Chapter 235 This place is under my protection! (For customization)


One said one, indeed.

Hearing Chenhui’s words, Smoggy was obviously stunned at first, and then a wry smile appeared on Qiao’s face.

That said, how could she forget the tragic experience of Chenhui kicking around like a ball in the territory of the world, and finally almost dying there, although it has been a long time, but Mu Ji still couldn’t help but shudder.

That scene was really terrifying! Especially the scene where Chenhui finally released the scarlet dragon! I am afraid it will be engraved in the hearts of all the cadres of the world today! At this moment, Smoky once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Chenhui ! Recalling the terrible appearance at the time, Smoky suddenly felt that it seemed that the news of a Kaido attack was nothing, “I’m sorry.. Master Chenhui, I have thought about it too much.”

I figured out the whole story:, Smuggie suddenly… smiled bitterly and shook his head, and at the same time, her pretty face was slightly red. After all, she was just caring and messed up before, and she was full of what to do if Kaido came over, and she didn’t think about it. Chenhui’s strength! This is probably a problem that every girl who is tempted will commit. There will always be some small things worrying about it, and it was not until Chenhui spoke that Smoky had an instant reaction.

With Chenhui’s almost invincible power, I’m afraid of Kaido! As said before, Kaido dared to come, which is…a dead word! As the few people who have seen Chenhui’s power, I’m afraid of this matter. It is the one who has the most say, unparalleled speed and power. The scarlet dragon still exists in Smoky’s heart today, not to mention the battle for the world’s largest swordsman that just happened some time ago. That power like a god is really awe-inspiring…If it was the young man in front of you, he would definitely be able to do it! Smoky, who wanted to understand, relaxed, and patted his heart. All the previous worries were put back in his stomach, but soon, Smoggy became a little embarrassed.

After all, my own behavior just now seems to be like doubting Chenhui’s strength. As a subordinate, it is undoubtedly a disqualification, and as a woman, it is fatal! So after realizing this, I suddenly… Attempt to remedy.

“Ah, that…! Master Chenhui, sorry, I didn’t think about it…”

“It’s okay, I don’t care.”

Seeing Smoky’s flustered look, Chenhui smiled and waved her hand.She is not a nasty critic, and Chenhui’s feelings for her are not invisible.The previous one was just caring and messed up.(Read more @

If he blames Smoky for this little thing, Chenhui will look down on himself! Majesty is not… reflected in this kind of thing, it has no effect at all except to prove that he is a failed dominator! But the reminder is still necessary Just a reminder.

So after considering his words, Chenhui spoke slowly.

“You also know my strength, so don’t worry too much.”


Only then did Smoky smile again, knowing that Chenhui didn’t blame herself, and the girl couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Then Master Chenhui, what shall we do next”

It seemed that he wanted to remedy his fault, and Smoggy immediately.

He asked, as if he was looking forward to Chenhui’s horse’s head.

“Just do what you should do! I don’t care about Kaido.”

Chenhui smiled and didn’t mean to put Kaido in his eyes at all.The other party did not have the unique personality charm of Shanks, nor the heroic Haki of Whitebeard, but was extremely violent and arrogant.

You know, among the Four Emperors, what Chenhui looks down the most is… Kaido, as long as it is committed in his own hands, it is… a dead word, there is nothing to say!

Smoky, who was completely relaxed, heard Chenhui say this, and did not hesitate to give a thumbs up to praise. For Chenhui’s strength and tolerance, she admired it from the bottom of her heart! “Don’t praise me, time is too much. It’s getting late, let’s go and rest first, we will leave tomorrow.”

Chenhui smiled, waved his hand to signal the young girls to go to rest first, and everyone did not object and quickly dispersed in twos and threes.

So there was nothing to say all night.

The next morning, Chenhui asked Nami to gather all the villagers at the pier. Before leaving, Chenhui had one last thing to do! He had promised Nami to shelter Cocosia Village, and Chenhui would naturally not break his promise.

Putting a banner of his own on the ground, Chenhui couldn’t help but smile as he looked at the doubting villagers in front of him.

“This is my flag. Well, it has the same function as the Pirate Flag. You should have heard the rumors that Whitebeard sheltered The fish men island. The meaning is similar to that…”

At the end, Chenhui’s tone paused briefly:

“From today onwards, Cocosia Village is under my protection!”

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