Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 10 - The Kingpin

I arrived at New York and started surveillance on Fisk. I didn't attack right away as I wanted to collect more information about him and find out what deals he was currently making.

Sophie was a big help with surveillance and collecting information, but I discovered that the primary hideout he used for his less than legal ventures was secure and there weren't any cameras or mics in his main conference room.Where he conducted his meetings.

I rented an apartment in a complex close to his location and spied on him using astral projection.

( Inside the conference room)

I was currently spying on Fisk in my astral form. Which is cool as shit by the way.

I have been watching him having shady dealings with the irish, the latinos and various other gangs. I even saw a couple of police officers in there.

I found out he has enough liquid assets to control most of the higher ups in Hell's Kitchen precinct of the NYPD, he either bribes them and or threatens their loved ones, which takes competent enforcers.

You don't threaten police officers' families unless you know you can deliver, which means getting through serious police protection details, and possibly witness protection, which is run by the US Marshals.

He is a serious player legitimately and illegitimately in both politics and real estate, neither of which run cheap.

If you have an idea of the kind of donations mayors and other public servants ask for in their campaigns and you'll get a slight idea how much Fisk has.

He also owns a considerable amount of real estate in New York City, which he has dozens of them.

He also had enough monetary power and influence to be, well, Kingpin, to some of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world, no exaggeration.

The Triads, Mafia, and the Yakuza are almost-incomprehensibly powerful international organizations who apparently consider Fisk their equals in their line of work, which is a serious compliment on their part.

I looked into some of the income the Mexican cartel kingpin has business with and takes in, and divided it by three (and by the end of the season it all goes to him) you can get an idea about his cash flow in that department.

Fisk does have some legitimate sources of income, most likely through the real estate market and a diversified stock portfolio, which is entirely possible how he got his start.

He basically took control of a local crime boss' drug rings and used the proceeds to begin to maneuver his way up the social, cultural, political, and criminal ladder.

He would either intimidate or bribe. Those where his primary weapons. He was also a master manipulator and really intelligent. I guess he really earns the name kingpin.

He created several companies to launder his money. Among them is a spice company, which he uses to cover up his nefarious escapades.

A lot of people knew what he was, but were either on his payroll, too weak or too dead to testify or expose him.

I have to say I heavily dislike the guy. He's too arrogant and full of his self and doesn't realise he is a frog in a well.

Money is a powerful tool, but it has to be utilized correctly to achieve its utmost potential.

He merely surrounds himself with people with guns. Which isn't that impressive in the Marvel Universe.

I was wary of making a move and decided to take a wait and see approach.

I wanted to find out if the hand had made contact with the him. As dealing with assassins and ninja wasn't my idea of having fun.

Sure, I can take on a few dozen ninjas no problem.

But if their numbers are too many, one of them might get a lucky shot in and I am not exactly invulnerable, but I am working on solving that soon.

I have been watching him for a week now and I am planning on making a move tonight.

Sophie informed me that Matt is still in law school , so meeting him turned out to be a bust until he atleast graduates.

I decided that I will attack tonight.

He is going to be staying in one of his mansions tonight. It's the most optimal place to attack.

I make a portal into the mirror dimension and I walk in. One by one I start popping in and out of the mirror dimension and knocking all the security guys out.

Sophie already took care of all the surveillance in the mansion and hacked into the cameras and sensors. I have almost reached the Kingpin's room and I am walking slowly to his room.

I had already snuck in while he was out and found out all his hidden weapons like guns and such and took out the bullets .

I also found a couple of secrets alarm buttons and a danger room. I disabled those too. He has no where to run now.

I open the door slowly and I find him still sleeping. I haven't decided if I was going to kill him or not.

I already decided on not having any mercy against my enemies, but I am not sure if Fisk really qualifies as one at this point.

I could have taken him out at any point really, but decided to be cautious just in case. As the Hand is way more of a threat. Than he can ever be.

I walk up until I reach his bed and get closer to his head.

I lift my hand and bring it slowly over to his head. He still hasn't woken up yet.

I touch his head and I knocked him out with a spell. I then open a portal and dump him inside my rented apartment in the mirror dimension.

' Damn, well that was easy' I say in my head.

I got out of his mansion and decide to get something to eat.

As I am walking I say " Sophie, have you transferred all the funds to my off shore accounts yet?"

Sophie" Affirmative Master Doug, all the funds in his bankout from his legal and illegal activities have been transferred. I also found the locations of various safe houses that contain cash funds. "

Doug" Good, what about his real estate in New York and Manhattan ? "

Sophie" I am afraid those can't be transfered. A contract has to be drawn out where he writes the rest of his assets to you. "

Doug" Well that's not too difficult. I'll think of something. Tell me how much do we have right now? "

Sophie" Not, including his assets you currently have 2.4 billion in your bank account. "

I trip and almost fall in surprise and shout" What the fuck !? I knew this guy had money, but this is on another level." apparently the Kingpin had fuck you money which is a step above filthy rich.

With a quiver in my voice I say" Well, since I am filthy rich. Let's splurge a little. Sophie make me a reservation in a high class restaurant. "

Sophie" Do you have a certain place in my mind ?"

" Hm... find out if Gordon Ramsey exists in this reality and make a reservation at a restaurant he's working in tonight" I say. I always liked watching the guy cook. I want to atleast see if his food tastes any good.

Sophie " Right away Master Doug. "

( Fisk's POV)

I wake up and look around me and find myself in a strange apartment.

I don't remember how I got here, but I must have been drugged and kidnapped.

' Those incompetent fools someone just kidnapped me right under their eyes. They don't deserve what they get paid for ' I grit my teeth and get up.

' I am still in my sleeping wear and I am not tied up' I start looking around and find no one.

I shout and say " Whoever you are stop playing games. You don't know who you are dealing with" I hear no answer I keep shouting and making threats , but still I hear nothing.

I start to move slowly to the door and I surprisingly find it unlocked. I start to get a little wary. As this seems too strange. I quickly run down the stairs and get to the street and find the street empty.

I look around and find myself near my main safe house. Something doesn't seem right. Ever since I woke up in that apartment I keep having an eerie feeling .

Everything around is absolutely silent. It's as if everyone and everything dissappeared and time has stopped .

I can't see or hear anyone or anything everything is just quiet. Too quiet . There isn't even a breeze or birds chipping.

I reach the safe house and start putting in my passcode.

' I need to find a weapon and I am going to make who ever kidnapped me regret ever playing games with the KingPin' the padlock isn't working and I am starting to get frustrated .

I suddenly hear a voice behind me that says

" I am afraid that's not going to work. Electricity doesn't work in this dimension." I turned around surprised and find a blonde man who's levitating a few inches off the ground wearing strange monk like robes looking at me with an amused smirk on his face.

He says " Hello, Fisk or should I say the Kingpin. Welcome to the mirror dimension my name is Cypher and you are now my prisoner. "

( Chapter End )


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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