"Cui Jian, please begin." Fang Ping's voice was choked with emotions. When he heard what Helian Yi Chen and Yan Kai said, his heart became much more at ease.

If it could be saved, then the effort would not have been in vain, and those innocent lives could be saved as well.

When they saw Cui Jian start to channel his Qi, Helian Chen and Yan Kai both felt slightly awkward, especially when they saw his tears. He had always thought that it was because of him that Yan Kai purposely loved Luo Xue, but now, his opinion of Yan Kai had changed.

"But the gunshot just now must have moved my heart." Lin Jing walked to the window and opened it to observe.

"There's no need to worry. Everyone, continue. When we arrived, we had already set up a barrier in the building. Even if there was a huge explosion here, we wouldn't know about it."

The crowd was shocked when they heard this. Fortunately, they did not act rashly, otherwise, they would have already reported this to the King of Hell. Many of them gave Fang Ping grateful looks.

Cui Jian held onto Luo Han's clothes while the rest of them hurriedly moved to give Yan Kai and Helian Chen a seat.

Tens of eyes were fixated on Cui Jian, not sure if it was because of the pressure he felt, his forehead was covered in sweat, ten minutes had passed but there was still no result.

Ten minutes later, Helian Xi Chen suddenly stood up.

"Big brother." Fang Ping quickly grabbed him.

"I know where Han-Er is now." Helian Yi Chen's face was extremely ugly. Hearing what was said, everyone was even more worried.

Cui Jian seemed to have no results, how could Helian Xi know?

"Big brother, let's wait for Cui Jian. He should have news soon." Fang Ping looked at Cui Jian anxiously, it was a pity that Cui Jian didn't know anything about the outside world when he was cultivating.

"Helian Xi Chen, where is Han-Er?" Yan Kai also stood up. He believed that Helian Xi Chen. Since he said that he knew, it meant that he knew.

"The castle of the vampires in England." Helian Yi said through gritted teeth.

"No wonder the person who took Han'er said that we couldn't find him because we were only looking for him in China. Could it be …" Fang Ping was startled, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"If that's the case, then there's no mistake. It must be to reveal the news to us." Hearing this, Lie said happily, at least this point can prove that Qi Qi did not become their accomplice completely. Furthermore, they were probably trying to leak this information to them, which also meant that Ruo Han was currently safe.

"I'm sorry, but all I can see is that the child is locked up in a basement. The house is very large, but I don't know exactly where it is." Cui Jian finally opened his eyes and apologized.

"Thank you. I already know where you're talking about. I've been there before." But did not expect Helian Yi Chen gratefully to Cui JianDao.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." When Yan Kai heard this, he urged Helian Chen to wash up.

"Good, last time I spared that vampire zombie, this time I will definitely not let him go." Helian Xi nodded his head. Since Han was in the castle of vampires, the zombie named David was also involved in this incident.

"You mean that vampire who was once entangled in the snow?" Listening to Helian Xi speak, Yan Kai had an impression. He remembered that the zombie was injured. How could it still injure someone? It was obvious that his injuries from last time weren't severe enough. This time, they had to teach him a good lesson.

"Right, let's go." Helian nodded.

"Wait a minute, big brother, is it going to take a lot of mana just to get to London like this?" Fang Ping suddenly said to the two.

"Time waits for no one. We must go and save Han'er as soon as possible." Helian Yi Chen did not answer directly. It was true that crossing the ocean to save someone would consume some of his energy, but he, Yan Kai and Lie Lie would be fine with the three of them together.

The last time in London had not been successful because he had fought with the vampire and had exhausted too much of his spiritual power, but this time was different.

"Big brother, we don't know how many people there are, but you must maintain your strength, otherwise how can you save Luo Han? Leave this matter to me, please believe me, I will arrange for you to go to London as soon as possible. You must preserve your strength well." He didn't know what kind of power was hidden in that castle. If the three of them were caught in a trap because they went to London and used up too much spirit energy, how could he save them?

"That's right, the three of you, Fang Ping is right. I don't think they will leave so soon." Fang Ping suggested to Helian Yi Chen and the others.

"That's right. Although we can't compare to you guys, we can still help a little. We will apply for a private jet to London." The others also expressed their agreement.

"Helian Xi Chen, what do you think?" Yan Kai looked at Helian Xi Chen. They were not afraid of anything, it was just that Han Er was more important than anything. They had to be cautious, especially when not knowing who the enemy was.

"Very soon, we will arrive tomorrow. In terms of time difference, we should arrive in London at night." Fang Ping said again.

"Wang, Helian Xi Chen, I think their proposal can be considered, if it is really done that quickly." Lie looked at the two kings as though having a hard time making a decision, and said this.

"Can you arrange for a plane?" Helene said after a moment's thought.

"It should be possible. Big brother, are you willing to come with me to see the leader? As long as you explain it clearly to him, we have a huge chance of winning." Fang Ping looked eagerly at Helian Xi Chen.

Of course, he didn't have the ability to do so himself, but as long as his big brother was willing to let go of his pride and explain everything to the leader, it would definitely work.

"Are you sure?" Yan Kai looked at Fang Ping. He felt that he wasn't the first to speak. If he couldn't, then it would delay the time for him to save Han'er.

"Fang Ping, thank you, but we don't have much time. If we don't save Han'er, I won't be able to wait." Helene decided to give up the plane. He had confidence in the three of them.

"In that case, let's go. Don't waste too much time. Besides, Qi is still there. I believe he will become our helper." Yan Kai said again.

"Big brother, take care, sister-in-law, I …"

"No need, we will bring Han'er to a safe place. Helian Lie, we have to hurry." As Yan Kai spoke, he entered the room. Helian Xi and Lie also entered. The people outside all looked at Fang Ping.

"Don't look at me, I can't help either. We can't help either." Seeing this hope, Fang Ping's mood was much better than before.

"Should we report this to headquarters?" Cui Jian looked at the crowd and said.

"Of course, but …" The few of them looked at the room that was closed, not sure if they should go in and take a look.

"We don't have the ability to catch them. With their abilities, they aren't something that we humans can fight against. Fang Ping, how are we going to help them now?" Everyone looked at Fang Ping and said these words to express their feelings.

"Big brother doesn't need our help." Fang Ping turned his head to look at the bedroom. At this moment, the bedroom door was already opened, but the person had already left. This house might no longer mean anything to them.

"Can we get to London in time? How about we go to London together? At least we have a goal. If we find that place, maybe we can help out a little? " Cui Jian was very worried.

With their abilities, the chance of using them was very slim. They were all people who had come and gone without a trace, and perhaps by the time they reached London, Helian Xi and the others had already returned. Right now, they could only wait.

"Without Big Bro and the rest, even if we get permission to go to London, we will at least have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Think about it, if we go there, will we be able to help?"

"Wait, it's the superior's number." As everyone was talking, someone's phone suddenly rang. After hanging up the phone, he gestured for everyone to be silent.

"You take it, but don't mention what just happened." The few of them spoke at the same time.

The man nodded and carried the phone into the master bedroom. Fang Ping hesitated for a moment before following him in. The others were waiting outside with their hearts in their mouths.

"Hello Chief, what are your latest orders?"

"The captain of your operation, Liu Peng, officially announced his death ten minutes ago at the People's Hospital of B City. What happened after you arrived at B City?" Hearing the heavy voice of the leader, both Fang Ping and Liu Ming trembled.

How could Liu Peng die? He had never come into contact with Big Brother Helian and the others before. He hadn't even entered this room.

Fang Ping took the phone from his colleague's hand and said to his superior, "Chief, this is Fang Ping. May I ask what is the cause of death for Captain Liu?"

"My internal organs have been damaged, my internal organs are all broken. Just like Chen Haodong's death, this is the reason I want to ask you all about it."

"This... Chief, there are some things I want to report to you, and also some things I want to ask you about. " Fang Ping said seriously.

"Sure, video call in ten minutes. You have to give me an acceptable explanation for everything." Fang Ping's face was filled with joy. After hanging up the phone, he rushed out.

However, he did not leave the building. Instead, he went up to the top floor. There were new equipment installed upstairs that allowed him to contact the headquarters.

Finally, the video was picked up. Looking at the chief's gloomy face, Fang Ping felt the pressure. He didn't know if what he was going to say next would anger the chief.

"Fang Ping, you better have a reason that I can accept. Do you know how many people we have lost? City B, City C, just five minutes ago, City E was once again massacred. The organization is now suspicious of whether you are their accomplice or not. " Fang Ping saw the leader slapping the table in the video as he roared.

"Impossible, Chief, it couldn't have been Helian Chen and the others who did it. Five minutes ago, they couldn't have done it, and they wouldn't have done it." Fang Ping was in a hurry to explain. If it was City B, C, he would believe it, but City E, not to mention it was five minutes ago, it was impossible.

"Fang Ping, it's already time for this. Our death toll has skyrocketed, and the higher-ups have already given the order to kill them at all costs. You're still saying it's impossible?"

The Chief was furious. The situation was no longer under his control, and it had escalated to an international level of murder.

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