Grandfather didn't answer Little Bei, he was only exceptionally silent. Little Bei didn't dare to ask again, not knowing if Grandpa had guessed what she was talking about.

"Everyone has their own choices, and so does love, but killing the innocent so recklessly is a sin." Grandfather sighed.

"Grandfather, do you believe that anyone in this world can travel through time and space?" Little Bei thought about it and decided to ask her grandfather.

Maybe one day someone will be able to solve this mystery. As for whether we have the ability or not, we might have it, but aren't there a lot of scientists who are dedicated to researching how to traverse space and time? Little Bei, why did you suddenly ask so many questions?

When they finally arrived at the laboratory, Grandpa said as he changed his clothes.

Early in the morning, a friend told me that as long as I can cure this pill, everything can be saved, because the person who was poisoned has the ability to travel through space and time. As long as I can save him, as long as his mother doesn't die, then Uncle won't die. Little Bei took out the remaining pills as his heart felt heavy.

If this was true, then the responsibility she bore could be imagined. If she failed, then she would become a sinner.

"Then let's do our best. Whether or not it's true, we should give it a try. Moreover, it's our duty to save him." Pappy began to analyze the ingredients of the pills.

"But grandfather, what if they lied to us, then …"

"I am not lying to you. If you can concoct the antidote, as long as Han'er wakes up, everything can be saved." Little Bei was in the middle of a dilemma when he heard a loud voice coming from the sky.

"You … Can you come in the normal way? " Little Bei stiffened his body and did not look back. Instead, it was his grandfather who looked back.

"Sorry, I'm used to it." Lie looked at Grandpa Luo in surprise for a moment, but then he understood.

After all, he had done a thorough investigation of Luo Xiaobie. Strictly speaking, this laboratory belonged to Grandpa Luo.

"Is he your friend?" Grandfather Luo took off one of his gloves, as if he wanted to greet Lie.

"I guess so, grandpa. I'll leave this place to you. Can I go do something for you?" Xiao Bei looked at Lie and decided to let Lie lead him to Yan Kai to get to the bottom of the matter.

"Go, remember grandpa's words. You have to be calm and not be impulsive in the face of things. As doctors, this is even more so." Pappy nodded, put his gloves back on, and went to work.

"Yes." Little Bei answered and walked towards Lie. "Can you take me to see Yan Kai? There are some things I want to ask him in person. "

"Miss Luo, I'm really sorry. Wang and Helian Chen were drunk last night. The two of them might still wake up, but it might not be appropriate." When he went back last night, Wang and Helian Chen were still drinking in the room, and the last two of them were lying on the carpet.

He still didn't know when he would wake up. Bringing Luo Xiaobie along was like looking for a beating.

"It doesn't matter. I can wait, and I also want to check on Situ Luoxue. I'm not sure whether or not there will always be a knot in my heart." Little Bei was stunned for a moment before he said again.

"I'm sorry, but the King and Helian Chen sealed Situ Luoxue's body. Besides the two of them, no one else can undo the seal, so there's nothing that can be done about this."

"Lie! You did it on purpose, right? Yan Kai and Helian Yi Chen were suddenly drunk. Situ Luoxue couldn't look at them either. If it wasn't for that, then Situ Luoxue wouldn't have died from the Nerve Potion. Killing you would have been an excuse. " Little Bas said angrily.

"You don't need to use the method of provocation. No one can change the decision of the king." Looking at Luo Xiao Bei's expression, he said with a faint smile.

"What about Situ Luoxue?" Nor can she change Yan Kai's mind? " Little Bei suddenly felt sour.

"Miss Luo, you …" Are you jealous? " Lie asked uncertainly.

He did not know how Yan Kai and Little Bei came to know each other. However, this Miss Luo's reaction was truly abnormal. There was only one possibility, and that was that she was in love with Wang Qiang. At the very least, she had a good impression of him.

"Who …" "Who's jealous? I just don't want to see you guys use a woman as an excuse. You guys want to commit murder and arson, but instead blame all of it on a dead woman. Don't you guys feel that it's too despicable?"

Little Bei's face reddened as he replied with a guilty conscience.

Grandfather Luo stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at his granddaughter. He knew this granddaughter best. The more guilty he felt, the louder his voice became. It was as if he were talking to his granddaughter right now.

"It doesn't matter, we don't care. If you can't concoct the antidote, then what will Wang and Helian Xi do next? I'm not sure if it will destroy this world." Lie raised his head, looked into Grandpa Luo's eyes and said calmly.

"Are you threatening me?" Little Bei was so angry that her teeth started to itch. She only wanted to see Yan Kai, how could she not?

"You know, there's no need for me to threaten you. With our abilities, it's not hard for us to destroy this world." As he spoke, Lie turned around, ready to leave.

This woman was out of sorts today, and he didn't want to argue with her. Besides, Wang and He were both drunk and needed someone to look after them.

"Then go ahead and ruin everything. If everyone dies, you will have nowhere to go." Little Bei suddenly roared like a madman.

"Little Bei, you forgot about grandpa's words so quickly." Grandpa Luo walked over and glanced at Little Bei while shaking his head helplessly. Before Lie left, he called out to Lie, "Young man, can we talk?"

I don't think there's anything to talk about. I've already said everything I could say. You may consider the importance of this antidote, but if you can't save Situ Luoxue then you won't be able to save the 10,000 over there.

Lie looked to Grandpa Luo and believed that he was a very reasonable person. That was the reason why he had said those words again.

"Excuse me, but are you people from Earth?"

"I suppose it doesn't matter?" Lie Wei frowned, he had no idea what this old man wanted to ask.

"Of course, there are some things in this pill that might not be from our earth." Grandpa Luo said in a serious tone.

"How could that be?" Lie was astonished, but he did not question it.

"Grandfather, what did you say?" However, Little Bei panicked and ran to the workbench.

"I'm just guessing, but I still have to go back and look for some information. If that's really the case, then I'm afraid we won't be able to concoct the antidote." Grandpa Luo said with a heavy heart.

He hoped that what Lie said was true, but in the blink of an eye, hope had turned into disappointment, or even despair.

"I understand. I will report this matter to the King. Thank you for your hard work." As he spoke, Lie bowed towards Grandfather Luo and was about to leave. The moment Little Bei heard that he wanted to leave, he immediately ran over with a loud shout.

"I want to go with you."

Lie glanced at Xiao Bei and warned, "Before the King wakes up, you are not allowed to disturb the King, much less walk around as you wish. You are only allowed to wait in the living room. If you can do that, I will bring you back."

"Sure, as long as you bring me there, I can do anything." Little Bei said anxiously.

When Grandpa Luo saw that his granddaughter and the strange man had disappeared from the laboratory, he went into a daze and returned to the workbench.

This was Yan Kai's bedroom. Yan Kai and Helian Chen were still lying on the carpet, their beds empty.

Lie brought Bei Bei into the living room. He told her to sit down and not walk around, but just as he finished speaking, Bei Bei was about to open the door, forcing Lie to place a barrier around the living room to prevent her from running around.

"You … What did you do? "Why can't I touch this door?" The door was right in front of her, but she couldn't stretch out her hand.

"Miss Luo, what did you promise me before coming here?" Lie didn't explain, but questioned Little Bei.

"This is so infuriating. I must go and find Yan Kai." Little Bei was on the verge of losing his footing.

"When Wang Xing wakes up, he will naturally come." Lie sat there and calmly turned on his computer. He began to look at the operation of the shop, as well as other investments.

"Wang … Wang … Wang … You keep on calling him King Yan Kai, just what kind of king is he?" Little Bei knew she was in the wrong, so she could only sit back on the sofa and stare at Lie.

"We, the kings of the demon realm, Miss Luo, are not from the same world, nor are you from the same race. Therefore, I hope you can be more rational." Lie looked at Luo Xiaobie who was fuming and hinted at him.

"Sense of reason? If you want to kill me, then kill me. To you, killing one more is much easier than killing an ant. " Little Bei raised his head and said with a pout.

"I'm not talking about that. For thousands of years now, the only woman that the king has liked is Situ Luoxue. Besides her, no other woman has a chance." Seeing that Bey was pretending to be confused, Lie had to say it out loud.

"Who …" "Who likes him? Lie, stop talking nonsense. I have a boyfriend." Little Bei's face and neck were red as he said.

"That's for the best. Once Han'er wakes up and saves Situ Luoxue, we will return to our world." Lie once again added one more sentence.

"So what you said is true? Is there really anyone who can travel through time and space and change history? " It was unknown if it was to cover up his embarrassment or if it was really due to curiosity, Little Bei actually walked over and laid on Lie's table.

"Only humans like to tell lies." Lie didn't even look at Bei Bei, but tapped on his mouse, tapping on his keyboard from time to time.

"But if it's really like grandpa said, then what if there's something inside that's not from Earth? What if the child didn't wake up? Are you going to stay on Earth forever? " Little Bei asked again.

"Miss Luo, you've asked too many questions. These are not questions that you should consider. Please sit quietly by the side and wait. I still have things to attend to." Lie Li's face fell. No wonder Wang said that Luo Xiaobie was so long-winded. This woman was really annoying.

"Well, we'll see what happens in the future." Bei Bei returned to the sofa and held his hands up as he pondered over some questions.

She was always worried that after the change in history, the things that had happened, the things that she knew, would disappear just like that.

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