
10 A goblins nes

| Reward: F+ grade leather armor, map to the goblins lair. |

After receiving the rewards he immediately appraised the armor.

| Name: Superior leather armor

Quality: F+ grade

Specialties: Movement I, Lifesteal I

Description: N/A

Movement I: this piece of equipment will not limit your movement.

Lifesteal I: Any blood of enemies the wearer has killed will be absorbed in order to heal small wounds. |

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This time around he was a bit less lucky with the qualities. Movement I would be a very strong perk on plated armor but on armor such as this it made nearly no difference while Lifesteal I was only able to heal small scratches.

As there was nothing he could do about it he put the armor into the interspacial ring he had. The scene now before him was extremely bloody. With dozens of goblin corpses laying all over the battlefield. In the end 10 of his soldiers survived, each of which was moderately wounded and extremely drained of energy.

After assisting these soldiers to their rooms and making sure they were getting bandaged he nodded in content. Each of these soldiers had reached level 3, and so had he. Since he took the lord path he would get a small amount of experience from each of his subject's achievements. In return it took him a lot more experience to level up.

In the end of the day the spoils other then the mission reward and experience included 2 bows over 20 arrows, some silver coins and a magic staff. After inspecting the staff in his dimly lit study he saw how badly made it was. The wood that made the staffs body barely had any magical qualities whatsoever and the shape was too bulky. The magical crystal itself was of better quality. It was exactly such a crystal one could absorb to either immediately get initialized in magic or increase the likelihood of becoming a second-ranked mage.

After a moment's hesitation he threw aside the wooden staff as he carefully stored this crystal on one of the bookshelves within the magical study.

The map he got from the mission was very clear. Not only did it show the Goblins nest, it also showed other potentially useful landmarks. For example, 2 kilometers west of their nest there were ruins and to their south, there seemed to be a symbol representing a horse.

In the next hour 2 people knocked on his door. Firstly there was Architect Gariel to report that the bridge blueprint is finished. After telling him to start working on a cart blueprint he left. The other person was one of the blacksmiths. She had somehow managed to luck her way into making an F-grade spear.

After he gifted this spear to General Green he took a walk through town. The regular farmers had finished throwing the corpses in the river. It really was fortunate to have the 'Fighting for Power' title as they didn't seem to find it weird at all to have a war fought just outside the gates.

Once that was nearly finished he brought them over to the blacksmith where they each got an Iron Axe. Sending the general with them for protection they soon started gathering wood. When another 5 farmers arrived they were promptly sent to help out, they had to carry the trees back while the others cut them down.

Glad he was finally able to start gathering wood Jay rounded up the 5 soldiers that were in the best condition. He knew how quickly Goblin youngs grew up so he wanted to quickly finish them off before they formed a new army.

These 5 soldiers all had spears thanks to which they had managed to keep most of the goblins at a bit of a distance in the last fight.

After donning his new leather armor the small group quickly went into the forest. Perhaps it was due to its small size or maybe because the goblins killed them but the amount of danger in the forest was surprisingly low. They had nearly finished their 30-minute journey yet they had only had to kill 2 wolves and a non-poisonous snake.

Once they neared the location on the map the terrain became easier to navigate as it was clear the goblins came here often. Now before them, they could see a large cave. In front of the cave, there were multiple skulls on sticks. Most seemed to be animals but he also spotted some elven skulls.

The 6 of them were silently creeping into the cave, yet the cave had no more real defenses. Before them were about a dozen of recently born goblins. Yet because of the fast growth rate of goblins he knew that in just a week or so these would be no different than the ones they fought earlier.

After giving the order the 5 soldiers hardened their resolve as they walked up and started killing the cubs who were cowering in fear. As they walked in further they saw there were 2 additional caverns. In the first cavern, they found a bunch of regular weapons that they could use. Other then that there were 2 more magic crystals like the one the goblin mage had earlier.

When walking into the second room however everyone's heart got heavy. There were 3 elven women, one that wasn't even an adult laying in the ground drooling. With their clothes ripped into shreds they were clearly tainted by the goblins and it seemed, in the end, they had lost their minds.

After a moment Jay walked forward himself as he killed the 3 women with quick strikes as there was nothing they could do for them. All of them quickly left that room. After getting back to the main room where the cubs' bodies lay Jay spoke.

"Let's not talk about this when we get back."

The soldiers nodded as if they wanted to say the same thing. After looking around carefully Jay found 1 more cub that was hiding, he had a blue tint in his eyes showing clearly he had some elven blood in him. In the end he decided to take this cub with him as there was a good chance it would have decent intelligence. And due to its young age, it could easily be manipulated to like humans. Since he had elven blood there was a decent chance he could awaken magic with the right training aswell.

| Radrik camp has been eradicated. Do you wish to destroy the token or take it. |


|Radrik camp token has been destroyed. Gained 15 gold coins. |

Despite heading back with backpacks full of items and over 50 gold, nobody was talking. Each of their minds still with that Goblin camp.

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