Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 25 - 18 - Appearance

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"Is this where Uchiha Sasuke was last seen, Arthur?"

Vali and Arthur of the Pendragon family were in a certain location.

"Yes. A distortion in space occurred here. No doubt. The Sekiryuutei must have traveled through the dimensional gap. Although I don't think he is there right now."

Vali nodded his head at Arthur's words.

"I see. It must be a special ability of his eyes...--"

Vali recalled to the battle he had with Uchiha Sasuke.

The moment the color of his eyes changed, Vali's mind was dragged to witness an illusion, which felt so real he couldn't exactly believe it at that time. What seemed like hours within his subconsciousness was merely seconds in the real world.

Vali was made to experience the worse possible way of death.

[Death] was repeated countless times within that world and Vali was bore to witness it all up close.

He couldn't help shivering as he recalled that incident but at the same time, he felt pride that his rival was so strong. It was a wave of conflicting emotions that were not meant to exist together at the same time.

"I did some investigation of my own as well. The Holy Grail. Sephiroth Grail. Along with True Longinus and Incinerate Anthem, they are known as the Holy Relics. There is a heretic group within Khaos Bridgade that plans to revive the Evil Dragons with it. Cao Cao has also made his move on the Underworld after they attacked Ophis. The Underworld is in chaos right now. Without the Sekiryuutei, the fighting spirits of Rias Gremory and her Queen has been at a constant low. I also heard that they named the strongest monster 'Jabberwocky.' As expected of Azazel to come up with such names based on Lewis Carroll's work."

"Then, the reason for your actions now--."

"Very soon, this world will be plunged into chaos. That man's help is needed to overcome it. Call it the selfish dėsɨrės of a rival. But, I also want to battle against him once more on the battlefield."

"I see. But, I can't believe I would hear those words come from you, Vali."

"Ever since I lost against that guy--"

"Uchiha Sasuke..."

Vali looked at the sword in Arthur's hands as he revealed a fearless smile.

"So, Arthur, is the ultimate Holy Sword able to cut through to the same dimension as Uchiha Sasuke?"

- - - - -

"Hmm...I clearly needed this." She spoke in an alluring voice as she twirled the glass of wine in her hand.

At that moment--


The woman felt a sudden sensation course through her spine.

What was that--

"Ottar, did you feel that just now?"

The woman turned her head towards a man with an astonishing height of two meters, with brown hair and a rock like body.

In his right hand was a giant black sword.

"Yes. I felt it as well. It is definitely not something normal."

"Strange. This is very strange."

"What I felt just now was...as though something strong has appeared. But, it is not a monster. Something...--No, someone with an exceptional presence has suddenly appeared in Orario."

I wonder...

Just who could it be...

The woman started to smile.

After all, she had an unending appetite for the strong.

You could even call it an obsession.

Something worth value has appeared.

Even if her eyes were currently set on a certain boy with white hair and red eyes, she was still prone in getting excited over something new.

In another location, another beautiful young woman with long golden hair, gold eyes, and a slender body suddenly raised her head as she felt a sudden sensation.

"What is it, Ais?"

Another female asked while looking over.

"I felt something. Something has appeared in the dungeon. But--"

The woman raised her senses as she focused.

"I don't know what is is or who."

"Maybe you are just imagining stuff, Ais. Or maybe it could even be a Floor Boss since you are able to feel it's presence so strongly."

"It's not that, Tione. It's just..."

She couldn't put it into words.

- - - - -

A Red Gauntlet appeared on Sasuke's arm.

[Partner, can't you just bust out of this place with that move of yours?]

Sasuke observed his surroundings and placed his palm on the floor again.

The surroundings were dark but crystals that shone in brilliance radiated enough light for a person to see.

This is...

It seems there are many levels below me...

Sasuke could sense various distinct presences below him as well.

Human energy signatures and...also those similar to the creatures Sasuke had just encountered.


Even further below...

Sasuke could sense something else.

Near the depths of the bottom where Sasuke stood--

Dark, ominous energy signatures radiated from below.

It felt more sinister and stronger than those creatures Sasuke just encountered.

A cold gust of wind grazed against his neck.

[I can sense it too, partner. There is certainly something dangerous below us.]

Sasuke stood up and looked at the ceiling.

I can't use that jutsu again.

[Why not?]

There are human presences within this area. If I use that, this whole area above may very well cave in and collapse.

[I see. Certainly that might happen. Then, what should we do? Just advance forward? You said you could sense the presence of humans above us.]

Sasuke looked in front.

Yes, that would be the most logical thing to do at the moment.

As Sasuke advanced--

Multiple blocks of light radiated in front of him and blocked his path.


They didn't belong to the crystals that illuminated the area.

They came in pairs.

Sasuke took out his katana.

[Partner, multiple enemies ahead of us.]

I can see that as well, Ddraig.


- - - - -

Sasuke charged forward.

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