"Bro, don't speak nonsense if you don't know. No matter what it is, wait till I find Yan Kai." Little Bei interrupted his cousin irritably.

She was already confused, but her cousin was still nagging by her ear. It was really annoying.

"Alright, alright, I'll listen to you, as long as you don't scare me like you did just now." Upon hearing Zhang Xuan's words, his cousin hurriedly changed his direction and headed straight for the small Cheng Clan.

Little Bei felt a little embarrassed. She was just too shocked. Even now, she still found it hard to believe. But after what she had seen with her own eyes, Little Bei was telling her that everything Little Liu said was true.

Even if one's martial arts were high, it was impossible to become invisible. No matter how advanced science was, it could not make a person invisible. Other than the fact that he was not a human, there seemed to be no better explanation.

"No, brother, do you really want revenge?" Little Bei calmed down.

Revenge or not? There didn't seem to be any meaning in that. She was already dead, and there were only two questions that she wanted to clarify.

Firstly, Helian Xi Chen was not a human being. Secondly, was it really as Lie said, as long as he could save the child, everything could be avoided?

"Of course, didn't the ancients say that the hatred between parents was irreconcilable? Furthermore, since we already know who the culprit is, how can we let them get away scot-free? At the mention of revenge, his cousin became agitated once more.

"But if we don't have the ability? What if we can't get our revenge? " Little Bei looked at his cousin Lin Guoqing and said helplessly.

"As long as you have the determination, there's nothing you can't do. Little Bei, it can't be that you were swayed by Little Liu's words, right?" his cousin said unhappily.

"No, it's just that if what he said is the truth, we won't take revenge at all." Little Bei muttered as he recalled all of Lie's extraordinary abilities.

"I don't believe that there will be a long period of time left in the future. One day, we will have our revenge." Lin Guoqing was getting angrier and angrier.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to take it back in my lifetime." Little Bei wasn't throwing a tantrum, but had made a concrete analysis of the conclusion. If one 'Lie' was capable of it, then those two would definitely be well-hidden. If this were the case, then not only would he be unable to return in his next life, but his next life as well.

They would not die. They were very patient. Even if they waited another ten thousand years, they might not be able to report it.

"Luo Xiaobie, I will definitely avenge my father's death. No matter what you say, don't even think about me giving up." Lin Guoqing roared at Little Bei after braking urgently.

Little Bei covered her ears in fear and said in a low voice, "Brother, if... "What if Uncle is really alive?"

Lin Guoqing was stunned. He glared at Xiao Bei and said, "Luo Xiao Bei, I think you are crazy. Do you think you are telling a story? My dad only has a little bit of dust left, how can he come back to life, clone? Are you saying you want to clone a father for me? "

"Brother, don't care about how you save uncle, as long as uncle comes back to life, you won't take revenge." Little Bei asked.

"Nonsense, if my dad is well, why would I take revenge?" Lin Guoqing's eyes turned red. He took out his cigarette case and began to smoke in the carriage.

"Brother, give me some time, I need to understand some things. If there really is no chance, if they really did kill me, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will still avenge uncle." Little Bei finally made up her mind to ask Yan Kai personally.

Right now, it didn't seem like she needed to look for Little Cheng anymore. She decided that she would return to the laboratory and disintegrate the ingredients first before concocting the antidote. After three days, Lie would definitely come looking for her.

If she had concocted the antidote a step earlier, if what Lie said was true, then everything would still be in time. If it was fake, then she could destroy the antidote.

"If you can't do it, then just let big bro do it himself. It's fine as long as you live well. If I'm not here anymore, remember to take good care of grandpa and mom for me." The cousin sucked up the last few mouthfuls as if giving out his last words.

"No, brother, if you trust me, give me some time, I will find a way." However, he did not believe that his cousin would be able to find Yan Kai that quickly.

"Yep, during this period of time, I still need to deal with my dad's aftermath. I will do some investigation first, the police must be monitoring us, I will think of a way to get the surveillance. Let's not talk about this first, let's go look for Little Cheng." Lin Guoqing said in a low voice.

"Big brother, I think we better not look for Little Cheng. Since Little Liu didn't say anything, Little Cheng might not say anything. Let's …" Take me to the laboratory first, I still have something to do. " Little Bei said embarrassedly to Lin Guoqing.

Seeing that the sky was about to brighten, she wanted to get the ingredients for the medicine as soon as possible.

"Little Bei, what the hell are you doing? You're going here and where are you going? Don't tell me you're not going to sleep?" Lin Guoqing asked doubtfully.

"Sleep, just wait for me to finish my work so I can sleep. Bro, just send me to the entrance of the experiment lab. I'll go back by myself later, but you have to promise me that you won't act rashly for the next few days." Little Bei's mood did not improve. Instead, he spoke with a heavy tone.

"Yes, you also promised me, don't go looking for people randomly. If there's anything you need, you must discuss it with me." Lin Guoqing warned Xiao Bei over and over when he arrived at the laboratory.

"I know. Big brother, you go back first. Don't worry about Grandfather and Aunt." Little Bei nodded. No matter what happened, the blood relationship between people would always be separated.

After sending off her cousin, Little Bei dove into the laboratory again. She saw that she was about to break through. However, there were a few ingredients that she couldn't decipher no matter how hard she tried.

The more anxious he was, the more it would be impossible for him to remove the poison. Seeing that there weren't many medicinal herbs left, if he were to use up all of them, it would be even harder for him to remove the sample.

After some hesitation, he decided to ask his father and grandfather for help.

Fortunately, his grandpa didn't live too far away. It was in the dormitory building at school. Little Bei closed the door to the laboratory and prepared to go look for his grandpa.

When he knocked on his grandpa's door, his grandma cried.

"Little Bei, where have you been these days? "We were so anxious that we couldn't get through to her on the phone and couldn't find her. You scared us to death." As soon as grandma met, she hugged Little Bei and kept wiping away her tears.

"Grandma, I'm fine, don't you see that I'm fine? Don't cry. " However, no matter how much she said it, Grandma couldn't stop her tears. She could only use her trump card and say, "Grandma, I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. I'm so hungry. Can you cook me a bowl of noodles?"

"Ah …" You haven't eaten since yesterday, you child. How can you waste yourself like this? Old man, quickly accompany your granddaughter. I'll go get something to eat. " Hearing that, Grandma immediately stood up, and Little Bei knew that this would work more than anything.

"Grandfather, I have something that I need your help with." Seeing that his grandma had entered the kitchen, Little Bei quickly took her grandpa's hand.

"Child, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?" After Little Bei helped his grandfather sit down on the sofa, he quickly took his grandfather's glasses.

"I have a friend who was poisoned, but was unable to find the antidote. Grandfather, I analyzed the poison last night and pretty much figured it out, but there are a few that I have never seen before, so I came to ask for your help." Little Bei coaxed as he massaged his grandfather.

"Did you send him to the hospital? Don't you know what kind of poison the academy is infected with? " his grandfather asked solemnly.

"No, sending her to the hospital is useless. Grandfather, please help me. As long as I can concoct the antidote, I can save a lot of people." Little Bei told his grandfather.

"Fine, fine, bring that medicine over." His grandfather sighed as he patted Little Bei's shoulder.

"This won't do, grandpa. I'll store the medicine in the laboratory. Just come with me to the laboratory." Little Bei acted like a spoiled child.

"You … Okay, but before you go, you have to eat breakfast first. You learn medicine yourself, so why do you still not know how to take care of yourself?" Pappy deliberately scolded Bey with a straight face.

Little Bei laughed and said, "Little Bei knows that Grandpa dotes on me the most. Grandpa, after this matter is settled, Little Bei will invite Grandfather and Grandmother on a trip."

"Little Bei, you're here. What's there to talk about after breakfast? Grandma's cooked you some minced meat and egg noodles." As Grandma Bei spoke, she brought a big bowl of noodles.

"Grandmother, you don't need to be busy. That's enough. I have to leave after eating. Grandpa …"

"Don't talk while we eat." Little Bei giggled as she quickly picked up the noodles. Even if her grandfather didn't let her say anything, she still praised the noodles that her grandma cooked the most.

"Old partner, Little Bei and I are going to the laboratory. We might not be able to come back for lunch, so be careful at home." When Little Bei brought the bowl to the kitchen, he heard his grandpa nanny's warning.

Seeing her grandparents, who had been together for decades and were still as sweet as ever, Little Bei was especially envious. The reason she still hadn't given up a boyfriend was because she didn't have a man like him … For some reason, Yan Kai's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind.

She shook her head and walked over to support her grandfather. "Grandma, don't worry. Once the small problem in the laboratory is solved, Little Bei will definitely bring Grandfather back safely."

Grandma walked them to the elevator and closed the door. Seeing that Grandma still hadn't left, Bei Bei's heart skipped a beat and she asked her grandpa, "Grandpa, what if Grandma one day …"

Little Bei stopped abruptly. Grandfather, Grandma is already so old, there's no need to use them as an analogy anymore. No matter what, everything is fine.

"What do you want to say? Why aren't you saying it?" Pappy asked with a smile as they got out of the elevator.

"No, just a friend. His wife was killed, he was very sad, and then he began to take revenge, not only did he kill the person who harmed his wife, but he also killed that person's colleagues, relatives, and a lot of people. Some people said that it was because the person who killed his wife destroyed his world, he also wanted to ruin the world of others, Grandfather, can love really make people this crazy?" Seeing his grandfather continue to ask, Little Bei changed the topic.

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