"Hello Chief, I am Liu Decheng, the director of the research institute. I have received the notification from the management. If Chief has any questions, you can ask me directly." The manager of the research facility walked over and bowed to Li Hui.

"Alright, then I'll be troubling you. Helian, if you have any questions, please ask Xiao Liu for help." Li Hui nodded and said to Helian Yichen who was behind him.

"I just want to know how many people are in that castle in London. Can you find out their numbers and their strength?" Helian Yichen did not hold back, he stared at the screen and said directly.

"We already had a report on the problem you brought up, and we began monitoring this castle from five years ago. At that time, the power of this castle was considered average, and we also sent people to verify that at first, there were only some Western zombies, and only vampires, but half a year ago, something started to change, and we began investigating other energies, and up until now, that's the place with the strongest amount of special ability in the world, follow me." Liu Decheng brought Helian Yichen and Li Hui to another room, only to see that he was the only one who was proficient enough to call out the records of the past five years in the Vampire Castle.

From five years ago until half a year ago, there had not been much change. The biggest change, the most powerful, was recently this period of time.

"You see, half a year ago, there were several types of energy added in succession. This gray and this yellow color is because half a year ago, about twenty vampires lived in this ancient castle, and other than Richard David Vance, all the other powers are very ordinary. This black energy is Richard David Vance, but it is strange that two months ago, this power became weaker.

"Does the different colors represent different energies?" Helian Yichen didn't really understand, but the various colors on it made him feel faint.

"Yes, the strongest energy here is this white. So far, this is the first time we've discovered, so far we've been unable to predict their capabilities. From the satellite's information, there are about six people with this white energy, and this yellow has one person, blue …"

"There are three blue ones and this light blue one. There are about 20 of them. Also, a month ago, there was an orange one. It looks pretty strong, but this energy has not been moved. Also …"

The person in charge pointed at the screen and explained everything to Helian Yichen.

"Can you find out what color my energy is?" Helian Yichen stared at the screen for a long time, unable to determine what the different energies represented.

"Sure, please wait a moment." The manager said, he picked up the phone, and after hanging up, he turned to Helian Yichen and said, "Please come with me, I'll do a test for you."

Helian Yichen followed them in. They let Helian Yichen walk into a room that was made of special materials that could be used for isolation.

Liu Decheng pointed to the screen and said, "Your energy display is somewhat similar to the yellow special ability inside the ancient fortress, but it's also a bit different. I guess your abilities should be the same, if the color concentration represents power, then you might be even weaker."

"I know who that person is." Helian Yichen looked at the screen, although he did not want to admit it, he could not avoid it. If Liu DeCheng's guess was not wrong, that yellow energy bar should be referring to Jiu Yu. In other words, Jiu Yu had been here for half a year.

If that was the case, then those three blue elders should be the three elders of the Nevernever.

Those six white energy bars, were most likely the people from the Heaven Realm. Does this mean that other than Shalajia, who was fighting with him that day, there were five other people from the Heaven Realm, what was the purpose of all these people coming here?

"Helian, do you know their identity and ability?" Li Hui dodged slightly and asked Helian Yichen.

If your guesses are correct, that yellow energy bar should be my half-brother. He's already hundreds of years old, in our world, he's the King of the Illusory Realm, and in your words, he's the King of Demons. Those three blue ones are most likely the three elders of the Nevernever, and the lighter ones should also be from the Nevernever. Helian Yichen didn't really want to talk about Jiu Yu, but since Jiu Yu had been here for half a year, he definitely knew everything about him.

"What about the six white ones? Their abilities are the strongest, and they are also the most dangerous. " Li Hui said worriedly.

"If my guess is correct, they should be from the Heaven Realm. However, it's really hard to say why they are here, and we do not know who is the mastermind for this operation." Helian Yichen's heart was heavy. He never thought that there would be so many people hiding in such a vampire castle.

"What about that green one? This energy seems very strange, but it should be of the same kind. We've also found similar energy in other places. Look …" As Liu Decheng spoke, he opened another piece of information.

Helian looked at it and immediately understood. This green color should be something special. The other green color should be something powerful. That was because the other green color should be in City B.

"From this red energy, can you deduce his ability?" Helian Yichen said as he pointed to the red energy bar that appeared on the screen. If he guessed correctly, this should be Yan Kai.

"No, this red bar's color changed the most. Half a month ago, its color wasn't this dark. Recently, its color has been changing extremely fast. Do you know him?" Liu Decheng pointed at the red energy bar.

"I don't know if it's him." Helian Yichen shook his head. Even though he already had seventy to eighty percent confidence in himself, at the moment, he didn't want to expose Yan Kai. Even if Li Hui found out, he wouldn't want to say too much.

"Helian, could it be Yan Kai? I heard from Cui Jian and the others that Yan Kai is some king of the Devil Realm, could it be him?" However, Li Hui did not plan to give up just like that.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. From the looks of it, there are a lot of them in the Vampire Castle, and there are similar energy signals everywhere else in the world. They might be the ones with the red light." Helian Yichen did not deny it, nor did he admit it.

"Helian, you are also in B City. From the information received by the satellite, there are only three strong energies in B City. The yellow one should be you, the green one …"

Chief, one month ago, there was another orange coloured energy bar similar to the one in the vampire castle in B City. But recently, a new energy bar appeared in B City. Liu Decheng pointed at another light pink energy source that was almost negligible.

"Helian, this pink energy and your energy are very close to red and green energy, especially recently." Li Hui hinted.

"If they are enemies, I can only say that they are very close to me." Helian Yichen knew that Li Hui wanted to trick him, but before he understood the plan and purpose of Li Hui's group, it was impossible for him to reveal his trump card.

"Indeed, it seems that the situation is very critical now. Do you have any plans?" He thought that Helian Yichen could be considered to be very powerful, but he never thought that there would still be so much power that he couldn't even begin to comprehend. Humans were truly in a worrisome situation.

"Not at the moment. Actually, it's not hard to change all this. If I'm not wrong, that orange band of energy is most likely my son." Helian Yichen observed for a long time before he started to make wild guesses.

When Helian Yichen said this, Liu De's orange energy belt looked very similar to the one in B City a month ago, but it was also a little different.

"These two are not the same. There is a very obvious change in color." Liu Decheng pulled it out for comparison, then shook his head.

"That's because one month ago, my son was full of energy, but now, he's in a deep slumber." Helian Yichen said in pain.

"Wait a moment." Liu Decheng seemed to have gotten a hint after hearing Helian Yichen's words, and then a set of energy bars appeared on the computer.

Li Hui seemed to have also noticed something, and said in pleasant surprise: "May I ask if this is because your son's energy has shown it, from the initial orange color, slowly deepening, does it mean that your son is improving?"

"Perhaps, the reason the few of us here are here is because my son was born with the ability to travel through space and time. When I was injured, my son brought us here, and when they took my son away, I guess that's probably also because of this. However, up until now, I don't even know where Han Er is." Helian Yichen said in pain.

There was nothing more painful than a father watching his son fall into someone else's hands.

"Helian, does your son really have the ability to traverse space and time?" Li Hui pondered.

"That's right, this is the reason why I want Han Er back. As long as Han Er can save him, I will let him bring me back to the past and save my wife. At that time, everything will change." Helian Yichen knew he could no longer hide it, so he took the initiative.

"Does that mean it can also stop them from coming to our world?" Li Hui said expectantly.

"I can't be certain. My son is still young, but in reality, he is only three years old and his spiritual power is limited. If it wasn't for the fact that we used up too much spiritual power when we came here, we would have left this world a long time ago." Helian Yichen turned to Li Hui, and only spoke after a long silence.

"I understand now. This is why there are constantly changing energy bars in B City. That is because your son is recovering and growing." Liu DeCheng said happily.

"It should be, right? If your surveillance is accurate, with my son's current ability, he should be able to accomplish our goal." Helian Yichen knew that his son wasn't weak, but he never expected his son to grow up so fast.

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