Lie looked at Helian Yichen with a profound look, and spoke as if he was warning: "Helian Yichen, don't judge us by your standards. You have your methods, and we have our principles.

Helian Yichen could feel that he was angry, but she could not understand what he was angry at. Against the evil people of the Ten Thousand Evils, was there a need to care about those morals? He had originally wanted to ask Lie to send him to Fang Ping's home, but now it seemed that he could only wait until tomorrow.

Originally, he wanted to look for Yan Kai, but there was no one in the office, and there was no one in Xue Er's place either. Looking out the window at the night sky, Helian Yichen suddenly thought of a place where Yan Kai must have gone to the bar to drink.

But what made him disappointed was that when he arrived at the bar, he didn't see anyone, not even Lie. The two of them seemed to be secretly doing something, as if they didn't want him to know.

Helian Yichen's heart was not at ease. He decided to do his own thing, pushed aside the women who surrounded him, and went to Luo Xue's room.

"Xue Er, I'm sorry, I still haven't been able to save Han Er, I will definitely let you down. Give me some more time, I will definitely save Han Er as soon as possible. No matter what, we have to be together. Helian Yichen wanted to touch Luo Xue, but he could only watch. At this time, he couldn't help but be angry at Yan Kai; if not for his Seal, he couldn't even touch his own wife.

"Xue Er, if I fail, I will have my family of three buried together. Whether it is in the human world or in the sky, we will all be together, I will not allow anyone to separate us anymore."

Helian Yichen accompanied Luo Xue for an hour. He did not know how long he could still stand by Xue Er's side, the enemy's forces were too strong, if he fought alone, he really had no chance of winning.

"Xue Er, you have to give me courage, I will go and find Fang Ping right now, as long as we figure out their numbers, I will take action, as long as the bullet can injure them, my chance of winning will increase by a few points." Helian Yichen had already made his decision. Since Yan Kai and the others had other plans, he could only rely on himself now. After last night's battle, he naturally could not fight head on.

Looking at the time, Helian Yichen steeled his heart and left. His injuries had not completely recovered, but there shouldn't be any problems reaching Fang Ping's home. He would be able to observe the situation of the Vampire Castle in a few days and recuperate at the same time.

Arriving at Fang Ping's home, Helian Yichen first staggered, and almost fell down. Seems like his injuries were not light, other than the time when he first fought with Yan Kai, he was the one who suffered the heaviest injuries, if not for the Devil Palace's medicine, he would not be able to recover in three to five months, and according to his current condition, it would take at least 10 days to half a month. He did not know if Han Er would be able to wait that long.

"Fang Ping..." Helian Yichen called out to Fang Ping, but there was no reply. He came to the living room outside, and it seemed as if Fang Ping was not at home. Helian Yichen frowned.

Fortunately it was night, so it was inconvenient to go to Li Hui's place. Thus, Helian Yichen fell asleep on the sofa in the living room, but luckily Fang Ping had cleaned everything up, and it would not be easy for him to find a place to sleep in his room.

After lying down, Helian Yichen quickly fell asleep. When he woke up, the sky was already bright.

"Fang Ping..." After waking up, he called out to Fang Ping again, but there was still no reply from inside the room. It seemed that he didn't seem to have come back last night.

After Helian Yichen washed up, he went to the refrigerator to find something to eat. As he ate, he waited for Fang Ping to come back, but there was still no one at 9 in the morning.

He was getting anxious and decided to call Fang Ping, but when he called her, there was a cell phone ringing in his room. Helian Yichen was startled and when he carefully listened, he realized that the cell phone was under his bed.

Picking up the phone from under the bed, he realized that something was wrong. He remembered that Fang Ping had not come back since he was here last night. He remembered that Fang Ping should be on vacation for the past few days, and the mobile phone was here, modern man. When he was leaving the house, he could forget about the wallet, but there was no way he could not bring his mobile phone with him.

The more he thought, the more worried he became. Helian Yichen took Fang Ping's phone and directly called Minister Li.

"Minister Li, hello, I'm Helian Yichen. May I ask if Fang Ping has started working?"

"Helian, isn't this Fang Ping's phone? "Why isn't he here?" Minister Li asked doubtfully.

"This is his phone, but I found it under the bed. He hasn't come back since last night. Did he go on a mission?" Helian Yichen was worried, and continued to ask.

"No, although the situation is tense, they were heavily injured last time, so when they were on vacation, Helian, did something happen to Fang Ping?" Minister Li immediately warned.

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe he left last night, so I'll leave him a note and come find you later." Helian Yichen looked around the house, there were no traces of a fight, and since he had already called, it was naturally more urgent.

"Very well, the Führer will call me early in the morning and say that you have made a great contribution last night. Helian, thank you. The Führer will be leaving for the United States in the future. He will need you to continue protecting the Führer." Minister Li said over the phone.

"We'll discuss this later." Helian Yichen left a message for Fang Ping as he spoke. After hanging up the phone with Minister Li, he used his phone to press the paper down, then went to find Minister Li.

"Helian, you've come. Yesterday, I had a discussion with a comrade from the research and development department. Those are not big issues, but right now, what we need to do is protect the leader." Minister Li was already used to Helian Yichen's sudden appearance.

"I need to know how many people are in the Vampire Castle. It would be best if I could figure out their power." Helian Yichen was not deceived by Li Hui, but had insisted on it.

"Alright, I'll go with you. I also want to know what the difference is between them." Li Hui nodded, he picked up the phone and asked for instructions first.

Helian Yichen and Li Hui sat on the car together, he did not know that the so called research and development department was not in this building.

An hour passed, but instead of stopping the car seemed to be going deep into the mountains.

"Minister Li, are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Helian Yichen looked around him. The forest was dense and the mountains were lush and verdant.

This time, bringing you here is an exception. Regardless of whether or not you are willing to join in the future, there is one thing you must comply with. Minister Li solemnly said to Helian Yichen.

You don't have to worry about that. Once everything is settled, I will bring my wife and children back to my world. Helian Yichen said with a stern expression.

"Didn't your wife already …" Minister Li looked at Helian Yichen with worry.

"Everything will start again. Han Er will be fine, as long as we can find out their power, as long as we defeat them, everything will start anew. I will stop that scum from harming my wife." Helian Yichen's heart was especially heavy. Right now, this was their only goal and the only way to save Han Er.

"Perhaps what I said wasn't pleasant, but have you thought about the fact that Han Xue died one year ago? To live another year …"

"Minister Li, you better not continue. I can't guarantee that I can control myself. Han Xue has nothing to do with me, my wife is Situ Luoxue." Helian Yichen warned Li Hui with a cold face.

Xue Er was his Xue Er, and belonged to his world, not the Han Xue of this world. Han Xue's life and death in this world meant nothing to him, he only wanted to save his wife, and save his empress.

"Alright, we also hope for your success. If you succeed, all of the tragedies won't happen, and only then can this catastrophe be avoided. Therefore, the Head of the Guards has specially instructed us to cooperate with you." Li Hui sighed.

Since things had developed to this point, they didn't wish for it to happen. It was just that they didn't dare place all their hopes on Helian Yichen.

"That's for the best." At that time, Xue Er came here in order to save him. Now, as long as Xue Er and Han Er were alright, they would immediately leave.

The car continued on the mountain road for another hour before they got off, but they did not see any buildings. Instead, they just changed into a plane. Helian Yichen wanted to ask Li Hui about this, but seeing that he had his own suspicions, he stopped and after about 20 minutes, the plane finally landed on the mountain.

This mountain wasn't very tall, and it was also densely forested. If the research and development department was built here, then there would definitely be other experiments that were unknown.

"We're here, Helian. The comrades here are all elites. I hope you can show them some respect." Before entering, Minister Li begged Helian Yichen.

"I will. If they can provide me with accurate information, how can I hurt them if I'm grateful to them before it's too late?" Sensing Minister Li's worry, Helian Yichen promised.

"Alright, let's go in." As Minister Li said this, the two of them stopped in front of a mountain peak. Within a few seconds, the big tree in the middle of the mountain peak opened up like a door.

Although Helian Yichen did not reveal it on the surface, he was extremely surprised. He had to admire the modern, advanced technology, it was so secretive that even if the enemies came looking for him, they might not be able to make it in.

"We can accept all kinds of special ability s here. At first, the reason we discovered you was because of this survey, we have a few specific satellites, which are specifically used to monitor and collect special ability s. I have already asked, for the past few days there has been a large quantity of special ability in the air above the Vampire Castle, and we have already collected all of them, so the question you posed is not difficult, but for us, it is hard to find a match with this amount of special ability s." Minister Li led him all the way into the depths.

The room was filled with instruments, and on the walls were screens that distinguished between different energies in different colors. The most concentrated and colourful one was the castle of vampires in London.

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