
13 The ruins

When the sun rose, a large group of warriors could be seen at the south gate. In the end 20 people were there. This included the 10 participators of the goblin fight as well as 10 more random farmers from the woodcutters camp.

When they would be gone there would still be nearly 30 others left, and despite the miners not having trained for long and the scientist not having hum combat prowess either, Jay felt at ease.

After all these people had General Green. He decided to leave him here to defend the camp and train the new troops. As he had no idea how large the ruins were, he went over to find General Green.

The previous night he had asked Enchantress Evergreen to make him a soul-light. This was a very basic enchanted item that would emit a tiny red light. When the person it was bound with died, the flame would disappear completely. By leaving this in General Greem's care they wouldn't have to worry if this exploration trip took a few days.

Lastly, he had given Architect Gariel permission to act as the temporary village lead. This included welcoming the new arrivals and choosing how to use their resources.

With all the important stuff out of the way, he lead the group of 10 spearmen, 5 axemen, and 5 swordsmen into the forest.

At this point, their group could be called the king of this forest. Whenever a wolf saw a human they would flee immediately. After all these last days any animal that tried to attack the woodcutters were swiftly disposed of.

Happy with the calm walk Jay and company quickly arrived at the ruins. What they saw was a massive broken gate with stone steps that lead underground, further to the east. This annoyed Jay greatly as just a hundred meters east or so there was the invisible barrier between zones.

Despite this, the group still headed down, after all maybe it would turn! Under the guidance of a small fireball he created, Jay slowly descended from the large steps. Each step was nearly a meter large and traversing them was tiring. Luckily each of these men had good arm-strength and-

| Congratulations user for being the first person to traverse away from your region. |

| Congratulations user for being the first person to traverse regions globally. |

| Reward: 150 gold, title: adventurous |

| Reward: 500 gold, random E-grade cultivation technique, title: True Settler |

And- and- Hold up what?

Traversing zones was something of the highest difficulty only prominent lords could do. And even then it would cost a lot of manpower and strength to breach the barrier. In his last life, he would've only been barely able to breach the barrier if he gave it his all and gave up on some of his treasures.

What sort of building was he in for it to be able to create a space unhindered by the barrier? This was simply unbelievable.

On the other hand, there was the E-grade cultivation technique. This was an item he had never gotten in his previous life.

Later on, there would be a massive divide, the largest of guilds would be able to, with a lot of saving, get F-grade cultivation techniques. E-grade cultivation techniques were said to be multiple times as effective and even lords had to spend a lot of resources to get one. More than once allies became enemies just because of such a technique.

In the end, he was both glad and worried. He was glad since this tunnel would allow him to gain influence in 2 zones and potentially trade each zone's regional item to the other. He was worried, however, since this ruin was very close to his capital and it would allow enemies to pull up onto his doorstep at any time.

He might like fighting wars, but he certainly wanted to win them all. After all, he was no suicidal fool!

At this point, he realized this ruin must be from some truly great civilization. Such ruins were highly valuable and could contain secrets from another era. Once they went down nearly a hundred of these massive steps they reached a room. The walls and ceiling were all made from large stone bricks, somehow still remaining completely intact even after a large amount of time.

Inside of the room, other than piles of dust were 2 large, 3 meters tall statues. Each of them held a position one would hold when holding a weapon, yet their hands were empty. There was a pile of dust underneath each of these statues that might explain what happened to those weapons.

After resting for a bit, they moved towards these statues in a basic formation, this time with the spears in front. After all, these were somewhat likely to be golems considering their positions.

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And as expected, once they drew closer the golems both moved, barring the door behind them. Waiting a somewhat safe distance away, Jay started drawing on all his mana. His hairs stood on end as his left arm started glowing red more and more. This time, different than in his last fights, the red light started seeping out of his hand to create a ball of fire.

It was a new spell he learned from one of the magic books in his private library. Since it was the most destructive tier 1 spell he could find, it was the first new spell he learned.

Even if he couldn't feel the heat of the fireball, which in these few minutes had grown to the size of a basketball, the people around him did, and so they were forced to step away a bit from their lord.

After a total of 10 minutes of drawing energy to this spell, he noticed that he was out of mana and the ball of fire wouldn't be able to grow further anyway.

And so this ball of fire was thrown towards the golem on their left, aimed straight at its body.

In the beginning, people often tried attacking golems' heads. Only to find it doesn't have much of an effect and even a headless golem could keep fighting. In truth, the best place to attack was the center of its chest since the magical crystal from which it was created would reside there.

The golem's chest started breaking as soon as it was hit. Even to the point Jay was shocked. It would seem that these golems had become brittle after all these years, no longer being worthy of being called a true golem.

Seeing the other golem also being defeated in just a few minutes without anyone being so much as wounded this theory was confirmed. This would mean that this ruin was at the very least 1,000 years old. After all, golems didn't degrade quickly whatsoever, even after a few hundred years, it wouldn't lose any of its strength.

After inspecting the 2 Magic Crystals he saw that they luckily seemed to be just fine. It was just that they were empty of mana, something that would be fixed after a few weeks on the surface or just a few days in his magic tower.

After disposing of these golems so easily, the group was rather confident. So without much hesitation, they quickly destroyed the door before them. Or at least, that's what they tried to do. In fact, this door that seemed to be made out of wood didn't budge in the slightest.

When he simply tried opening the door by turning its knob, it opened without a problem.

What they could now see before them, wasn't quite as simple. Before them, was a ginormous room filled with gigantic pillars. This wasn't the shocking thing though, the thing was the pillars were full of massive 1-meter-long rats.

| Mission: Kill 100 Ancient Rats |

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