
11 Advanced special talents

When the group of soldiers got out of the woods, none of them could refrain from smiling. This wasn't because of the horrible scenes they had seen before, instead, it was due to the beautiful sight they could see now.

Each of these men had been a loyalist from the time they were created. And the sight before them was truly what they wished to see more. The soldiers that participated in the Goblin Defensive battle were all happily chatting with the farmers as they worked together to cut and transport wood. At this point, there were already 2 wooden carts being used in order to transport the wood into the city at a rapid rate.

Having a high-grade architect was truly an amazing thing! As soon as the group of citizens spotted Jay they all promptly kneeled.

"Good job you all, come to the mansion at sundown, I will reward you all for your vigor!"

Following his statement he walked back towards the city, leaving behind a group of excited farmers and soldiers.

Now they could truly start growing. After he commanded the soldiers to put everything in the mansion's courtyard before going to their huts to rest, he began making an inventory of everything they gained.

Goblin nest gains:

- 65 gold (+ some silver)

- F grade interspacial bracelet

- 12 swords

- 3 spears

- 1 special token

- 10 wolf pelts

- 2 magical crystals (+1 in the defensive battle)

- A young half-elf cub

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- Some decent quality elastic rope

- 50 units of food (mostly wolf meat)

- a pair of high-quality nice-looking clothes

If he hadn't had a D grade interspacial ring, it would've been quite hard carrying all this back and they wouldn't have been able to take the food.

Luckily the half-elf cub didn't seem to be scared anymore. It probably didn't even know what happened back there and only hid out of instinct. Knowing this cub would probably be able to grow up in just about a week thanks to its Goblin part he wasn't too worried about raising it. The cub seemed happy just sitting around doing nothing.

He thought a bit before deciding that since this cub would become their first real mage, as well as technically being his first adopted kid, he should make sure he was raised well.

He had decided to move her into the first floor of the magic tower. After granting her access to the magic tower he watched the little cub's face lit up when seeing the beautiful lighting within the tower.

After putting her on the ground he took out the last 2 coins he had on him. A magic instructor and an advanced talent. Both of these were extremely rare things to get! And so he threw both coins in front of him simultaneously.

After a flash once again 2 people were kneeling before him. On the left was an old man with a long beard that was brimming with vitality despite his age. Meanwhile, on his right, there was a young woman with blue hair and a pretty face.

| Name: Mastawald Von Hauser (lv 25)

Talents: S grade teacher, A grade magician

Titles: Old man (Unable to increase level any further), Magical Teacher (20% increase in magic-related teaching skills), Blind follower (This follower will never betray you)

Strength: 2

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 36

Politics: 5

Mana: 29

Speciality: Keeper of Knowledge (Greatly enhanced memory, Greatly decreased fighting capabilities)

Description: A greatly skilled magician loyal to First City. |

As expected the old man really was a greatly skilled magician. Other than this he also had a speciality decreasing his fighting capabilities. This wasn't a big surprise as giving a person a third-tier magician would be an absolute cheat early on. Even after a year having a third-tier mage would double a town's fighting prowess.

After reading through the Mage's stats he looked at the advanced talent.

| Name: Elysia Evergreen (lv 1)

Talents: A grade enchanter, B+ grade magician, B+ grade Golem creator

Titles: Experienced enchanter (+20% success rate on enchantments), Skilled enchanter (-10% materials needed per enchantment.), Blind follower (This follower will never betray you)

Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 9

Politics: 5

Mana: 1

Speciality: N/A

Description: N/A |

The reason why his eyes lit up reading her stats wasn't because she was an A grade enchanter. It was because she was a B+ grade golem creator.

A golem creator was immensely powerful. It essentially meant the entire army could attack a place without having to worry about not having a town to return to. Even though Golems generally weren't great attackers they were absolutely perfect for defending and stalling against attackers. Thus in his previous life golem-creation manuals were among the more expensive books on the market.

"Good, good. Mastawald, this cub is half-elf teach him AOE attacks as soon as you can. I will give you access to the second floor of the tower as well."

"As you command my lord."

"Miss Evergreen, I will be giving you access to the third floor which has an alchemy table. I will also be giving you 2 magical cores. Make 2 golems suitable for defending. I will send some men to gather stone soon."

"Understood, my liege."

Satisfied with his subordinates replies he led them outside. At this point, the sun was setting and as expected all his subordinated had gathered in the mansion's courtyard. His current workforce was a bit shy of 30. After telling them all to rise from their kneeling position he started giving out rewards. A gold coin to each of the people who fought in the goblin-battle as well as for architect Gariel. Other then this General Green was also given the F grade interspacial bracelet.

Then a total of several hundred silver was divided amongst the others, to thank them for their good work. Additionally, he had spent a bit of gold to get a few barrels of low-quality beer, a present all enjoyed.

They feasted until the night was nearly over before retiring to their own houses. A few people even first passed by the market to get themselves something. As such he saw one of the soldiers buy a little gem he wanted to use to adorn his sword's handle. While most others ended up deciding to save their money.

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