Chapter 236 Nami’s farewell! (For customization)

In this world, the flag is the will, but also the dignity! This is by no means just a simple sign, place the flag in the territory, and then sing the name of the king, this is the rule of the Pirate World! From this moment on , Kecosia Village is… Chenhui’s territory! With an extremely serious attitude, Chenhui looked at the villagers who were excited and delighted in front of them.

“I assure you that I will bet on the name of Uchiha Chenhui. From now on, anyone who dares to invade Cocosia Village will be punishable even if it is far away!”

Chenhui is an extremely overbearing person, and he must compare himself. Since Cocossia Village has become his own territory, no one is allowed to invade! “Long live Master Chenhui!”

I don’t know who took the lead and shouted, everyone immediately.

There were enthusiastic cheers, and there were obviously fewer than hundreds of villagers, but they shouted out as if they were thousands of people, and you can imagine how excited they are! People’s eyes are full of admiration, and they are extremely grateful. Looking at Chenhui, for these villagers, Chenhui is… the savior! “Chenhui…”

Just as Nami, who was standing next to Chenhui, saw this scene, tears appeared in her pupils. How could she not understand? Chenhui is completing the agreement with her! This extremely warm feeling is for Nami. So unfamiliar, so in just an instant, tears appeared in the girl’s pupils. There is no doubt that this feeling of being protected is a weapon with great lethality for every girl.

Nami is no exception.

“Thank you.”

Forcibly resisting the idea of ​​rushing towards Chenhui now, Nami lowered his head slightly, and while concealing his tears, he quietly thanked Chenhui.

Although the girl’s voice was extremely low, Chenhui heard Nami’s whisper for the first time, turned his head, and showed a warm smile to Nami.

“I am a very contractual person, now you understand”(Read more @


Nami nodded heavily, staring at Chenhui’s handsome face, and was stunned.Suddenly, his face blushed and he lowered his head again.

“If you treat me like this, I won’t be able to leave.”

“Then don’t leave!”

Chenhui laughed and said to Nami very seriously.

“There are still many things worth seeing in this world. Your journey will never be just a small Cocoa Village. I said before that I want to show you the world. This is by no means a lie!”

With incomparable strength in the warm tone, these words made Nami’s pupils yearning, you know, this is his dream since he was a child.

As Chenhui said, there are many things worth seeing in this world! Everyone is standing together, other girls naturally also noticed the interaction between Chenhui and Nami,,, but the peace is different, no one is at this time Being born into trouble, since they are companions, they absolutely agree with the girl in front of them! “Sure enough, you are a very strange person.”

Robin quietly looked at the back of Nami and Chenhui standing together, and suddenly a little inexplicable meaning flashed in the clear pupils. Before meeting Chenhui, I said a very excessive word, Robin never agreed with such things as partners! Ra was destroyed by the World government, and Robin’s heart died on that day.

The long years of hiding, and the baroque studio’s scheming with tigers, have made Robin gradually give up on the word companion. However, it is incredible that only after traveling with Chenhui for a period of time, Robin’s heart that has been almost dried up is now Slowly rejuvenate.

Speaking of it, this is probably an extremely incredible thing. Even Robin himself did not expect that he would be willing to believe in someone wholeheartedly in such a short period of time, no… The point of denial is that Robin at this time does have an extraordinary liking for Chenhui Bao.

As for when the relationship will blossom and bear fruit, it is a question of the benevolent seeing the benevolent and the wise.

Perhaps choosing to believe in this man at the time was the most correct thing I had done in my life.

Robin couldn’t help thinking about it, and then looking at Chenhui’s back in the sun, he was suddenly stunned… “Chenhui, let me go and talk to Nuoqi.”

When the cheers of the villagers gradually stopped, Nami suddenly bit his lip, and then whispered to Chenhui.

Nami has no complaints about pursuing his dream, but the only thing that can’t let go is…Nokigao, who grew up with him, hasn’t had the idea of ​​taking Nuochigao with him, but it’s a pity , Nuoqigao’s character is destined to be unsuitable for the magnificent waves on the sea, so after thinking about it for a long time, Nami had to give up.

Now, it’s… the final farewell! This is Nami’s farewell to his sister, and it is also a farewell to his past! And it seems that seeing the firmness in Nami’s eyes, Chenhui did not hesitate, waved his hand and laughed. .

“I’m not a devil, go!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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