
35 Unstoppable

When Jay looked at each of the men following him, he felt truly proud.

All of these men were true warriors. None of them complained and they seemed to feel good as well. He hadn't expected to lead a city that was as full of warriors as this, yet here he was.

He wasn't the best in history back on earth, but even so, he was pretty sure there had never been a country where nearly every man and woman was a warrior.

He was proud of his people like a father would be proud of his kid. And now it was time for this father to take his kid to the carnival.

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The first base was one Jay was already familiar with. At this point, this little town had a 2-meter tall wall and around 50 people.

This was great news for Jay, if there were 50 people here it was likely for there to be a talent or 2.

With this base, they didn't even bother surrounding it. And even though they could climb the wall to infiltrate, there was no reason to do so. The large group of warriors walked just behind Jay, who arrived at the gate.

The gate was crafted pretty well. Even if there were some cracks here and there someone could look through it was built well for something without a blueprint. But well, it was just regular wooden planks after all.

Jay decided to use this opportunity to test out his first Tier 1 spell. When he put his hands in front of him something weird happened, the ground in front of him seemed to have turned into a liquid, almost like clay.

Just a moment later the liquid earth shot out from multiple locations forming earthen spikes over 2 meters tall which slammed against the gate.

Jay had intended for the earth spikes to cause the doors to fly off but it seemed that they were too sharp and just pierced through instead.

Slightly embarrassed Jay used a different Tier 1 spell he had learned. A small bubble appeared before his hands. After some time passed it didn't grow in size at all confusing the spectating warriors.

Yet, when Jay shot it forward some of his strongest warriors suddenly jumped backward instinctively. The moment Jay released the attack beads of sweat immediately drenched their foreheads, for just a second they felt as if they were going to die.

The reason why they had reacted so was clear the next second. The small bubble seemed totally harmless until it hit the gate.

A massive force then came from the bubble as an immense amount of air was released, as if blown away by C4 the gates didn't just open but flew away. The moment the bubble hit the immense force had caused the gate to shoot backward.

Half of the gate slammed right into a wooden building, easily destroying its walls, causing it to collapse. The other half slammed right into the guards that were standing in the road in front of the gate, killing 3 people on impact.

This effect shocked everyone, this was the spell he got from the intermediate book in the main city. It certainly seemed oppressive.

The army behind Jay opened their eyes wildly, reminding themselves to never cross their Lord, and to get as close to him as they could.

For the people inside the town, the scene looked a lot different.

Jimmy, was managing his town, glad about the new wooden walls they put up before one of the guards told him there was an army exploring of at least 100 men.

Jimmy acted quickly this time, closing the gates firmly before getting the 20 men strong army and preparing for the enemy.

Yet what came next was way more horrifying than he had ever imagined. They could clearly hear the footsteps of the army, walking up to their gate at a normal pace.

Then they went silent, yet just as the suspense was at its peak 2 large brown spikes penetrated the gate with ease, making him lose his confidence. Another minute passed, at this point, he had calmed down.

But what use had it been, a soundless explosion happened before his eyes. The gate shot forward, half of it went just over his left shoulder killing 3 of his men while the other half shot against a building, causing it to be destroyed instantly.

A large dust cloud hung before the entrance, Lord Jimmy and his troops were frozen in fear, and what they saw before them didn't help that. A red-haired man he recognized could be seen as the dust settled, 2 earth spikes sticking out of the ground at either side of him.

Behind this horrifying man was a full-blown army filled with humans and some other creature he didn't recognize. Jimmy's eyes twitched as he fell to his knees awaiting death, and death is what he got.

An ice pike. A single shot pierced his eye heading straight into his brains. Blood streamed down from his eye as he uttered some weird sounds before falling to the ground, dead.

Jay walked forward leisurely looking at the guards before him.


"WE SURRENDER! WE SURRENDER! Please don't kill us..."

A terrified guard yelled out, and sure enough everyone else promptly agreed, allowing Jay to take this camp only killing a single lord, and the 3 people that he had accidentally killed.

He still had 2 Tier 1 spells he wanted to test out, but it seemed he would need to get to a larger camp in order to be able to use them.

His group of 60 warriors had quickly taken in 50 more people, this included women and men. They were told to mix among the experienced soldiers which they promptly did because of the 'Blind Follower' specialty they had temporarily acquired.

They spent the rest of the day training these people up a bit. Every soldier would teach a different person, thus progress was quickly made, and soon night came.

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