"Why is it that everyone is dead except for the two of you?" Little Bei seemed to sniff something and roared at Little Liu.

Little Liu was silent. No matter how loud Little Bey was, no matter how hard she shook him, he remained silent.

"Do you know Helian Yi Chen, Yan Kai, or Lie Li?" Seeing that Xiao Liu was silent, Xiao Bei could only make bold guesses.

"You … You know them? " Xiao Liu turned around and asked Xiao Bei in surprise.

"It's really because you guys know them that … You only want to live? " At a time like this, the two of them actually stood on the enemy's side.

"We did not live our lives in vain. Although it is wrong for them to kill, the ones who were truly at fault were us. From the very beginning, Big Brother Helian and the others actively helped me find the culprit. They have never done anything to harm us. It is the fault of our own people." Little Liu shouted excitedly.

"So you know? You know everything? " The older cousin covered Xiao Liu's collar and said angrily.

"Yes, I know. I know that the captain wanted to make things difficult for them, and I know that the captain wanted to capture Helian Xi Chen and Yan Kai because they are not ordinary people. "I also know that captain ignored all the rules and used a nerve potion on Situ Luoxue, causing her to die. If it wasn't for all of this, everyone wouldn't have died." Little Liu cried.

That day when he saw his colleagues lying in a pool of blood, he wanted to die too, but Helian Xi had left. He even wanted to kill himself, but he was stopped by Fang Ping.

"Wang Hai really used a forbidden pill on Situ Luoxue?" Little Bei's voice was low. Even though she had personally seen Situ Luoxue's corpse, she wasn't willing to accept this fact. Wang Hai was his respected police officer. He had always been impartial, so it was impossible for him to do such a thing.

That night, Situ Luoxue helped us catch a serial killer. Originally, after recording the statement, there was nothing left for her to do, but captain forcefully detained them, and even I and Little Cheng tried to persuade us to take a vacation to rest. After we left, he also banned Situ Luoxue. Xiao Liu painfully recalled the events of that day.

"Impossible, Wang Hai would never do that." Little Bei immediately rejected this fact.

"Examiner Luo, if you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital and check the records. You can go investigate Situ Luoxue's death?" Little Liu pointed outside the window and roared.

"Even so, that damn person is still Wang Hai. Why would he want to kill my father?" His cousin was also shocked when he heard this, and his voice also became a lot weaker.

"Because we destroyed his world." After saying this, Little Liu did not say anything else.

He used to think that love was just a boring screenwriter to make people cry, but now, from Helian Chen, from Yan Kai, he knew that some people, can really love life, for love to die.

"You mean Yan Kai or Helian Chen?" Little Bei's voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, and his mood was clearly different from before.

"Is there a difference? We killed their most beloved women, destroyed their world, and why can't they take revenge? Are you going to seek revenge with them? I advise you all to give up. " Little Liu stared at Luo Xiaobie. He knew the relationship between Luo Xiaobie and Director Lin. Wasn't this why they were looking for him today?

"Why? Since they want to take revenge for the woman, then of course, I want to take revenge for my father as well. " The cousin pointed at Little Liu.

"Revenge?" Don't overestimate your capabilities. You can't even find them, and even if you were to find them, you won't even have the chance to approach them. How can you avenge yourself? " Little Liu mocked.

"Revenge doesn't necessarily mean we have to get close." The cousin gritted his teeth.

"Hahahaha …" "Yeah, we have guns. You should really see how your dad died, and how those people at the police station died. They died because they had guns. If they didn't have guns, maybe they wouldn't have died." Little Liu laughed out loud. After laughing, she looked like a zombie again, "Please open the car door, I don't want to be with two idiots."

"Tell me clearly, what happened to the gun? How did my dad and the rest die? " His cousin was even more excited because of what Little Liu said.

"Brother, let him go, let him go. He's right, we will never get our revenge." However, Little Bei's expression was calm as he spoke.

"You know this is for the best. Everyone has to pay the price for what they have done. Although many of our colleagues are innocent, we cannot take revenge for them." Xiao Liu sighed, but his cousin refused to unlock the car.

"Why? Why? I don't believe that I can't kill them. No matter how powerful they are, they are still human. " His cousin opened the car door and shouted along the road.

No one can live for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years. Before you seek revenge, it would be best for you to first figure out who they are. "Let's see if you have the ability to do so." Little Liu even kindly advised her cousin before she left the car.

"Little Liu, what did you say just now?" Xiao Liu left, but Luo Xiao Bei, who was in the car, caught up to her again.

"Forensic Luo, since you know them, you should know that Yan Kai and the others aren't humans. I just heard from Big Brother Fang Ping that he came from another world and is a Demon King, and has lived for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that the swords and spears in this world are not even comparable to children's toys for them."

Little Liu sized Luo Xiaobie up and down and said meaningfully.

"Infernal King, he has lived for over ten thousand years. How is this possible? How is this possible …" Little Bei mumbled in a daze. She never thought that Yan Kai was really not human, much less that he was the Infernal King.

The Infernal King? Wasn't the legendary devil Satan? Why? Why would such a thing happen? Why would something that shouldn't have happened in her life?

Since he was Satan, didn't that mean that the lives of humans were in his hands? Why was he so powerless in the face of Situ Luoxue's death?

"Impossible, this isn't real, it isn't …" Little Bei hugged and shouted, trying to vent some of the uneasiness and fear in his heart.

"Bey, what did he tell you?" The cousin saw that Xiao Bei seemed to be provoked and hurriedly ran over to pull Xiao Bei who was squatting on the ground up and asked worriedly.

"It can't be. I don't believe it, I don't believe it …" However, Little Bei continued to hold his head, unwilling to believe it.

"Little Bei, what don't? What are you talking about? " The cousin saw that Xiao Bei seemed to be out of his mind and carried her back to the car.

"Brother, let's go find Yan Kai. I want to know more clearly." When the car started moving, Luo Xiaobie suddenly went to grab the steering wheel of his cousin. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no one on the road at night, it would have been a tragedy.

"Luo Xiaobie, calm down. What in the world is going on to make you go crazy?" Cousin was both afraid and angry. He anxiously parked the car and pulled Little Bei along to question him.

"I don't believe you, brother. There is no Infernal King in this world, right? There are no ghosts in this world, right? Those are all fictitious, they don't exist, do they? " Little Bei, who was forcefully dragged out of the car, asked incoherently while shaking his cousin's arm.

She had been trained as an atheist since she was young. Now, she suddenly had to accept a Human Demon King who had lived for tens of thousands of years. How could she accept that?

"Of course, Xiao Bei, what did that Xiao Liu say to you just now? Didn't he say those people were people? Say they are ghosts? " Seeing the situation of Xiao Bas, Cousin ventured to speculate.

"Bro, bring me to Yan Kai. Take me to Yan Kai, I want to ask him myself." Bey dragged his cousin into the car.

"Little Bei, if you don't explain yourself, then we won't go either." The cousin was frightened by Xiao Bei's expression and said hurriedly.

"If you don't want to go, I'll go by myself. I can go by myself." Little Bei immediately went to the driver's seat. His cousin was frightened, so he quickly grabbed her and coaxed, "Okay, okay, let's go find him. Big bro will drive. You can drive if you want. Big bro won't be at ease."

After coaxing her into the back seat, his cousin started the car and decided to take her home first. She was really too worrisome.

"Brother, do you know where he lives?" Little Bei asked as soon as the car started up.

"Yeah, didn't you just say that?" The cousin said guiltily.

"Is there? Brother, don't lie to me, I don't even know where he lives. " Little Bei shouted at his cousin.

She angrily glared at her cousin. Only now did she realize that her acting earlier had been taken as a 'lunatic' by her cousin.

"Little Bei, if you don't know, then where are you going to find them?" Hearing that Xiao Bei did not know where Yan Kai lived, his cousin heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, don't lie to me. I was just a bit unable to accept it, and did not get sick. Let's go find Lil 'Liu. Since he is so close to Yan Kai and the others, he will definitely be able to find him." Little Bei had finally returned to normal. Now, other than Little Liu, no one else knew.

"Little Liu, that kid is long gone. Where are we going to find him? I said, 'Little Bei, let's not waste anymore time.' It's already 3: 15 in the morning, let's go back and sleep. We can't talk about this after we wake up, can't we?" His cousin looked at his watch. He was not very sleepy, but tonight's Little Bei was too abnormal. He was a little worried that if anything happened, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his aunt.

"Then go find Little Cheng. I know where his house is. Let's go find him." Little Bei's mind was now extremely clear. How could he be so easily fooled?

"Little Cheng might not know, but it's fine if he makes a call." The cousin said helplessly.

"I don't have my phone, so we'll go directly to look for someone. What if he doesn't answer, or if he doesn't? If he doesn't, we can just tie him up." Little Bei stubbornly said.

During the time she was locked up, she understood many things. At this time, it was useless just to make phone calls. If he was unwilling to speak, then it was useless. Furthermore, he had been given the opportunity to escape.

"Little Bei, what's wrong with you tonight? Even if they aren't human, we still have ways to take revenge. Since they aren't human, we can find Taoists and monks. They should be able to deal with ghosts, right?" his cousin said hurriedly.

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