Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 9 - Power

I am finally leaving. I had finally finished my training and am considered a fully fledged Master of the Mystic Arts.

I decided to leave the Sanctum and come back home. I will afcourse visit the the Sanctum whenever I can, but at this point its mostly self study now If I wish to seek more knowledge .

It's the first time in my life I have ever felt like I had power. I know I am far from the most powerful and that there are beings out there capable of squashing me in an instant, but nonetheless. I feel what I have is enough for now and for my plans to progress.

I am not helpless anymore. And my enemies should fear me. You might be wondering what enemies I am talking about.

Oh they are plenty, but they don't know it yet. The moment I sat foot in this universe their days where already numbered.

I have no problems with eliminating certain personal in the coming days. Because the way I see it I am in the middle of an undeclared war and there's no fucking around when it comes to war.

I don't particularly care about being called a hero or a villain . And I find these half hearted attempts at peace idiotic and naive at best.

One of the problems I have with Xavier's approach to things is he isn't decisive enough while his boyfriend Magneto on the other hand is too extreme and quite frankly messy.

Seriously has he never heard about subtlety ? Shaping public opinion through manipulation from the shadows ? Eliminating your enemies in secret ? Investigating violent hate groups and organizations interested in powered individuals especially those that kidnapp and experiment on children and young mutants ?

I hate to say it, but Hydra had it right. They took the saying 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer' quiet literally. They were able to infiltrate S. H. I. E. L. D for years their own mortal enemies without anyone none the wiser and their plans would have succeeded if it wasn't that they fucked it up at the finish line.

I mean all it took was for four individuals to ruin all their plans in like a half an hour. I don't know if I should laugh or cry at their level of incompetence and their brilliance in managing to get that far.

Even the name Mutant is a major flaw in Xavier's plan of integration and acceptance. The word Mutant comes with many negative connotations and mainly associated with Cancer or disease. People on a subconscious level associate the word Mutant with disease or cancer.

Which isn't a good thing strictly from a PR standpoint. I get trying to own the word and making it theirs, but honestly it's quite a shitty word to own.

It's all about how you present things. Public opinion is shaped by the media and frankly you're making it too easy for them. If you want people to accept something appeal to their sense of self interest not their humanity.

Mutants simply aren't worth the trouble they bring to many people. They are often viewed as unstable and volatile. That's why many shy away from them.

Add to that the shit storm that is Magneto and his brotherhood of idiots and you have got a good recipe for bigotry and discrimination.

Just look at how the Avengers or the Fantastic four are treated. They don't get hated on like Mutants do. Even though at the end of the day they are all super powered individuals. Either through magic, genes, serums or dimensional energy.

It's all about branding and public image. While covering your bases by having some legal representation. Being responsible and not causing collateral damage and casualties. An information network wouldn't hurt either.

Honestly I think DC had it right. First of all they used the term Meta-human which is a great start.

They cooperated with the government without being too restricted. Had powerful backers.

Mainly Bruce Wayne one of the richest billionaires / world greatest detective who also delt with hidden dangers and made contingencies for certain events and people

Clark and lois lane helped shape public opinion through their jobs at the daily planet. Bruce and Dianna's political influence. And even the justice league's overall speed in handling threats or Meta-human breakouts and training if need be. Sure it wasn't perfect and the Dc universe is way more dangerous than Marvel.

But at least people won't despise and try to kill you the moment you become a Meta-human. Sigh ' Just thinking about all this is exhausting.'

My wrist watch suddenly starts beeping.

Sophie " Master Doug, Shang-Chi has just arrived in New York"

Doug " Well I guess I won't be going straight home"

Sophie " Shall I book you a room in a hotel ?"

Doug " No, I will travel around for a bit until he gets settled in keep an eye on him Sophie inform me if anything changes. "

I guess I'll go pay a visit to Kitty maybe travel around for real this time. At least I won't have to pay for plane tickets.

I open a portal to Salem and arrive at Kitty's house. I knock on the door. A middle-aged lady who looks like Kitty opens the door.

She says " How can I help you ?" I answer back and say " Hi, sorry to bother you I am one of Kitty's friends Doug is she at home ? " she recognizes my name and says " I am sorry you didn't know ? Kitty already moved to her dorm room at her new boarding school" I mentally slap myself.

' Idiot you already knew she went to Xavier's school it's already been a year since you have left.' I smile and thank Kitty's mom.

She tries to invite me in, but I politely decline. I asked her for the school's address before I left and she gave it me.

I already knew the school's address as Sophie had already found the school a long time ago. I didn't want to lie to Kitty about how I knew how to get there when I saw her. The school's address was surprisingly hard to find.

I leave and decide to go back to New York as I am not ready to meet Xavier yet and deal with his bullshit.

I thought about visiting my parents, but decided against it. It wouldn't make sense for me to come back for a week and then be gone for several more weeks while training with Shang-Chi.

It's better if they think I am still traveling. I go into an alley and open a portal back to New York. It's sad really that I don't have anymore friends to visit. I sigh and say " Sophie have you found the location of Wilson Fisk ?"

Sophie " I have I found his home residence and his primary hideout where he conducts most of his illegal activities."

Doug " Good, compile me a list of all his hideouts and contact a Matthew Murdock for me and set an appointment for 2 days from now. "

I guess it's time to take down the Kingpin, steal his shit and meet a hero.

I am not really broken up about it. The Kingpin has to go down as he has already ruined so many lives.

I am not sure if there is a crime he hasn't committed yet. His assets would have been frozen either way, so it's a shame to let it all go to waste.

Plus I plan on making Sophie hack into his offshore accounts once I find him. Atleast the money would go to a good cause as I plan on starting a company plus a secret organization to help support superpowered individuals in general.

I figured I'd hit multiple birds with one stone. I get to put a scum bag in jail. Destroy his criminal empire. Put the money to good use. Start a company. And make a good impression on Daredevil.

The most difficult part of it all really is finding someone to handle my secret organization.

Because I know next to nothing about espionage, infiltration or sabotage. I am going to need someone with experience. Hmm... " Sophie track down a Natasha Romanova Codenamed Black Widow start looking for her in Russia and gradually expand the search perimeter. She should be doing wet work for the Russian government"

If I am right Shield didn't recruit Natasha until 2008 or 2009 it's currently 2007, so I could get to her in time and poach her before Shield does.

All I have to do is to convince her to join my side after her handler betrays her and offer her something she wants to insure her loyalty.

Which isn't as easy as it sounds. I wouldn't be keen on trusting anyone after getting betrayed by the person I trust the most and my own government putting a price on my head after all the wet work I did for them over the years. I will have to think of something.

Doug " Sophie track down a Chan Ho Yin in Hong Kong he should be going by the street name


(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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