Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 4 - 4 - Battle Inside The Church

* * * * *

As Sasuke finally left the school, he recalled to the conversation back at the Occult Research Club.

"But...you can't take part in the rating games if you are not part of my peerage!"

It seems that there were certain rules these so called devils abide by. How troublesome.

I wonder--

What if...

Before Sasuke could finish his thoughts; a young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a dark teal nun outfit and a white veil over her head, bumped into him.


The girl had fallen into quite an awkward position.

"Are you alright?" Sasuke reached out his hand and the girl hesitatingly reached out for it.

"Than...Thank you."

The girl brushed off the dirt from her clothes before she bowed to Sasuke.

"Once again, thank you!" and Sasuke watched as her silhouette left.

I didn't even do anything yet she still thanked me.

Strange girl.

- - - - -

"Don't cry; it's just a scrape. You're a boy, after all."

She was stroking the head of a boy who had an injury on his knee.

However, what caught Sasuke's attention was the green light shining from the ring on the girl's finger.

Slowly, the wound on the boy started healing

H-his wound--

Is that Medical Ninjutsu? No, this is not Konoha. There should not be any other Shinobi here.

Is that also a Sacred Gear?

As the girl stood up, she turned around and noticed Sasuke standing behind.

- - - - -

"I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Asia Argento."

"Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

"Since you saw what happened, I must've surprised you." She smiled lightly at Sasuke.

"No, I'm not really that surprised."

Asia then saw the left sleeve of Sasuke's shirt fluttering.

"Your left arm--"

"What happened to it?"

When Sasuke didn't reply her, she hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry. I know it's not my place to ask such personal questions."

"This is a wonderful power granted by God. Yes...a wonderful power..."

She started explaining to Sasuke about her past although he didn't ask.

Once, there was a girl who was abandoned by her parents and was raised in a Church.

She received a special power at the age of 8 and from then on, her life changed.

She was symbolized and respected as a "Holy Maiden" by many but she didn't have any friends she could open up to.

One day, she saw a devil nearby and healed him. However, someone from the Church saw and notified others.

When they realized she could heal even devils, the people saw her as a heretic and was abandoned by the Church.

"This is also a trial that the lord gave me. Since I'm a clumsy nun, the lord gave me this trial. So I have to endure."

After Asia finished her story, Sasuke stood up.

"Umm..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take up so much of your time."

Her face started turning gloomy until she heard--

"There was once a man who refused to heed the word of others, and sought power regardless of the method--"

"and tried to change the world all by himself."

"He paid for it dearly."

"However, in the end, a friend saved him."

Asia couldn't say anything and simply stared at Sasuke.

Sasuke then turned around.

"Umm..." Asia started fidgeting with her hands.

"Will we see each other again, Sasuke-san?"

Sasuke didn't say anything and left.

- - - - -

It was close to nightfall and Sasuke was still walking around the streets, recalling his memories from the time he spent as a child up till his present self.

He glanced down at his missing arm.

This is my punishment.

As he continued walking down the street, he saw something faint in the far distance.

- - - - -


"Asia, you know it's useless to run away?"

"...No! I don't want to return to that Church. I don't want to return to the people who kill other people."

"Your Sacred Gear is essential for our plan. I also took the time to look for you. Stop being such a troublesome bitch!"

Raynare formed a portal above them and covers Asia with her black feathers before flying up.

- - - - -

Tch, just what is that girl up to now!

Although it was dark and there was quite a distance, Sasuke could still see two distinct people.

It's that Fallen Angel again!

The Rinnegan instantly materialized on his left eye.


She is too far away!

Furthermore, he had been constantly using the Rinnegan to travel through Kaguya's dimensions prior to his arrival in this world; he had to use a significant amount of Chakra every time he passed through a dimension.

Sasuke closed his left eye.

The black portal vanished.

- - - - -

"...It's becuase I didn't pray enough. It's because I'm clumsy."

"This is also a trial that the lord gave me. Since I'm a clumsy nun, the lord gave me this trial. So I have to endure."

"Will we see each other again, Sasuke-San?"

Sasuke then recalled what Chino had said to him before at the Coliseum--

"Then, why don't you help?"

"To a victim, the ȧssailant and a third party are no different."

"People are no better than the ȧssailant if they didn't try to help."

"...If you do nothing-"

"You're just as guilty, Sasuke-chan."

- - - - -

Tch, this world. Their People.

Constantly giving me trouble.

- - - - -

Sasuke then recalled Asia's attire.

She said she belongs to a Church.

If I'm not wrong, there is only one Church in this town...

- - - -

Sasuke turned his head and faced a certain direction.

* * * * *

What a strong killing intent.

Sasuke was crouching behind a bush just outside the Church.

I can sense multiple presences inside. 1,2,3..7...10--

There should be more than 20 people.

Sasuke then sauntered forward and kicked the doors open.

If I can sense them, there is no doubt they can sense me as well.

- - - - -

Inside, the place simply resembled an abandoned sanctuary and Sasuke focused his attention at the center, right below the altar.

There is a trapdoor there.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A young man with short white hair, dressed in clerical clothing's, walked out from behind a pillar.

"Well, who do we have here? Are you a Devil here to save Asia-tan? HAHAHAHA!"

The man started laughing in a crude manner and a disturbing smile spread across his face.

"You know, since I'm super strong, I cut Devils into pieces when I first meet them! You guys piss me off! DIE! You trashy Deeeeeeevils!"

After spouting off verbal abuses, he took out a gun and a sword.

Hmph. I don't even need to use my eyes against this guy.

"Ahaha! Lately, I haven't had an awesome battle like this! You seem strong! I'm going to kill you!"

- - - - -

The man shot out multiple bullets from his gun but Sasuke evaded the soundless bullets with ease.

"Hmmm! Such a pain! Fucking DIEEEE YOU PIECE OF SHIT! Eeii!"

As if unsatisfied, the man continued releasing more bullets but Sasuke had already grasped the flow of his movements--He was able to completely read his opponents breathing and muscle tension.

Sasuke could sense the outline of the distortion in the air caused by the flow of the bullet, depicting an outline as if showing where the phenomenon was going to happen next.

The second wave of bullets were also avoided and like the dancing wind, Sasuke plunged within a few meters of his opponent.

His hand had already grasped the hilt of his sword and Sasuke channeled his lightning chakra through it.

"You talk too much."

With a white flash, the horizontal Iai slash was unleashed, causing blue sparks to scatter and the man flew back dozens of meters and crashed through the Church onto the outside grounds.

Sasuke flicked away the dirt from his katana and headed towards the altar's hidden stairs.

- - - - -

As he walked down the staircase, Sasuke could sense a peculiar presence at the end of the passage.

That person is there.

Sasuke raised his right arm.

The consciousness inside was still not waking up.

- - - - -

Sasuke walked further in and pushed open the large door at the end of the passage.

The room was filled with people wearing hooded Priest robes and they were all holding sword handles in their hands.

At the center of the room, Asia was tied to a huge cross.

The Fallen Angel, Raynare, screamed from the end of the room.


- - - - -

Should I end this quickly with Susanoo? No...I shouldn't use that yet.

One of the Priest came charging at Sasuke but Sasuke lightly sidestepped and launched an upwards kick. The Priest fractured into the walls of the surroundings.

"Hah,--I didn't want to reveal too much but this is going to take a while. And, I do not have time to spare."

Sasuke closed his right eye as he declared to his audience.

The next moment he opened his eye, the surrounding Priests around him started falling to the ground.

"What did you do!"

Raynare screamed at Sasuke as she examined his right eye.

"You..! Just what is that eye! What are you exactly!"

"I am not going to use that on you. That would be letting you off too easily."

Sasuke continued, "But, at the same, I won't use anything special on you. You are not worth it."

"Taijutsu would be enough on you."


Before her lingering voice could dissipate, a single person had already taken a position behind her back.


Raynare was blown to the ground just by a single kick from Sasuke.

Sasuke kept his katana back in it's sheath and concentrated chakra at only the soles of his feet; creating an acceleration with the minimum amount of chakra.

It was exactly the move of a master ȧssassin.

Without any preliminary motion, also with little emission of chakra, it was nearly impossible to foresight and detect.

Then, Sasuke slipped within a meter from Raynare.

--What was unleashed, was a palm strike. With a slap, Sasuke's palm hit Raynare's ċhėst. There was no impact. His palm was coming into contact lightly with her ċhėst.

At that instant, a curious amount of chakra was emitted from his palm. That chakra which possessed a curious wavelength repulsed against her ċhėst. With Sasuke's palm at the center, a ripple was spreading out energetically and

---Almost at the same time, Sasuke's one leg where he placed his center of gravity stepped(DON!) on the ground strongly.

The recoil impact that was created from that action was, just like absorbing the momentum and energy produced, absorbed into Sasuke's body.

Sasuke's whole body was operating in succession as if not to let the produced impact escape. The energy and momentum earned from stepping the ground was passing through the knee into the hɨps; the hɨps were rotating in a circle making the chakra tinged with a spiraling property while passing through the spine into the shoulder, the shoulder was twisted in a circle making the spiraling force accelerate even further while moving to the arm--

As if the whole body was depicting a spiral and turned into a screw.

That technique converted the chakra into destructive power. When compared with a normal impact, the spiraling movement brought about ten times the piercing power mechanically.

The spiral penetrated the muscle and destroyed the internal organs, consequently, it was a Hakkei of certain death.

(DON!) The special move was driven into Raynare's ċhėst. What was hit was not the ċhėst, but the sternum. No, passing through even the sternum, towards the heart...

What depicted the spiral was not only the body's movement, but the chakra's aura too.

Finally, Raynare collapsed on the ground.

- - - - -

Blood spurted out from Raynare's mouth as she struggled to raise her body.

She looked at Sasuke with sorrowful eyes.

"Please! Don't kill me! I will give you anything you want!"

She started begging for her life pitifully.

"Do you want sėx? I can give it to you! See, I'm so pretty! It is every guy's dream to have sėx with a Fallen Angel!"

Sasuke took out his sword again and readied his blade stance, such that once released, it would swing downwards in a clean cut and completely severe the head of the girl in front of him.

"Just like that guy from before, the way you talk disgusts me. Miserable."

Sasuke's voice didn't have the slightest sympathy in his tone.

"Fallen Angel, Raynare. Your presence in this world will only bring harm to others."

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Tears started streaming down Raynare's face.


- - - - -

The blade was swung down.

* * * * *

Sasuke cut the ropes binding Asia and supported her, before leaving the place and heading back up to the sanctuary.

As for the other Priests in that room...

- - - - -

Asia's face was pale as Sasuke laid her down on one of the pews.

She was still heavily traumatised because of the incident.

"What are you going to do now?" Sasuke asked.

Asia looked up at Sasuke before looking down again.

"I can't go back to the Church again. I don't know where else I can go also."

Just as Sasuke wanted to say something else, a magic circle materialized behind him and the Occult Research Club members stepped out.

- - - - -

"As expected, you really are special." Rias started speaking as she walked towards Sasuke.

"What are you doing here?"

"I finished my business so I used the magic-circle to come here. It was my first time transporting to a Church, so I was slightly nervous. I heard about a special girl being able to heal devils so I started my own investigation as well. Her name is...Asia Argento isn't it?"

Akeno continued.

"There were a couple of Fallen-Angels not far from this compound and we took care of them. After all, for Fallen-Angels to step foot in this town,we can't let them get off Scot-free. But...the main credit still belongs to you, Sasuke-kun. It is no amateur feat being able to take down so many enemies at once."

Rias then took something out from her pocket.

It was a red color chess piece that bore the same color as her hair.

"That is."

"This is a [Bishop] chess piece."

"Wait...don't tell me. You are planning to..."

- - - - -

Rias then walked towards Asia while she held the crimson chess piece in her hand.

"The [Bishop]'s role is to support other members of the group. Her healing powers could be useful as a [Bishop]. Since I'm taking part in the rating games, I need powerful people in my peerage."

Rias looked at Asia straight in the eyes.

"Asia Argento, are you willing to become a devil and servant of the Gremory Household?"

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