Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 14 - Confrontation - Heavenly Dragons! Red meets White!

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"Well then, let's get going."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Rias turned her attention to a wooden box on the floor.

"Gasper, be a good boy while we're gone."

"Yeah." A small feminine voice came out from the box.

Rias sighed.

"If anything shocks you into activating your power, there'll be trouble."

"I'll have Koneko stay with you."

Koneko nodded her head.

"Yes, President."

- - - - -

Knock, Knock.

"Excuse us."

Rias opened the door, revealing a gorgeous and pompous looking table.

Surrounding the table, were several people with strong auras.

From the Devil side, Sirzechs and a beautiful girl looking in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails.

Standing behind her, were two other girls wearing spectacles.

Rias nodded her head at one of them.


The girl named Sona, nodded back lightly.


Sitting just beside Sirzechs, was Michael and Irina.

As Xenovia stepped into the room, the first thing she noticed was her friend.


And lastly, was a man with black hair and golden bangs, who Sasuke had met before.

Behind him, was a young male with silver hair.

"Let me introduce you. This is my little sister and her household."

Sirzechs introduced Rias to the VIP of the factions.

Rias and her peerage also bowed.

"They were active during Kokabiel's attack a few days ago. I would like to hear the Fallen-Angels Governor-General's opinion on the report. "

"I heard the report. However, it appears that the one I have to thank is not here."

The man with golden bangs said with a brazen expression.

"What do you mean, Azazel-chan?"

"Serafall, the one who took down Kokabiel was the Sekiryuutei. Uchiha Sasuke."

Serafall opened her eyes wide.

"EHHHHHHHHH! Really?! I heard that he was also the one who broke up the engagement between Rias-tan and Raiser Phenex. Then where is Sekiryuutei-chan? I want to see him."

Rias face started blushing and Sirzechs cleared his throat.

"Sasuke-kun is not part of Rias peerage. However, it is true that he has helped us out a lot."

Azazel started laughing.

"Sorry that Kokabiel of my side caused you trouble."

Sirzechs then gestured for Rias to sit down.

- - - - -


Koneko suddenly stood up.

"Stay there, Gya-kun."

The room to the Occult Research Club was suddenly destroyed and hooded figures entered the room.


One of the hooded figures spoke.

"Yes, we're humans, but we use magic by rebuilding the structure of devil magic--"

"We're Magicians."

The figure then pointed to the wooden box.

"Hand over the half-vampire."

Michael spoke first.

"The two war generals, God and the Devil King, have been annihilated."

Asia started to show a depressed look while Xenovia looked over at Irina, who also carried a sullen expression.


I suppose you were told about it too.

However, it was at that moment--

A strange sensation filled the air.

"This is--"

- - - - -

All the VIP were moving, including Rias, Kiba, Xenovia, Vali and Irina.

"Has time stopped?"

Vali, who was leaning against a corner on the wall, finally spoke after hearing Rias question.

"I was protected by the power of Dragon and those guys over there were protected by their holy swords."

"Would you all like to take a look outside?"

Azazel gestured at the window with his chin.

Outside, human like silhouettes had arrived in the school yard and in the air.

Looking closely, they were dressed in black robes and firing magic bullets at the school.

"Those guys are Magicians. I'd guess that they each possess the magic power of a Mid-class Devil."

"Then, what about when time seemed to stop before?"

Rias questioned Azazel.

"They probably coerced that half-vampire boy and created balance breaker conditions."

"Gasper has been made into a terrorist weapon?...Just where did they get information on my servant...? Never before have I been so insulted like this!"

Rias started to make a red aura gush out from her entire body.

"The guards are...teleportation magic?"

Michael looked out of the window as he examined the situation.

Sirzechs sighed.

"There seems to be someone connected to the Gate within this barrier. Someone must have betrayed us. However, we have to do something about Gasper-kun."

Rias placed her hand on her ċhėst.

"Onii-sama. I'll go. Gasper is my servant. It's my responsibility to take him back."

Rias sent out a strong will in her eyes as she proposed her statement.

Azazel took out a bracelet and threw it over to Rias.

"That is a bracelet with the power to control a Sacred Gear to some degree. If you find the half-vampire, put it on him. It'll control his power."

However, an unexpected voice suddenly issued out at the same time--

"Wouldn't it be easier to just blast away the half-vampire with the terrorists?"

It was Vali.

"Think about the situation a little, Vali. We're tying to make peace here. Why don't you head outside and cause some trouble for the enemy?"

Vali started to reveal a smile at Azazel's suggestion.

"Roger. After all, my prey is finally here."

Saying that, Vali vanished.

Sirzechs turned his head and queried Azazel.

"Azazel, what are you trying to do by collecting Sacred Gears? Do you intend to kill God even though God no longer exists?"

Azazel shook his head at that question.

"It's to prepare."


"--The [Khaos Bridgade]."


"My Vice Governor, Shemhaza had his eye on a suspicious acting group. The organisation's leader is the powerful fiendish dragon besides the Welsh Dragon and Vanishing Dragon."


"...I see, so that person has moved. The Uroboros Dragon Ophis...The Dragon feared by God...The one who kept reigning over with the position of the strongest since the world began."

Sirzechs wore a grim expression before he turned to Rias.

"Rias, I am leaving Gasper-kun to you."

A magic circle appeared below Rias.

"Yes, Onii-sama!"

- - - - -

As expected, I can sense many presences inside the school.

Inside one area, it seems there are several power auras.

There is a barrier surrounding the school, huh.

Sasuke was leaning on a railing outside Kuoh Academy.

It was at that moment--

He sensed something amiss.

This is--


An attack?

Above Sasuke, people wearing hooded robes suddenly appeared as they started creating multiple magic circles.

With a flash--


One of the hooded figures was blown away and Sasuke stepped through the Magic Circle.

The next moment, Sasuke was inside the school and he dashed towards the location with the strongest auras.

However, Sasuke felt a slight sensation, as though something was trying to stop him in place.

This is--

It feels like time has stopped.


As expected, it doesn't seem to be able to affect me.

Sasuke started thinking.


Who is able to perform such a thing.


Sasuke instantly sidestepped as beams of light exploded around him.


Craters formed around Sasuke and he looked up to find himself surrounded by multiple hooded figures.

"It seems we are in luck. The Sekiryuutei has appeared. Let's kill him."

One of them spoke.

"Get out of my way." Sasuke gave one final warning.

However, he did not take a single step.

Laughter started erupting around him.

"Do you think you can handle all of us? We have the strength of Mid-class devils and there are more than twenty of us. What can you accomplish?"

No sooner had they said that, all the Magicians started feeling their bodies getting pulled and attracted by an invisible force.

"What is this?! What is happening?"

Their bodies were slowly being pulled towards Sasuke and no matter how much they struggled--

"Its futile--"

"Enton : Honoikazuchi (Blaze Release : Honoikazuchi)"


One by one, the Magicians were stabbed through by black flames that were shaped like spikes.

"You bastard..."

One of the Magicians managed to leak out a final breath before he collapsed completely to the ground.

Sasuke continued rushing towards the place where he sensed the presence of the powerful auras; when he felt a familiar presence--



No, someone crashed down right in front of him.

After the cloud of dust which enveloped it vanished, there was...

"It seems we meet again, Uchiha Sasuke."

A youth with silver hair was standing in front of Sasuke.

"Vali Lucifer."

Vali started laughing as he started his chant.

"--Balance Break."

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!]

After that sound, a snow-white aura started to cover Vali.

When the light stopped, what stood in front of Sasuke now was a person, wrapped in a whole body armor that emitted a white radiance.

Exactly like that time huh--

The Hakuryuukou pointed at Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I thought I told you before. That I will set the stage upon which we shall finally battle--"

Sasuke drew out his katana as the two auras that were leaked out started to vaporize the surroundings.

"Now, Uchiha Sasuke--"

- - - - -

"The battle between the Red and White. We shall decide who is the true Heavenly Dragon right here!"

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