"Chen Haodong, don't say that I didn't warn you. Don't try to get close to Snowy. If you do, you will only be courting death." Fang Ping warned when he saw Chen Haodong rushing into the room.

"Lin Jing, what are you doing?" Although Chen Haodong had pushed Fang Ping away, Lin Jing blocked the door.

Lin Jing opened her arms wide in anger, "Chen Haodong, I won't let you in. That woman is already dead, what else do you want?"

"Heh, Lin Jing, I never expected that you would actually defend your love rival. What, do you think that by helping Helian Chen cleanse this corpse, he will be grateful to you and then let you into his bed …" Lin Jing raised her hand to slap Chen Haodong.

"Pa …" Although Chen Haodong expected that Lin Jing would hit him and he was prepared, he still couldn't avoid it. Instead, he got hit by it. Not only that, he even hit a tooth of Lin Jing's.

"Pah …" "Lin Jing, you b * tch, the more you don't want me to do, the more I want to do it. Today, not only will I touch her corpse, I will also turn her into ashes." Chen Haodong spat out his fallen teeth and sent Lin Jing flying with a palm.

Liu Peng only watched from the side and didn't stop them. Even if someone wanted to go forward, they were stopped by his gaze.

The bedroom door was pushed open by Chen Haodong. Everyone looked at him as he entered. However, something unexpected happened. Chen Haodong flew out and bumped into one of his colleagues.

"Haodong, what's wrong with you?" Everyone looked at the fallen Chen Haodong in astonishment. Blood kept flowing out of his mouth as if he had been dealt a fatal blow.

"Fang Ping, you … "You're so humble …" Chen Haodong didn't even finish his sentence and just breathed his last.

Everyone looked at Fang Ping, and Fang Ping was puzzled as well. He was still in the room earlier, so he was fine.

Fang Ping quickly rushed into the room, but other than Xiao Xue who was sleeping on the bed, there were no other people in the room and he was fine.

Everyone looked and waited, but Fang Ping didn't fly out like Chen Haodong. He was still in there, but Liu Peng's expression changed. He looked at Lin Jing and ordered her, "Miss Lin, you go in and take a look. Is Helian Yi Chen inside?"

Lin Jing looked at Liu Peng with disbelief. Looking at the expression in his eyes, she was angry but didn't dare to say anything. She knew Liu Peng wanted her to try.

"Lin Jing, this is an order." Liu Peng said again when she saw Lin Jing not moving.

"Captain Liu, from now on, I'm officially leaving the organization." Lin Jing clenched her teeth as she walked into the room. At the same time, she closed her eyes and said in pain.

Everyone looked at Lin Jing and saw her slowly walk in. However, nothing unexpected happened. Only then did they heave a sigh of relief, not knowing why.

Some people were even thinking whether Fang Ping was lying to them. Perhaps there weren't any corpses in there, only murderers.

"You guys go in and take a look. You must protect Situ Luoxue's body well. You must not harm her." Seeing that Lin Jing was fine, Liu Peng said to the others.

Liu Peng pointed them out one by one. As the space was limited, everyone who entered would not be able to accommodate them. And if there was an operation, wouldn't it be a huge loss before they even moved? So he asked each of them to come in groups of three.

Nothing happened after the first group went in. After the first group came out, the second group went in and replaced it. No accidents happened. Liu Peng finally felt relieved.

"Captain Liu, there's only a woman lying on the bed. It looks like she's the person Fang Ping talked about. I don't know if she's dead or asleep, but there's no other suspicious person." The people that came out all reported to Liu Peng.

"There's no one else inside?" Liu Peng couldn't help but be confused. Among these people, besides Chen Haodong, no one had any other problems. He wanted to go in as well, but the moment he stepped into the door, he felt a burning sensation and immediately retreated.

"In that case, leave two people here while the others split up. We must find the culprit." Liu Peng's chest was in pain. He somewhat understood why Chen Haodong died, but he didn't understand why everyone else was fine. Only Chen Haodong and him had such a situation.

If he had walked in just now, he would have been certain that he would end up in the same situation as Chen Haodong. Could it be that even those who died knew how to fight back?

Or was it because he was an ordinary person? Liu Peng was different from the others. He was just an ordinary person. Could it be because of this reason?

But no matter what the reason was, he wouldn't go back. Since Fang Ping said the woman was dead, then she shouldn't be a threat and there was no need to look anymore.

"Captain Liu, I have a suggestion. Since the woman inside is Helian Xi Chen's wife, she will definitely come back. Wouldn't it be better if we waited here?" A female member of the team stood forward and said.

"What if he never comes back? Or did he wait until all the cops had been killed before he came back? " Liu Peng swept his gaze across the crowd. It seemed like no one wanted to go. On the surface, they said they were just waiting, but in reality, they were just sitting here and waiting for death.

"Captain Liu, actually, we can split up into two and leave a small portion of our men here." Captain Liu, actually, we can split up into two and leave a small portion of our men here. They hated people from the start and didn't put Fang Ping and Lin Jing in their eyes at all.

"There's a way, but this is a residential building. If we really fight here, many residents will be hurt. It's best not to stay here, but …" Liu Peng was thinking that if that person was really as strong as Fang Ping said, it would be a good strategy here. However, there were too many residents in this building, and they didn't want to see someone innocent get hurt.

Captain Liu, when they are not back yet, we can evacuate the residents of the building and minimize the damage. Right now, there are no longer people in B City that they want to kill, and they might not be here, but if we are able to reach C City or D City, then where are we going to go?

One of the team members who had some understanding of Helian Xi Chen said again.

"That's right, Captain Liu. Why don't we first ask the headquarters and go outside to hunt him down? I think it's too difficult. We can arrange everything here and take him down after Helian Xi returns."

The people outside were discussing intensely. Fang Ping and Lin Jing were in the bedroom. Fang Ping's face was unsettled, while Lin Jing was staring at Luo Xue.

"Fang Ping, is she really dead?" Lin Jing looked at Situ Luoxue who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the bed. Even now, she still didn't dare to believe it.

It was more that she did not want to believe that Helene was going to kill because of such a woman.

"Would I lie to you? "Lin Jing, now do you know how big of a mistake you made back then? In your big brother's heart, there is no one who can replace Little Snow." Fang Ping stood guard beside the bed. He did not know what the people outside would do. The only thing he could do now was protect Xiao Xue's body well for his big brother.

"She is also just a woman. Perhaps he is very angry right now, but one day, that wound in his heart will scab. I believe that Situ Luoxue also does not wish to see Helian Xi kill so many people for him. She also does not wish for her loved ones to commit so many crimes for him." Lin Jing looked at Luo Xue. Rather than being resentful, she was envious. It was impossible for a man to become enemies with the world for a woman.

She only wished for him to look at her once more. She only wished that he could give her a little bit of position in his heart. She was already satisfied. Situ Luoxue was so lucky to meet such a devoted man like Helian Xi.

Big brother once said that Little Snow is his everything and they are his world. Now, both of them have been hurt by the evil people and big brother's world has been destroyed. His world has been destroyed by us conceited people, so naturally, he would want to destroy this world as well. Thinking about how he might not be able to live till now, Fang Ping wished he could die to apologize.

If Xiao Xue had not been taken away by someone else, she would not have gone out and everything would not have happened. He was wrong, it was his dereliction of duty that caused today's misfortunes.

"Fang Ping, these days, you have been staying by Helian Xi Chen's side. Where did he come from?" Lin Jing turned to look at the door, but no one seemed to have left.

"Does it matter where Big Brother came from? He didn't come to our world to invade, he just wanted to live here peacefully, just wanted to live with his family, is that wrong? " Fang Ping yelled at Lin Jing.

It's not Big Bro's fault, it's the greed of humans, the selfishness of humans. If Big Bro didn't come to this world, how great would it be! If nothing happened, he wanted to go with his brother to their world.

"That's not what I meant, I just …"

"You can leave. Snowy needs some peace and quiet. She won't want to see you." Fang Ping raised his teary eyes and glared at Lin Jing.

"Fang Ping, you … Why? Why are you helping them like this? " Lin Jing could not believe his eyes. Fang Ping, how could he shed tears for a woman he had known for less than a month? Could it be that he also fell in love with that woman on the bed?

"Don't think that everyone is as despicable as you. I just feel heartbroken, disappointed in you guys, disappointed in humanity. Do you want to walk out by yourself, or do you want me to invite you out?"

Fang Ping's face was cold. He didn't want others to understand him, but he also didn't need others to insult him.

"I'm sorry, but you can rest assured. I'm not one of them and I've already decided. After I return, I will leave the organization." Lin Jing bowed to each of them on the bed.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have made that call. I shouldn't have lured these people over. I'm sorry."

When Helian Xi Chen had killed so many people, he had been too afraid, afraid that even more would die, so many people, especially after hearing the conversation between Yan Kai and Helian Chen, he had been extremely afraid. He just did not want his big brother to hurt the innocent, and did not want to harm him, he did not think that everyone would change, and Chen Haodong was no longer the Chen Haodong he knew, and the organization was no longer the same organization as the one he understood.

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