Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 15 - Epic showdown! Rivals Clash! Uchiha Sasuke vs Vali Lucifer

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"The battle between the Red and White. We shall decide who is the true Heavenly Dragon right here!"

- - - - -

Spouting an aura from the magic power jets on his back, Vali rushed towards Sasuke!

Sasuke easily avoided and dodged his tackle while he directed the tip of his sword and thrust it with the sound of cleaved wind.

Vali staggered a little from the impact before he regained his balance.

Should I use Genjutsu?



There is no harm in testing out his strength.

The next moment, an aerial battle occurred.

His power is the ability to divide, huh.

Well, let's test that out.

Sasuke kneaded chakra in his body.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique(Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu)."

A huge fireball was expelled from Sasuke's mouth, taking the form of a giant orb.

[Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!]

Before the fireball could reach Vali, it's size was already reduced significantly.

So it takes him this long just to divide it.

"Strong! It took me a while just to divide that attack! You are making me more and more excited, Uchiha Sasuke!"

[Partner, that guy has another ability. He halves his opponent's power and then adds the decreased portion of power to himself. In other words, your power is taken away and turned into his own power. Stamina can't be recovered. It's only power to the end.]

Hou, interesting.

But, such an ability is clearly not omnipotent.

There is a weakness to everything.

[That's right. No matter how amazing the host is, he has a limit. Power that goes beyond his capacity is released from the wings of light on his back and he keeps maintaining his power limit without destroying his body.]

So he always keeps his power at it's peak without bursting and destroying himself...

"Come on, come on!"

Vali's eyes shined, "ZAP!" and he fired a beam at Sasuke.

It was not a surprise attack, he could Foresight it. Sasuke bent his body back while evading.

Vali's right arm swelled out explosively with power while swinging down at Sasuke.

Sasuke blocked the fist with his katana, without trying to go against that tremendous impact, he warded off the attack with his body handling.

By no means he opposed the pressure of the fist, Sasuke simply shifted the vector slightly.

<Instant Positioning>. The fist that Vali swung with all his power was warded off to the wrong direction and his body posture broke.

"This is not your true strength, is it? Don't hold back! Show me your power!" Vali spat while readjusting his stance and a kick came flying towards Sasuke.

At the moment of the clash, he bent his upper body while taking a back step. Sasuke rotated his body vertically - like a feather dancing in the wind, he made the impact of the kick vanish like mist.

Lightning chakra overflowed Sasuke's body, powerfully accelerating him.

A red gauntlet appeared.

[Boost! Boost! Boost!]

Sasuke held up his blade against the swung down fist.

It was not parrying the attack, he opposed it right from the front!

Vast destructive power clashed and shock waves exploded.

Sword and fist clashed. Sasuke tilted his blade and parried the fist while Vali constantly let loose a barrage of full swings.

However, Vali's fist that was blocked by the blade and by approaching Sasuke closer, he felt his body constantly getting paralyzed little by little.

Like a willow swayed by the wind, he cancelled all of their momentum.

His combat strength was completely overtaking it.

"Are you matching the current me equally...without even using the Balance Breaker...no--"

"You are not even using your original strength--"

"To think my rival would be this strong...!!!"

Sasuke parried a fist that was fueled by emotions by turning around his body. Although Vali's posture was destroyed, from there, he incessantly tried to repeat his attack.

However, his fists hit through empty air.

Sasuke bent backward accurately with a paper thin difference and then he swung his blade with a transcendence balance even while still bending backwards.

Vali was shocked while his body was reeling from the impact.

However, towards Sasuke, who possessed superior perception, all blows and movement of his opponent was foresighted. All vital spots were sighted, locked on to and as long as the opponent's movement was under Sasuke's perception, they would have a difficult time landing a fatal blow on him.

Vali fired a seemingly endless number of magic bullets and Sasuke swung his katana from right to left while rotating like a spinning wheel and ċȧrėssed away each bullet. With a speed that handled left and right at almost the same time, Sasuke re positioned his sword with the minimum strength.

In succession, each of the magic bullets flew to the wrong direction and stabbed into the ground where there was no one.

Tch, Vali clicked his tongue.

There were cracks appearing on his armor and he had to constantly repair it.

Vali increased his power output and his figure vanished like a heat haze.

Unerringly sensing the presence of Vali that was trying to circle around him with speed that he thought the eye couldn't follow, Sasuke turned behind. He splendidly bounced back the fist that came aiming for him from the back.

Vali, whose balance crumbled from launching an attack with all his might, was attacked by Sasuke's katana.

He was slashed right from the front and both his feet braced as he withstood the shocked impact.

Large cracks appeared on his armor.

Sasuke transferred his body weight on his right leg. Vali reacted to that and sent an orb of energy to the right.

Sasuke feinted with that and instantly jumped to the left.

Vali reacted in panic---and his body pitched forward.

Because he was manipulated by a simple feint, his posture crumbled.

Sasuke sheathed his blade and extended Ascalon from the Boosted Gear.

A beheading light flashed diagonally from a lower stance.

This is bad--

[Vali, that sword carries dragon-slaying powers. If it hits just once, you'll undeniably receive great damage.]

Vali forcefully twisted his whole body into a crescent shape.

Just by getting slightly grazed, he felt his armor being smashed apart and fresh blood flew from his mouth.

Sasuke sheathed back Ascalon and removed his katana again.

Sasuke launched a series of attacks with his blade and one attack among the super rapid thrusts that were like a blizzard, was containing a shining compressed thunder.

Vali, who rushed forward, was met by the blizzard of rapid thrusts. Those thrusts literally made him unable to open his eyes, to the degree that his perception was by countless reactions.


Vali received a terrific impact and he got blown away.

Vali floated into the air and opened his arms wide. His wings of light also grew huge.

[Half Dimension!]

Surrounded by a dazzling aura along with a voice from his jewel, Sasuke's surroundings started to be halved in an instant. More of the surrounding trees were compressed and halved.


Sasuke kept back his blade and took off. The ground he was standing on was also greatly gouged out and changed into a crater.

Sasuke stepped in before Vali sharply and his right arm disappeared in a blur.

A movement of swinging a sword could be understood after some time but compared to that, this right jab that straightforwardly and unerringly flew from a stance where the fist was already lifted and prepared was completely like a needle that came flying.

That skilled movement was impossible to Foresight from the muscle' preliminary movement or the breathing.

[Boost! Boost! Boost!}

A hit to Vali's abdomen with the right fist.


Vali spat out bile from his mouth.

However, Sasuke didn't stop there.

A hit to the face.


Vali's helemt was completely broken.

The jets on his back from which his wings of light originated were destroyed!

Sasuke vigorously kicked him high into the air and he swiftly rotated to Vali's back, releasing a consecutive kick.


Vali vomited blood from the extreme tackle and he crashed to the ground.

Right now, Sasuke could see his face clearly.

Vali wiped the blood away from his mouth and he revealed a bloody smile.

"You bastard! You didn't even use any special moves and you managed to drive me to such a corner. As expected from my rival. I clearly underestimated you."

Vali noticed the change in Sasuke's right eye.

"What is that...?"

However, no sooner had he said that--

Mangekyou Sharingan!

Instantly, sparks scattered inside Vali's head.

- - - - -

The next moment, a blade was stabbed through Vali's stomach. The feeling of the blade moving felt like an extremely slow motion. The sharp edge pressed inside the soft skin, tearing the skin nicely. From there, the blade didn't meet any resistance and pushed aside fat and muscle while roughly scraping the bone, tearing down the intestines like tofu, the blade's tip kept sinking deeper, thrusting out from his back.

Air flowed into his insides. The blade was sweeping to the side. While Vali's exhausted body fell sideways, the blade was drawing a hot line in cutting apart Vali. His stomach was bisected from the middle, then the blade flew out from his body.

Vali was watching all that while his body was declining down to the side. A beat after that, bright red blood and split intestines flowed out from the wound--

He couldn't keep calm. Vali writhed around from pain that seemed like burning his stomach from the inside. It didn't cause instant death, yet precisely because of that, the shocking image of his own pink colored intestines was burned clearly into his mind.

Vali writhed around for about five minutes from that pain, until before long, his consciousness was clouded from his declining blood pressure and he died from shock.

- - - - -

The next moment, the crown of Vali's head was split into two by a sword. He felt as if the whole world was smashed up from the terrific impact of his skull being struck really hard. His skull was splendidly broken open, making the outline of his head distorted like a rubber ball.

The sword pressed through his flabby head vertically...through...His consciousness ŀȧpsed into pieces. It was because his nerve network was destroyed earlier than the death coming for him. He understood that. Actually, he also saw his own brain splattered all over outside.

The blade pressed through the bridge of his nose and tore his neck too, finally it stopped around his ċhėst and Vali collapsed from his knee, his limbs that were unconsciously twitching sloppily scratched off his own blood and brain matter while he fell down.

Feces spilled out endlessly from his lower body and both his legs tensed tightly like a bow.

But Vali still lived.

[Death] was repeated many times over. Vali was continuously repeating [death] as if he was being toyed with by raging waves in the middle of a storm.

Vali was having a bird-eye view of the thing called death. He was deliberately made to take a straight look at hidden things like blood, internal organs and brain.

Usually, someone had surely once or twice imagined how graphic of what existed under their skin. If humans didn't forget that, they wouldn't be able to retain their sanity to spend their ordinary days.

Someday, he would die and rot - the inescapable dreadful demise that was impossible to escape for any kind of living thing, death!

Vali was made to affirm that moment where every meaning came to an end! Forcefully!

He was made to personally experience every form of death. Vali trembled violently from terror. The destruction of [his familiar self]. The decay of blood and internal organs, and then eternal unfeeling, unthinking...

(This fight, is over.)

He was dragged back to reality.

- - - - -

Sasuke watched as Vali struggled to stand up.

"...Interesting. Truly interesting. What you just showed me...I am grateful. It shows me that I have no choice but to use this--"

Vali's eyes still carried a trace of determination.

"I shall show you the true power of the Hakuryuukou."

Sasuke could not help but think inwardly.

His will is stronger than I expected--

"Albion, it is time to show my rival the Hakuryuukou's [Juggernaut Drive]."

[Vali, are you sure?]

"It'll all work out, Albion. --[I, who is about to awaken,--]"

[Am the White Dragon Emperor who will take the law down to the darkness--]

Sasuke noticed the change.

Seems like he still has something hidden.

I thought he would give up--

Instead, it seems to boost his will to fight.

Sasuke sighed.

- - - - -

Fine then, I shall also get a little serious.

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