"Wang, Helian Yi Chen, please stop quarreling. It is time for us to join hands to deal with our enemies. Their goal is for you two to clash with each other, and then we can take them out one by one." Lie looked at the two of them. The conflict he was worried about was no longer there. Wang and Helian Xi should no longer have any conflicts.

However, he had forgotten one thing. It was because of Luo Xue that Yan Kai and Helian Xi met before. Now that Luo Xue was gone, would they ever meet again?

"Just based on those useless bastards?" If they really had the ability, then they wouldn't let Qi to do these things. I suspect that if they were to go back with Han'er, they only have two reasons: one is to borrow Han'er's power to go back, and the other is to put an end to our thoughts of going back. " Yan Kai raised his eyebrows. Those fellows that were unable to get angry, using such despicable methods, he had already guessed who they might be.

"If we want to borrow Han'er's power to go back, it will be easy. However, if we want to destroy our thoughts of going back, Han'er will be in danger." Lie also sighed.

Although Luo Han was the son of Helian Xi Chen, his feelings for Luo Han were real.

"Let's go, since Fang Ping said there's news of Han'er, we must find Han'er this time." Helian Yi Chen's expression did not change, but his heart was filled with pain. His wife was no longer around, and his son's life and death had not been decided yet. As a husband, he had been a failure.

"Alright, I hope I won't be too disappointed this time." Yan Kai nodded. The three of them placed their hands together for the first time.

During these five minutes, Fang Ping did not stay idle. He first went outside to discuss with his brothers who had worked together before.

"Cui Jian, are you sure you can find where Ruo Han is?" Fang Ping took out the clothes Luo Han wore and asked Cui Jian.

"Fang Ping, what do you mean? Cui Jian's power has never failed before. As long as this is the child's clothes, he will be able to find it." One of them standing beside Cui Jian said.

"That's good then. I've already contacted Big Brother Helian. As long as there's the whereabouts of Ruo Han, we can save Ruo Han. Perhaps everything can still be saved." Fang Ping clenched his hands into fists. It could be seen that he was extremely worried.

"Are you really that confident? "Fang Ping, since they came here, we should use this opportunity to catch them or kill them, lest we cause more casualties for the innocent." Some people disagreed.

"No, you guys listen up. If you really don't want anyone to die, then we must help them find that child. Only he can change all of this. As long as Situ Luoxue doesn't die, then all of this tragedy will never happen again." Fang Ping explained to everyone.

"But she's already dead. Fang Ping, stop dreaming. Can that child revive the dead?" Even so, there are thousands of lives, no, there are already tens of thousands of lives now. The colleague who was previously injured by the stray bullets said indignantly.

If Han Han couldn't revive the dead, then he could return to the past. He could bring Big Brother Helian back to Wang Hai to lynch Situ Luoxue. As long as he could save Situ Luoxue, then all of this wouldn't happen.

"What do you mean? Fang Ping, that kid has the ability to travel through time and space? " Some people seemed to understand the meaning behind Helian Yi Chen's words and exclaimed.

"Yes. The reason why they were able to come here was because of that child. So, as long as they could find that child, everything could be saved. No matter how many people died, everything could change." As Fang Ping said this, he also felt confident that as long as Luo Han was still alive, there was still a chance that everything could be saved.

"Then what you mean is that we can't report Helian Xi and the others when they come? We have to take this down with us. " Lin Jing seemed to be looking forward to it.

"He didn't come down, but to minimize the casualties. Moreover, you may not be his match, and you've already seen those two before. In front of them, there's nothing we can do." Fang Ping looked at the crowd. He had to convince them before his big brother returned.

"But one of them got hurt. Bullets can hurt them too."

That's them, not Helian Chen. They are the kings, not those two commoners, one of them is called Yan Kai, he is Yan Kai's subordinate, but he is not injured, of course, if you decide to sacrifice yourselves, you can report him, and try to see if your abilities can hurt them. Fang Ping knew that persuading more people might not be effective, so he asked Helian Chen to give him five minutes.

"Let's give it a try. If he really has the ability, then it would be worth it even if we give it a try. Are you all not afraid of death?" Cui Jian finally spoke, this was the key person who saved Ruo Han.

"That depends on you. Cui Jian, don't let us down." As Fang Ping spoke, he passed Luo Han's clothes to Cui Jian.

"I will do my best. If he really is that important, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will definitely find him." Cui Jian promised solemnly.

"Bang, bang, bang …" After a few consecutive sounds, a few of the companions standing in the middle of the hall were suddenly sent flying by something. Soon after, three more people appeared in the hall.

The small hall that was noisy a moment ago immediately quietened down. Everyone looked at Helian Yi and Yan Kai who had appeared in the hall vigilantly. They could not help but reach for the guns at their waists.

"Waking up." Seeing Helian Xi Chen again, Lin Jing was wild with joy.

"Woman, Helian Xi Chen, you are truly worthy of Xue'er." Yan Kai glanced at Lin Jing as he ridiculed her.

"I said I don't want to see you again." Lin Jing wanted to get close to Helian Xi Chen, but an invisible wall separated her three feet away from Helian Yi Chen.

"You guys go ahead, I'll go see the snow." Yan Kai swept his gaze over the crowd. Indeed, these people would not pose any threat to them before entering their bedroom.

"Big brother, you're finally back." Fang Ping's voice was hoarse, and tears actually rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

"Helian Yi Chen, you killed over ten thousand of my people's police and you still dare to come here." Fang Ping originally thought that everyone would accept, but he didn't expect that someone would actually fire at Helian Chen.

A gunshot rang out, and Fang Ping rushed towards Helian Chen without any hesitation. However, he was pushed away by a force.

"No, big brother …" Fang Zhong was terrified, even if Helian Chen was not injured by the gunshot, he would definitely be moved by the net outside.

"You're courting death." Helian Xi raised his hand and the bullet stopped in midair. It spun for a few seconds and then flew back.

"Big brother, don't kill anymore." Fang Ping knelt down in front of Helian Chen, and the bullet stopped between the man's eyebrows. The man immediately broke out in a cold sweat and didn't dare to move.

"Fang Ping, this is for your sake. If there's a next time, I won't forgive you." Helian Yi warned Chen coldly.

"Big brother, I know that it's because of sister-in-law that you became like this, but sister-in-law is no longer here. You've killed so many people. Enough, it's really enough." This was the first time he had seen Helian Chen's savage side. That day in the hospital, when he saw the tragic death of Forensic Medicine Master Lin, he had only guessed that it was Helian Chen, but he did not personally witness it. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, if that bullet had really entered Wang Hua's forehead, today would be his life's nightmare.

"It's not enough. Even if I kill everyone in this world, my Xue'er won't be able to live on. Therefore, no one has the qualifications to live in this world." Helian Yi gazed coldly at Fang Ping. He only faced Fang Ping when he was sure that no one dared to act rashly in the middle of the crowd.

"Helian Xi Chen, is Situ Luoxue's life really that precious? Her life, already has tens of thousands of people to accompany the funeral, is it not enough? Are you really going to kill everyone in this world? " Lin Jing said with a resentful expression.

She hated him. She wasn't willing to give up just because Situ Luoxue had transmigrated into that world, and just because Situ Luoxue had become his wife, she had the earth-shattering love Helian Xi had. As for her, even if she had to sacrifice her life for him, he wouldn't even spare a glance at how unfair this world was.

"Fang Ping, didn't you say there was news about Han'er? "Where's Han-Er?" Helene ignored the woman who had lost her mind to jealousy. He came back to take Xue'er away and to find out the whereabouts of his son.

"Cui Jian, sorry to trouble you." Fang Ping stood up and walked towards Cui Jian.

At this moment, Cui Jian was still in awe of Helian Chen's unimaginable power, and was unable to recover from it for a long time.

"Does he know Han'er's whereabouts?" Hearing Fang Ping call Cui Jian, Helian Xi walked towards him.

"Yes, he was born with this ability." Fang Ping nodded, no longer allowing Helian Chen to step forward, "Big brother, don't get too close. If you get closer, Cui Jian will feel pressured. If you tell him to concentrate, he will definitely find out where Luo Han is."

"Alright, Mr. Cui, please." Hearing this, Helian Yi Chen bowed to Cui Jian politely.

"I just want to know if what Fang Ping said is true. As long as we can find your child, everything can be saved?" Cui Jian looked at Helian Chen nervously. He was afraid, but he also had a lot of hope.

"Yes …" As long as I can find Han'er, nothing will happen to Xue'er. As long as I can find her, everything can be stopped. " Helian Yi Chen understood the meaning of Cui Jian's words and said happily.

"Helian Xi Chen, what do you mean?" Standing at the side, Lie looked at Helian Xi Chen and was so surprised that tears flowed from his eyes. He was puzzled.

"Lie, what happened?" Yan Kai heard a loud voice and came out from his bedroom.

"Yan Kai, Xue'er has been saved! She has been saved! As long as we can find Han'er and have him bring us back to Xue'er, we will be able to make it in time!" Helian Yi held Yan Kai, crying tears of joy.

"Yes, Wang. We have overlooked the most important point. Han'er has the ability to traverse space and time. As long as Han'er can bring us back, nothing will happen to Xiao Xue." Lie Xian Yan Kai understood the meaning behind Helian Xi's words and said happily.

"Yeah, we overlooked that. The snow will be fine, the snow will be fine." Yan Kai was also on the verge of tears. The dragon amongst the two of them, the two experts were actually crying in front of so many people.

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