
36 The 2 bases

The following morning everyone woke up at dawn, and a few minutes later they were on their way.

The warriors continued teaching the new recruits while they kept heading forward. The villagers were quick learners and started copying the soldiers in how they acted. Efficient and sharp without too much useless chatter.

Along the way, they annexed 2 more villages using a similar tactic he had used before. Scaring the hell out of the small villages, killing their Lord's.

When the group headed up a particular hill a few hours later they were met with a particularly nice view. In the valley below them, they could see 2 bases no more than a kilometer apart. It seemed that they were both thriving, they had high walls a bunch of intermediate-houses.

These 2 villages were both large, he was sure this was a silver or gold grade village with capable lords.

Since the villages both had a marketplace it was clear these were top of the line bases, possible threats to Pangea.

After deliberating for a second Jay decided to just go in, the base closest to them had clear civilian district and military district. It was a base that would serve as the experimental grounds of one of his untested Rank 1 spells.

When the group of over 100 descended the hill they were obviously spotted. The men of both bases rushed towards their respective base before they closed the gates.

A lot of noise was coming from inside the village, even after they had arrived at the gates. It seemed that the people here really trusted in their military. Jay prepared himself properly, the spell he was going to use now required every single bit of his mana and his absolute focus.

His hands emitted a black fog which he sent to the military district, more and more fog arrived which obviously alerted the guards. Some moved away thinking it was some sort of poison while others who thought it was a teleportation spell moved in, holding their breaths just in case.

Yet those, aswell of those who were caught unprepared were doomed. The Black fog entered their bodies through any opening it could find causing the person to halt for a second. A bit later they turned to their fellow guards who weren't caught in the fog and started attacking.

It seemed that they had resorted to their primal instincts, slashing with the pointy edge of their weapons without any thought put into it. As the fog continued to spread it seemed that the guards would have to evacuate the area, that was until a certain someone arrived.

A young girl, no longer than 7 arrived. Her petite body and slim face made her stand out incredibly among the soldiers.

"Whaseng vo moscg"

She spoke some sort of ancient language that seemed to call upon magic. A white light appeared in her hand, promptly being thrown into the middle of the black fog. The fog seemed to contort and tried to escape but it was quickly sucked into the white light before disappearing in its entirety. The people that were previously possessed also came back, shocked by what they were doing.

Outside the wall, Jay frowned. He was rather lucky the light orb absorbed the fog over time instead of instantly, allowing him to avoid any damage to his consciousness.

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He was also intrigued. Ancient magic was a rare thing, and even if it was considered inferior to modern magic it still had some great advantages.

He really wanted to get that girl to join Pangea. Someone that could cast such a strong spell at such a young age was a true rarity. In the future, she would surely be able to become a Tier 3 mage.

Excited by the discovery of a new talent yet disappointed in his failure to truly test out his spell, Jay ordered his troops to break open the gate.

Since it was a sturdy gate, it managed to hold for over 10 minutes before breaking.

The guards on the other side of the bridge weren't scared in the slightest, numbering over 50 themselves.

Surprisingly their strength was close to Jay's soldiers, it was their gear that was lacking, most of the stuff they used was F grade with only a few exceptions.

When Jay was just about to come forward to kill these guards, he got intercepted. 3 strong people were now standing in front of him.

On the left was a strong man with a rather mean face, reminding him of General Green.

On the right stood a noble figure that clearly emitted the air of a lord and in the back was the girl he noticed earlier.

It seemed that they wanted to fight him 3v1. Looking forward to a good fight, Jay naturally agreed.

"No need to have any of our men die, let's just both tell our men to step back and then we fight it out like this."

These words surprisingly came from Jay, surprising the defenders.

The other lord agreed with a cold face and soon both sides had backed off, leaving space for them to fight.

Jay only had a small amount of mana right now so if he was to win, it would probably be due to his skills with the sword.

Jay stood straight casually holding his scimitar while looking at his enemies. The biggest restriction of the ancient mages was that they had to cast their spells out loud. This often took a while and had to be done loudly. Thus it was impossible for an ancient mage to succeed without a strong bodyguard.

The girl was holding a staff, it was made out of a glass-like material and had a misty orb at the top....


Jay's heart shook for a second when he noticed the orb on the girl's staff. It looked exactly like the misty orbs that had been causing him problems. The only difference seemed to be that the mist density was lower in this one.

Jay's eyes hardened as his killing intent surged. He had to win here no matter what, if he didn't he might get cucked by the misty orb again soon without being any the wiser.

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