* * * * *

A portal distorted and two figures in oriental clothing stepped out.

What greeted these two the moment they exited the portal, was a great iron door.

In front of them, was an extremely wide open space.

One of them spoke--

"Where is this place, Kinshiki?"

"I can sense a strong presence behind these doors, Momoshiki-sama."

"I can sense it too. There is a strong energy signature coming from behind. It feels as strong as that creature we encountered."

Momoshiki opened the two great doors and the two advanced forward.

As Momoshiki set foot inside, the first thing his sight landed on was--

"What is that thing?"


There was an extremely large spherical cavity in front.

And beside that crystal, was a large creature.

The creature had seven heads and ten horns--. It's giant body was easily longer than a few hundred meters.

Each one of it's head belonged to a different creature; one of them was like a lion, one was like a leopard, one was like a bear, there was no sense of unity.

The body had a variety of features and gave off a very foreign sensation from it's body. Extending out from inside it's body was countless number of chains which were tightly restraining the beast.

Momoshiki slowly advanced forward and placed a palm on the creature.

"This thing is even bigger than that vulgar creature we encountered. This world is truly amusing. To think that such creatures exist. Furthermore, to be able to seal it--...That person must be quite capable as well."

"What are you planning to do now, Momoshiki-sama?"


"What shall I do--"

Sasuke flashed a streak of silver light from the mouth of his sheath in an Iai slash.

A large beetle monster that walked on two legs. A bird that breathed out fire.

Sasuke evaded all the attacks that came flying at him with paper-thin distance. He dodged every attack with the use of skillful agility.

More monsters started spawning off the walls and ceilings.

This is vexing--...

In Sasuke's hand, the sword that was tinged with lightning was gripped tightly and when he raised the sword aloft, it raised a boisterous noise and sparks of lightning spewed out.

Colossal lightning was converging in the striking part of the sword.

Sasuke ran, not to the whole group of monster's itself, but to the middle point between.

Once there, he raised the sword overhead and swung it down at the empty point where no one was.

The raging sound of lightning reverberated, all the world was shaking loosely with a thunderous roar and earthquake.

The attacks of the monsters stopped. The nerves in their bodies were fried from the electrical discharged.

Nothing could be seen from the light and the cloud of dust-when all of those cleared up, a huge crater was formed at the point where Sasuke struck the ground, surrounded by countless dead bodies, which soon vaporized.

Red flowers bloomed in profusion.

What are these crystals?

Every time Sasuke dispatched one of these monsters, a crystal dropped out from their dead bodies.

At first, Sasuke was slightly intrigued and kept one but subsequently, he paid no heed to it.

[Partner, there are more incoming.]

This is pointless--

A humanoid lizard came raining down from the ceiling with a spear.

Before Sasuke could be out-pushed by the falling momentum, he twisted the katana suddenly and forcefully. Rotating his body, he redirected the spear to the wrong direction.

The creature's posture was broken and Sasuke turned in a circle like a spinning top and visited the monster with a slash after a full rotation.

Very soon, a rugged silhouette of another monster could be seen. It was a giant bear.

There is no end to this---

Sasuke stepped on the ground fiercely, the impact of that step was transmitted into his arm through twisting movement without leaving any to spare and he swung the sword vigorously.


The impact that was like a cannon which was produced from Sasuke's body shook the enemy's giant body.

Sasuke immediately advanced forward as if swimming unhindered, where he circled to the monster's blind spot.


Overwhelming lightning smashed and melted the bear, where it dispersed like dust.

Another crystal fell out.

Finally, the monsters around Sasuke had all been eradicated and he progressed further down until he found a staircase that led up.

He continued onward until the staircase opened to another floor.

However, something was strange.

Did I take a wrong path?

[Partner, this time, I sense many human presence below us.]

Yeah, I can sense that as well.

Sasuke wanted to head to the area where he sensed the most presence of humans.

It was at that moment--

"Burn, dark magic!"

"Will O' Wisp!"

Those voices are--?

Sasuke could pick up the faint traces of human voices and he immediately headed towards the source.

"Welf! Welf! Lili, Welf is... ..."

"Lili! Lili!"

The voices started getting clearer.

I can pick up several traces--

"Gotta...get there...soon... ..."

The voice of the person was getting fainter even though Sasuke was quickly approaching the source.

Very soon, Sasuke could see the faint outline of a figure.


Three figures.

A youth with white hair was carrying in his arms another male and a girl, who seemed to be unconscious.

This is--

Sasuke jumped in front of the youth.

Upon seeing Sasuke, the youth seemed to lose all his strength and slumped to his knees. A strained and croaked voice escaped from his mouth.

"Please... ...help... ...them..."

Before the youth with white hair could completely collapse, Sasuke had already stepped forward.

Carrying the girl and the other male with his hand, he supported and propped the white hair youth on his back.

Sasuke thought inwardly--

Were they attacked by those monsters?

As he looked to the side, Sasuke could see a wall made up with rainbow colors.

There is something within that wall--

However, he focused his attention to the front instead, towards a decent sized hole in the wall.

That path leads to below here--

Without hesitation, he proceeded forward.





The wall made up of light started to collapse and a loud roar issued out.

From within the wall, a giant creature with grey skin, spanning close to 7 meters could be seen.

As expected, another monster.


Although the creature was huge, Sasuke knew that it was not exactly a threat to him. He could probably deal with it easily.

However, his hand was currently filled with carrying three people.

His priority was getting these three to safety.

He had no way to fight back. Rather, he had no time.

Although in reality, Sasuke was also tired of fighting and did not really bother or care about the creature, choosing to avoid it instead.

Tch, how troublesome.

The giant creature started to emerge from within the walls and various debris crashed to the ground.


Before it's sight could even land on his prey--

Sasuke had already passed through the gap in the wall.

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