fighting on the plane, all the elites were shocked.

They were not ordinary people, so they were naturally not ordinary when it came to fighting. Furthermore, they were on a plane, so it was obvious that they were in danger.

The crowd wanted to persuade them, but they didn't dare to move forward. They feared that the plane would explode at any moment. Seeing that the two of them were getting bigger and bigger, even the cabin was on fire, the two of them realized that they had been too impulsive. However, it was too late.

Fortunately for them, they had their Discipline. Before the plane exploded, they'd jumped off the plane, but even so, they'd sacrificed two of their colleagues.

They were unable to get to City B. The injured people were hospitalized nearby to receive treatment. Even if the higher-ups asked, none of them said it was because of Lin Jing and Chen Haodong. At the orders of their superiors, everyone went to City B.

When Lin Jing and Chen Haodong met again, Lin Jing still wished she could kill Chen Haodong with her eyes. However, when facing her colleagues, the two of them were embarrassed. Especially after knowing that someone had sacrificed himself for them, the two of them stopped quarreling along the way. Even when they were sitting in the car, one of them was at the front and the other at the back of the car.

"The higher ups have given the order to hope that you can make up for this incident. Otherwise, when you go back, you will face the harshest of punishments." In the wake of the accident, a temporary commander was assigned by the superior. In order to prevent them from disagreeing, this commander had been assigned to them in the near future.

"Thank you, Captain Liu. Thank you, Organization. I will definitely kill Helian Xi with my own hands." Chen Haodong immediately expressed his opinion, but Lin Jing ignored him.

"Lin Jing, what about you?"

Lin Jing remained silent.

"Lin Jing, in view of your performance, you won't be needed in this case for the time being. When we arrive in B City, you will be on standby." Seeing that Lin Jing seemed to have an unforgettable experience, the new captain decisively said.

They arrived in B City ten hours after the scheduled time, and when they arrived in B City it was night.

Because they didn't know where the target was, they first went to Helian Xi Chen's house, where Fang Ping was waiting for them.

"Comrade Fang Ping, this is Liu Peng, the captain of the Special Operations Organization. Please explain the situation here to us in a simple manner." The house wasn't big. With so many people squeezed together, there wasn't even a place to sit. Everyone could only stand.

"Captain Liu, did the superior say they wanted to..." How should we deal with Helian Yi and Chen? " Seeing so many 'comrades', Fang Ping was very worried.

No matter who won, it was a dilemma for him, especially when it came to Helian Xi Chen, who had been the victim and was now his idol.

"Fang Ping, do you think we can still spare those bloodthirsty monsters?" Liu Peng asked Fang Ping.

All of this was caused by their own actions. Fang Ping kneeled down towards Liu Peng and said, "Captain Liu, the cause of this incident was our people, the captain of the B City's Criminal Investigation Division, Wang Hai, who mistreated her private punishment, injected her wife, Situ Luoxue, with a nerve drug, causing her death. All of this happened for a reason. So I'm begging for leniency, don't... Don't hurt him.

"Fang Ping, forgive me, but I can't accept this. No matter what the reason is, he has already killed thousands of people, and this is no longer worth our pity. They are no longer human, so all members of the Special Operations Organization, listen up." Liu Peng ordered the two groups of team members.

"All members of the special forces, listen up. No matter which one of us encounters a killing demon first, we cannot be merciless. We have to use any means at all to kill them. If necessary, we can sacrifice a small amount …"

"Captain, is this our principle? Can you even sacrifice the lives of innocent people when necessary? Then how are we different from them? " Hearing the order, Fang Ping stood up and roared.

"Fang Ping, how can you say that? Our goal is to save more people. In the face of saving more people or sacrificing a few more people, we must make our choice. "Fang Ping, because of your personal relationship with Helian Chen, you can't just ignore the lives of the people." At this time, Chen Haoping actually stood up and said.

"Shut up, Chen Haoping. They didn't kill the civilians. They targeted the police who hurt them. It is because our methods of doing things are too reckless that they caused this tragedy. If you still want to do this, then all of us will die with you. " Fang Ping felt a pang in his heart.

"Fang Ping, do you think that none of us are his match?" Chen Haodong pointed at Fang Ping in anger.

"In this world, no one can kill them. If you want to kill them, you will be the ones to die. " Fang Ping sneered. He decided to leave the organization. From now on, he would no longer be one of them.

Before Helian Yi Chen returned, the only thing he could do was to protect Snowy's body.

"Fang Ping, you actually have the guts to extinguish your own prestige, how can you look down on us like this?" Seeing that Fang Ping ignored them, Chen Haodong was annoyed.

"If you want to capture someone, if you want to kill someone, then go. I'm the same as Fang Ping, I won't participate in your actions." Lin Jing also stood on Fang Ping's side. Hearing Fang Ping's words, she was even more resolute in her stance. Even if Helian Yi didn't love her, she wouldn't join the ranks to kill him.

"Fine, Fang Ping, Lin Jing, I will allow you to not participate in this operation, but you are not allowed to go here, nor are you allowed to help Helian Chen." Liu Peng did not get angry when Fang Ping and Lin Jing turned their backs on him. He only restricted them from leaving this place, and even more so, he did not help Helian Chen.

"Captain Liu, don't worry. I will not help anyone, but this is Helian Xi Chen's home, so please leave." Fang Ping said sorrowfully.

"Is this his home?" Liu Peng was greatly surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, Captain Liu. This is indeed Helian Xi Chen's home. Last time …" "Fang Ping, where is Helian Xi Chen's wife's corpse?"

Chen Haodong looked at Fang Ping and suddenly said.

Hearing this, Fang Ping's face changed and he angrily said, "Chen Haodong, don't make me look down on you."

Chen Haodong and Fang Ping had been colleagues for many years. He could see Fang Ping's every movement and gaze. Seeing Fang Ping guarding the house behind him, he said happily, "In this room."

"Chen Haodong, I didn't expect you to become so sinister. That's right, Snowy is here, but none of you should be disrespectful to her." Fang Ping knew that he could not hide it, but he believed that they still had a sliver of humanity left.

"Since his wife's body is here, that means he will return." Liu Peng pinched his chin.

"You want to kill him here?" Lin Jing asked nervously.

"If he doesn't resist, we won't kill him. Fang Ping, can you let us see his wife's body?" Liu Peng seemed to have made up his mind and said to Fang Ping.

"Captain Liu, I hope you just took a look and didn't have any other intentions." Fang Ping glared at Liu Peng, not hiding his disdain towards them at all.

Liu Peng said with a serious expression, "Don't worry. The dead are big. We won't do anything."

"Even if you all want to do something, you don't have the ability to do so. Xiao Xue's corpse has already been sealed away by Helian Yu and Yan Kai. Other than them, no one else can touch her corpse. However, I must remind you all that if you do so, you all will only be forcing Xue'er to kill more people." Fang Ping warned as he looked at his former close comrades in front of him.

Chen Haoping stepped forward and angrily pushed Fang Ping, "Fang Ping, you're going too far. You actually believe in your enemy?!"

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