Li DeCheng brought them to another room, which seemed to be more accurate.

"Helian, since we have this simple method, we don't have to fight head on with force. As long as we can save Young Master Ling." Li Hui reported to his superiors. His superiors obviously meant that they had to have the least amount of control, and the safest way to do it.

Since Han had the ability, he had to save Luo Han. This way, not only could they change everything, they could also save more power for them. The tens of thousands of police officers would not sacrifice themselves, and the elites of the special ability Group would not sacrifice themselves too much.

"The first step to saving Han Er is to break their barrier, and that is only the colorful ring shaped energy belt on the outside. If we cannot break this barrier, then we will not be able to go in, and we will also not be able to save Han Er." Helian Yichen pointed to the screen.

"Both you and Yan Kai are helpless?" Li Hui looked at the screen in anticipation.

"I didn't discuss this issue with Yan Kai. Moreover, he might not be willing to join." Helian Yichen replied somewhat helplessly.

On one hand, he was not clear about Yan Kai's strength, and on the other hand, Yan Kai had never taken the initiative to ask him to go beg Yan Kai for his strength, so it wasn't a big deal, but he was afraid of being rejected.

"Helian, if possible, I hope that you can work together with Yan Kai. With one more person and one more power, the chances of success are much higher. Moreover, Yan Kai's strength is not weak." Li Hui proposed to Helian Yichen once again.

"Let me try. He might not accept it. As far as he is concerned, there is nothing for him here." Helian Yichen said deliberately.

"Alright, no matter what, we have to give it a try. We will think of a way, and we will do our best to gather the different talented people from the various countries, and see if we can defeat this border barrier." Li Hui also promised.

"That's for the best." Helian Yichen nodded. With Li Hui's words, at least he wouldn't have to worry about them doing anything to him. As for where Yan Kai was, he definitely wouldn't stand by and watch.

"Then let's end our discussion here today. You can look for any information you need and let the Xiao Liu help you look for them." Li Hui nodded his head in satisfaction.

"For now, that's all. If there is nothing else in Minister Li, I will be leaving first. I still have something to discuss with Fang Ping." Now that he knew about this place, it would be easier to come. At the moment, he was a little worried about Fang Ping.

"Alright, then I won't send you off, since Fang Ping is helpful to you, then let him stay by your side. Although his abilities are nothing to you, but with one more person, it will be easier to handle things, furthermore Fang Ping knows more about the modern era."

Li Hui took the initiative to ask Helian Yichen to use it on him. Helian Yichen nodded and expressed his gratitude.

When Helian Yichen returned to Fang Ping's home, he felt a little uncomfortable, but Fang Ping still hadn't returned. He was even more worried as he picked up Fang Ping's phone and discovered that there were quite a few missed calls from Li Xueyuan.

"Fang Ping, what are you busy with? You refused to answer so many calls, I've made a new discovery …"

Li Xueyuan's voice came out from the phone.

I am Helian Yichen, Fang Ping is not at home, can you come over? I came to Fang Ping's house last night, but up till now, he hasn't come back yet. Helian Yichen said to Li Xueyuan.

"Fang Ping is not at home? Wait, Big Brother Helian, have you been at Fang Ping's home since last night? " Li Xueyuan asked anxiously.

"Yes, from last night till now, Fang Ping hasn't returned. I'm a bit worried, when did you last see Fang Ping?" The more Helian Yichen listened, the more worried he became. Ever since his son disappeared, he had been extremely cautious in his matters.

"I understand. Wait for me, I'll go look for you." Li Xueyuan hung up and waited at Fang Ping's home. Because he was worried, he was uneasy.

About an hour later, Li Xueyuan arrived.

"Big Brother Helian, when did you and Fang Ping split up? It's already been two days since he last answered my phone. He told me to search some information, and only found it today, so no one answered his phone. Big Brother Helian, did something happen to Fang Ping?"

Li Xueyuan looked around the room, but did not find anything. Based on his understanding of Fang Ping, due to professional reasons, other than carrying out missions, Fang Ping was always at home.

With Fang Ping's capabilities, he should be able to do the job easily. Furthermore, I found his phone under the bed, if there really was an attack, at least there would be a fight, but here, I checked, and there are no traces of a fight. "Su Yun said with a calm tone. Helian Yichen was both worried and doubtful.

"But to meet an expert like you, Fang Ping? Does he have the power to fight back? " Li Xueyuan looked at Fang Ping, and said with worry.

"Impossible, it's impossible for Yan Kai and the others to find Fang Ping, and those people, should not be … I know how to find Fang Ping now. " Helian Yichen said as his expression changed.

"How?" Li Xueyuan looked at Helian Yichen in astonishment.

"I'll go to his office first and contact you later. I'll leave it as it is." His body had not completely recovered yet, but today he was running nonstop, which had a huge impact on Helian Yichen's injuries. When it came to ImpSec, he was already a little out of energy, and even felt his vital energy and blood rushing up. It seemed that he was not suitable to use his spirit energy for the time being.

But at this time, Minister Li had not returned, so Helian Yichen could only sit in his office and wait for him to recover while he was at it. This wait was especially long, and it was unknown if Li Hui was still in the research facility.

"Helian, how did you end up like this?" On the second day before work, Li Hui exclaimed as he opened the door when he saw Helian Yichen.

Of course, at the same time that he was shocked, there were also many displeased expressions, but at this time, Helian Yichen couldn't be bothered to worry about anything else. Until now, it could be said that Fang Ping was his only friend.

"I have been waiting for you since yesterday. Fang Ping might have met with an accident, I want to ask if you have a tracking device and if you know where Fang Ping is?" Helian Yichen did not explain any further, but only said one sentence.

"Missing? Are you sure? They were severely injured during their last trip to England, and they have been resting during this time. " Hearing that, Li Hui was startled, he quickly went to the desk and picked up the phone.

"To you, a phone should be an important means of communication, but Fang Ping didn't bring his phone. If he was just going out to do some work, he definitely would have brought his phone. Second, I found his phone under the bed, could it be that when he was attacked, his phone fell under the bed?" The more Helian Yichen thought about it, the more likely it was. It was Li Xueyuan's words that reminded him of this.

After he painstakingly searched for the forces that were with Jiu Yu and the rest, would Jiu Yu also think of ways to find information on him?

And in this world, the person who was closest to him was Fang Ping, could it be that he took Fang Ping away?

"Calm down. You will know where Fang Ping is soon." Li Hui sat down, his expression serious. If Fang Ping really went missing, that meant they had to speed up, or else they would be forced to take action.

"If he really is missing, it's been a long time. I'm very worried." Helian Yichen paced around Li Hui's office, feeling exceptionally anxious.

The phone finally rang. Li Hui picked up the phone and looked at it nervously until his expression changed slightly. Helian Yichen's face turned even colder.

"Your worries have come true, Fang Ping should be at the castle in London. It looks like they took Fang Ping away." Li Hui put down the phone, his expression solemn.

"It really is them. When will you be able to gather all the special ability people to use the barrier?" Helian Yichen smashed his fist on Li Hui's desk. He should have already sensed Jiu Yu's despicability, and should have brought Jiu Yu back to B City that day with him. Instead of leaving him alone in a dangerous place.

"We are in contact, and I'm afraid we will need some time. Helian, if possible, can you and Yan Kai …" Li Hui still wanted to persuade Helian Yichen, but he had already disappeared.

Helian Yichen originally wanted to go to England, but as he was injured and not fully recovered, he had no other choice but to return to B City.

"You're still alive. How rare." Helian Yichen's feet were still on the ground when he suddenly had a palpitation, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, he heard Yan Kai's sneer.

"Fang..." Fang Ping was taken away by Jiu Yu and the rest, I must … " Helian Yichen was probably extremely angry, and before he could even finish speaking, he fell.

"Helian Yichen, how about this, if Han Er is not saved, you will die first." Yan Kai coldly said as he looked at Helian Yichen who had collapsed onto the ground without standing up to support him.

"Wang, based on his appearance, I'm afraid that it will take at least half a month for him to recover. But right now, we are really short on time." Lie reached out his hand and brought Helian Yichen to the sofa.

"We have to wait, we have to wait, and since they are anxious, then they must take action. Let's not change from one to the other, Lie, we have to not hold our breath. I said it before, nothing in this world is important to us, we just need to save Han Er." Yan Kai reminded Lie once again, so that he wouldn't alert the enemy.

"I know, but when I see Shalajia, the flames of fury ignite within me. Three thousand years ago, it would be my nightmare for life." It was difficult to suppress the flames of anger in his heart as he clenched his fists tightly.

"It's precisely because of this that we have to remain calm. We've already waited for three thousand years, so there's no harm in waiting for another half a month. I believe that they're even more anxious. Yan Kai said in an enigmatic manner.

"Wang, do you think that Shalajia's strength can't compare to Helian Yichen's?" Lie looked at the unconscious Helian Yichen on the sofa, unable to believe his eyes.

"Don't think that he's a human. His special ability and his status as a half demon aren't simple. Otherwise, this duke wouldn't have been injured back then." Yan Kai stood up and walked towards the sofa.

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