Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 3 - 3 - Rias Gremory Appears

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A crimson light, which flew out from the injured male, pierced through the air and insinuated into Sasuke's right arm.


The moment the light entered Sasuke, he felt a sudden change with him; as though something was binding together with him and a sharp like pain penetrated his skin.

He clutched his arm as the searing pain increasingly grew; and he felt as though his soul was merging with a foreign presence.

Just what is this...

Finally, the pain started subsiding slowly and what appeared next shocked Sasuke to his core.

What appeared on his right arm was a red claw-sharped gauntlet with a green jewel; manifested with golden spikes.

What the hell?!

- - - - -

As Sasuke examined the gauntlet, his right eye started taking the appearance of three intercepting ellipses.

Using his Mangekyo, he could sense a distinct entity within the gauntlet.

However, just as he was about to look further into the mysterious and foreign object that had overtaken his right arm, a crimson circle; with a rose encased within it, expanded from the ground.

Sasuke instantly readied his stance of drawing his Katana but retracted his action upon seeing the figure and released the Mangekyo.

It was a gorgeous appearance that could never be thought as something for a fight.

The girl landed gracefully on the ground as she turned to face Sasuke.

"So, it seems you are the one who drove away that fallen-angel." She started speaking in an alluring voice.

"My name is Rias Gremory. Pleasure to meet you."

Sasuke calmly ascertained the woman.

Her alluring voice sent a tickle to the strings of a man's heart and would make one fluctuate--

However, he appeared indifferent and simply replied coolly, "Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke continued, "You seem to know that woman you termed as Fallen-Angel. Just who are you? Are you the same kind as her?"

The girl named Rias, shook her head.

"Hmm...we are not the same. This area is under my jurisdiction and I sensed someone had invaded my territory so I came to take a look. I am impressed. For a human to defeat a Fallen-Angel. And...to think that I would find the Sekiryuutei," as Rias sent a glancing gaze to the gauntlet on Sasuke's right arm, her mouth curved cynically and she continued; "This is certainly fate. Judging from your reaction just now, you have no clue what is that red gauntlet on your arm. Am I right?"

Rias took Sasuke's silence as an affirmation.

"Tomorrow, come to the Occult Research Club at the old school building of Kuoh Academy. You will find your answers there."

As Rias prepared to leave, Sasuke asked her one final question.

"Where is this Kuoh Academy?"

- - - - -

This should be the place.

Sasuke was standing outside the gates of the supposed Kuoh Academy.

He glanced at his right arm.

The gauntlet had disappeared during the night when he had slept in the park.

"Hey look! Isn't that guy like...super handsome! He is as cool as Kiba-Kun!"

"Oh my gosh he is super cute!"

"What is he wearing? Is that cosplay?"

"Who cares! But I have never seen him before! Is he even a student here?"

However, Sasuke remained completely insouciant as he approached one of the girls.


"Sorry to disturb you. May I ask where is the Occult Research Club?"

The girl appeared shocked for a moment and her face instantly blushed as she pointed towards the direction.


- - - - -


Sasuke had arrived outside an old building, with a large clock located at the top; obscured away from the school and without hesitation, he entered.

Sasuke could sense the presence of people inside the building and he pushed open the door to one of the rooms.

Inside the room, four individuals were seated.

One, was the girl named Rias and the other three were--

Sasuke simply swept his gaze over them and focused his attention on Rias.

"I came just like you asked. Now, you will answer my questions. Just who are you and that woman in that park? You clearly know what kind of creature she is so I am ȧssuming your identity is closely related to her. And, just what is this thing inside my right arm."

"Ara, ara. Handsome-Kun has a lot of questions, doesn't he?" A girl with long black hair and violet eyes gently laughed.

"Let's start off with some introductions. The girl who just spoke is Himejima Akeno. That girl over there is Toujou Koneko and the other male is Yuuto Kiba."

Sasuke nodded his head.

"Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

"Now, Sasuke. Where do I start. Firstly, we are Devils."

That was a rather shocking confession but Sasuke continued listening.

"The black-winged woman you saw yesterday was a Fallen-Angel. They were once angels serving under God but were cast down to the underworld due to their wicked nature."

Devils? Fallen-Angels? Gods? Just where did I end up in.

"Since primeval times, there's been a constant struggle for dominance in the Underworld, or Hell, as you humans call it. There are also normal Angels, who come here on God's orders to hunt demons and Fallen-Angels. Simply put, we have a three-way standoff."

Hah...seriously...what kind of place did I end up in.

Sasuke then raised his right arm. "I roughly get the situation. Then, what is this thing in my arm?"

Rias stared at Sasuke's arm for a moment.

"Sacred Gear."

The girl named Akeno continued.

"An unusual power that resides in humans. Sometimes, they have power formidable enough to threaten Devils and Fallen-Angels. Once unleashed, you can activate and deactivate it as you please."

Sasuke then recalled back to that injured man from the day before.

This Sacred Gear thing must have transferred over from him.


Rias then sent a sharp gaze at Sasuke.

"What you possess is something very special. Known to double its holder's power every ten seconds; allowing any who possess it to surpass even a Maou or God temporarily..."

"It is one of the thirteen Longinus:"

"the Gauntlet of the Emperor of Red Dragon, Boosted Gear."

Red Dragon? Sasuke looked down at his arm.

So that was the presence I felt residing inside this gauntlet. To think that there is such a creature within it...its exactly like...

A Bijuu.

Is this the same as being a Jinchuriki?

I wonder if this is what Naruto feels with Kurama inside him.

"You seem surprisingly calm about this."

They had no idea that Sasuke had encountered legendary beings back in his world such as the Tailed Beast and the Ten-Tails; so a dragon was not exactly a surprise for him.

"I have my reasons," came the usual cool reply.

"Thank you for answering my questions. I will be taking my leave now."

However, just as Sasuke turned around--


"Is anything the matter?"

"Ahem ahem."

Rias then raised her finger and pointed at Sasuke.

"Now that you know our identities, we can't just let you walk off like this. Besides, the Fallen-Angel that you encountered at the park will definitely find you again and you will meet many more enemies in the future...so...how about it?"

Rias revealed a seductive smile.

- - - - -

"Would you like to become a devil and join my peerage?"

For a moment, Sasuke was too stunned to say anything--

However, when he regained his composure, his eyes started frowning.

"Become a devil? What are you trying to say?"

Rias then started explaining to him.

"After the Great War between the devils, fallen-angels and angels; there were much fewer number of us. So, the evil pieces were created to help replenish the number of devils," Rias paused and observed Sasuke for any distinct expressions before continuing, "The evil pieces are a set of 15 chess pieces given to High Class Devils to increase their rankings. These pieces are used to reincarnate other beings into Devils and become our servants."

She paused slightly.

"I am currently looking for potential members as I plan to officially take part in the Rating Games."

"Rating Games?"

"The Rating Game is a competition between two Devils with a peerage and shares many similarities with the game of chess."

"And, what do I gain by joining your peerage?" Sasuke asked.

The smile on Rias's face widened.

"The Rating Game is used to measure a Devil's strength, which will reflect their social standing in the Underworld. If you participate in the Rating Game and produce exceptional results, you may be able to become a High Class Devil in the future with your own peerage. After all, you possess a legendary Sacred Gear. And, even though you will be considered my servant, I treat my peerage as my own family. I will do my best to protect you from future enemies."

Rias continued smiling at Sasuke, confident that this would surely entice him into accepting the offer.

"Not interested. I do not require any form of protection. But, thank's for the offer."

As Sasuke reached to pull the handle of the door, the male named Kiba suddenly held him back by his shoulders.

"Please wait. Our President has a reason for doing this...she needs to gain more strength, otherwise-"


Sasuke was about to outright reject the statement when a magic circle, similar to the one from the park, suddenly formed in the center of the room.

A beautiful young woman, appearing to be in her early twenties; with back-length silver hair, wearing a blue and white maid outfit appeared from the circle.

"How do you do? I am Grayfia, a servant of the Gremory Family. Nice to meet you."

She bowed her head.

"Grayfia? What are you doing here?! Is it because of Elder Brother and Father again?" Rias questioned in a harsh tone.

However, Grayfia remained calm and replied.

"Your marriage with Riser Phenex has been determined. This matter is already decided."

"My chastity is mine! Why should I give it away to someone I do not even like?"

"It seems my timing has been unwise. But, you are the heiress apparent of the Gremory Clan. Think about the reputation of your family," Grayfia left behind these parting words as she disappeared through the same circle.

As Rias slumped to the floor, the smallest girl in the room, Koneko, started explaining to Sasuke.

"Rias President is engaged to Riser Phenex. He is a pure-blooded, upper-class devil, and the third son of the Phenex family. This marriage was arranged by the orders of her brother, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama and her father. That is why, she intends to annul the marriage through a Rating Game with Riser."

Akeno then reached out and gently placed her hands on Sasuke's ċhėst.

"Please. We need your strength as the Sekiryuutei."

Rias then looked up at Sasuke.

"You find me pathetic don't you? Trying to recruit you just for the sake of annulling my engagement. But, even though I know it's pathetic, I don't wish to be tied down by such a fate. I want to break free from this chain and change my own destiny."

As Sasuke listened to Rias, he was conflicted when he heard the phrase-

"I don't wish to be tied down by such a fate."

- - - - -

A long time ago, due to the anger and hatred of my clan's downfall, I decided to bear the entire clan's hatred upon myself in my dėsɨrė to avenge them and I was so submerged in darkness that all I ever wanted was destruction.

The Curse Of Hatred became the fate that tied me down.

Sasuke then looked down at Rias.

This woman...--bears some similar circumstances. And now, she is trying to break free from the chain that binds her.

Sasuke recalled back to what Naruto had said at the Valley Of The End after their final battle.

Why do you keep involving yourself with me?

Cuz you are my friend.

But...what exactly does that mean to you?

It's just that...when I see you take on stuff and get all messed up...

It kinda hurts me.

It hurt's me so much that I cant just leave it alone, y'know.

- - - - -

You saved me.

You managed to free and purge me from the endless cycle of hatred that tied me down for so long.

Sasuke then remembered the main purpose of his journey.

This is a journey of redemption to atone my sins.

- - - - -

Sasuke sighed.

"I understand. I will help you."

Everyone's face instantly lit up but just as Rias tried to say something, Sasuke cut her off and continued-

"However, I have two conditions."

"What kind of conditions?" Rias could not help but ask.

"First, I said I'm helping you but I am not going to be reincarnated into a devil or become your servant."

Rias started panicking. "But...what about the Rating Game? Only members of my peerage can take part in it."

Akeno then spoke from the side. "Let's speak to Ajuka-sama to see whether they can do anything about it. I don't think we should force him if he doesn't want to."

Rias could only sulk and pouted.

Sasuke simply ignored her.

"And, I require a place to stay as my previous lodging was...destroyed."

"That's easy, I can get a new place for you immediately."

- - - - -

Hah...breaking an engagement--

What kind of trouble did I get myself caught up into...

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