Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 100 - Fly Me To The Moon

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Later that day, when I returned to New York, Sophie informed me that Hydra was poking around the company.

Apparently they tried to send in a couple of spies in an attempt to infiltrate the company. Also, they've been doing some strange movements lately.

People are going missing. Resources being diverted, agents being called back.

If I was a guessing man, I would have thought they were preparing for something.

*Incoming Call*

" Hello?"

"Ah, Mister Ramsey, I've been trying to get hold of you since yesterday." I hear a slightly aged voice say.

"Dr. Pym. I apologize that I was too immersed in my work." I said, trying not to think about what happened yesterday. " Well, if you are not too busy. I think you'll be happy to know our latest project is finished." He said.

" That fast? I'm surprised, after last time's delay I thought it was going to be a while. " I said.

" What can I say? I had a breakthrough. I am still at the facility if you want to take a look at it. " He said.

" Certainly. Just give me a few minutes. I'll finish up and meet you there." I said.

I hung up and began giving instructions to Sophie." Keep monitoring the situation, and have Diana assign a few drones to keep watch on Alexander Pierce and any known Hydra operatives. Inform me if anything changes."

As I prepare to teleport, " Master Doug, if I may? I wanted to inquire about a certain file I found in my database."

I raise an eyebrow, slightly curious by her tone. I certainly didn't program her to be uncertain, but then again, unlike Jarvis, she's a true AI.

It was inevitable her personality matrix would evolve.

" I'm listening. " I said.

" Your latest project ' Genisis' the one you have Dr. Cho working on." She stated.

"Yes, Sophie, I'm familiar with it." I stated. " I am curious as to why?" She asked. " Why what exactly?" I asked.

" Why are you building a new body? My understanding is that your current form is immortal by human standards. Why build another body, and attempt to transfer your consciousness to it. My calculations predict that any number of complications could happen, and the operation is quite risky. One of my primary directives is to ensure your continued survival. This just seems like an unnecessary risk. "She said, clearly confused.

Huh. I take a moment to think about my answer. It wouldn't be wise to simply dismiss her. Her personality matrix may have evolved, but her primary functions seem to be still intact. " I know it may seem illogical. And, objectively, your argument is sound." I said.

" Then why.. " She asks again.

" There are plenty of reasons. I could simply say it's for more power, or perhaps it comes from my desire for self improvement. I mean no matter how many serums I take, my cells will eventually burn out. Maybe not now or even in a hundred years, maybe even a thousand. But, at the end of the day, There's only so many times my cells could replicate themselves, before my healing factor eventually gives out. " " But, my calculations show that it shouldn't even start to happen until at least a few thousand years. " She said.

" Maybe I'm overstating things. But, the point is I don't wish to be stagnant. There's a whole Multiverse out there, maybe even an Omni-verse. I imagine it'll take me more than a few thousand years to see it all. Hell, I haven't even been to space yet. My new body would be more durable and far more powerful than any mortal form. " I said.

" I understand. I shall inquire no further, " She says.

I shrug, " Tell you what, why don't you give it a try? I'm sure I can convince Dr. Cho to build you a new body. It wouldn't be as good as mine, and would only be made out of synthetic tissue and Vibranium. Your processing power would take a hit. But, perhaps you might find the experience, novel. "

" Operating at a sub-optimal level, would be counterintuitive to my primary directives. Less processing power would be detrimental to my objectives. I don't require a body." She said.

" I'm not saying you should transfer your whole consciousness. It would be more like a vessel. Something that allows you to interact with the physical world. Diana has certainly taken to it, the drones I assigned to her had been useful in mining the Savage Land's Vibranium and even helping Dr. Pym with building a spaceship. " I said.

A few seconds pass in silence, before she says," I'll consider it. But, for now, it's probably best if I attend to my tasks. "

" Suit yourself. I will leave you to it. See you soon. " I said.


A 128-foot-long craft which looked a bit like a mix between a stylized Naboo Royal cruiser and a Milano Ravager M-ship was staring right back at me.

The Spaceship was actually composed of two major components: the spaceframe and all the other components.

This spaceframe was created using Vibranium A taken from the savage lands, giving it incredible structural integrity.

The frame was covered in a Wakandian Vibranium-Titanium alloy, designed to shield the Spaceship from radiation, kinetic impacts and even most forms of laser attacks.

I walked over to where Dr. Pym stood admiring the spaceship. "I see that you were successful."

He turned towards me, a satisfied smile on his face. "It wasn't easy. But, I think you'll be satisfied with the results."

Flashes of blue from the doorway as we enter the ship, materializes a hole to the ship's main deck.

"I designed the ship according to the specifications you supplied. A few improvements had to be made, but nothing too drastic." He said.

" What about the FTL drives? I understand you found the ones taken from the Chituari lacking." I asked.

He nods," I was able to come up with a better design by incorporating Pym particles. It works by generating a wormhole from a foam of quantum particle-based gravitonic hyperinflation reactions. It's considerably faster. It also has the added benefit of freely altering the ship's size as per its owner's desires. "

" That's certainly impressive. " I said.

" Yes, quite.The rest of the ship's components were easy enough to build. The Grav-Reactor is powerful enough to power the ship's propulsion system, and has been modified to be as energy efficient as possible. I imagine even the ship's normal speed already exceeds the speed of most, if not all aircrafts ever built on earth." He said, pleased with himself.

" Perhaps we should go take a look then. I find myself eager to see everything in action. " I said.

He nods, and gestures for me to follow him. We walk start heading downwards inside the ship and as we approach a large room, our pace slows somewhat.

One more reinforced door and we were in what appeared to be the main generator room.

The FTL drive appeared to be a metal hoop surrounded by a corona of cables in a larger hoop-shaped frame.

One end of each of the cables is attached to the inner hoop and the other trails outwards then down around the outer rim of the outer hoop before drooping down to the floor.

A pool of blue and red particles spanned the interior of the inner hoop.

"That's the FTL drive?" I asked.

" Most of it atleast, the rest isn't visible from here. We would have to head to the Sub-Room to see it all." He said.

" So, I understand the ship has the capability to grow smaller? Similar to your Ant-Man suit." I questioned.

" That's not the only thing it can do, and we haven't even gotten to the part concerning the ship's defenses. As you've mentioned, Space pirates or Ravagers as you called them, could be an issue. So, I have taken the liberty of adding a few surprises for those with less than savory intentions. After all, It would be a shame for the ship to be stolen, after working so hard on it. " He said.

I allow a small smile to break out on my face,

" Well, Doctor I'm all ears. Tell me what else it can do."


Jean sat down at the front as I triggered the hangar opening sequence and lift the SpaceShip off the landing platform.

The ship was due for a test run, and what better way to do it, than to go for a space date.

The view outside the front screen doesn't exactly 'jump' as black with stars is pretty much black with stars, but there's now a dim lump of rock in it as well.

The dim white glow of the moon was slowly getting larger in the centre of the front screen.

Soon enough we're well above the orbital plane of Earth satellites, and escaping earth's gravity.

A few hours later, Jean and I stroll into the Ship's cabin, taking our helmets off. "Guess it wasn't that interesting." I said.

" You know when you said, we were going for a walk. I didn't think you meant a space walk." Jean said, clearly amused.

" I don't do things by half. If it weren't for Dr. Pym's nagging we would have been already having a romantic picnic on Mars." I said.

" Do you still plan on visiting Attilan? From what you have told me, they seem to prefer isolation. They didn't help us the first time around, what makes you think they'd go for an alliance. " She asked.

I shrugged," Ressources? Technology? Arcane knowledge? Their aid would certainly be useful, but it's hardly necessary. "

" Then, why do it? " She asked.

" They're pretty isolated, but that doesn't mean someone else can't find them. I mean I was able to, and I was only using Earth Technology. If the Kree suddenly decides to come back, and check on their investment. A city filled with inhumans could be a liability. King Bolt alone can take out the entire western hemisphere. At the very least I don't wish them to be used against us." I said.

" If he's as powerful as you say, do you really believe they can capture them? " She asked.

I shrugged," As powerful as most Meta-humams are, there are ways to disable powers. The Kree could've left a weakness only they can exploit when they made the inhumans. Even us, we aren't exactly invulnerable. Thats why I've been having Sophie and Diana work so hard. It still worries me, I can't find any mention of the Sentinel Project. Dr. Trask certainly exists, and I haven't been able to find him or William Stryker for that matter. " I said.

'Not to mention Dr. Sinister or Apokalypse.' I thought to myself.

I looked towards the moon, "Can you feel their minds?" I asked.

Jean nods, her eyes a little unfocused. "I've been able to hear them since we arrived." She says.

"What are they saying?" I asked.

She blinks, refocusing. "Oh no, I can't hear individual words. At this distance it's more like a background noise. I probably won't hear anything until we're a good deal closer."

" Still for you to be able to hear anything at this distance, it means you've grown stronger." I said.

" Yes, I guess it... has. " She says.

I reach out and grab her hand," Hey, is everything okay? Is it about the Phoenix? "

She hesitates a bit, but then sighs" Yes, I didn't want to tell you, but I've been losing time. "

I frowned," What do you mean? "

" The first time it happened I tried convincing myself it was because of exhaustion or something. Med-school isn't exactly easy. But... It's been happening more frequently. Last time I lost a whole day. That was a week ago, it hasn't happened since." She said.

" Jean. Why didn't you tell me? " I said.

" You've already got so much on your plate. Preparing for a war, running your company, and trying to get stronger. I talked to the Ancient One about it, but even she doesn't know what's wrong. " She said.

" Jean. This isn't a trivial matter, you should've come to me the first time it happened. I know I've been a little busy, but that doesn't mean... "

" Doug. When's the last time you've talked to any of our friends? Kitty? Piotr? Illyana? Anyone other than me and your parents? " She asked.

My jaw tightens," I admit I've been out of touch lately. But, do you have any idea how hard it is to be doing all of this on my own? Thanos knows where we are, and he's bound to come looking for the Space stone. He's bringing an army with him, and Earth doesn't even have anything resembling a space defense system. He could simply bombs us out of orbit, the only advantage we have, is that he won't do it before the stone is in his hands. "

By this point, I was up on my feet and pacing. Even if I became strong enough to beat him, it wouldn't mean his army would just vanish.

I needed allies, powerful ones. And, I needed an army. I could probably take out a few ships, but Earth itself is vulnerable.

" Doug... I'm sorry. I'm... *Sigh*"

" Look, I didn't realize it was that bad. I just don't know what to do anymore. Maybe it's better if I talk to the professor. He may have an idea." She said.

" No. I don't trust him, and after what he did, you shouldn't either. I'll figure out something, but for now. I need you to tell me. ????????????????????????????????????????."

(Chapter End)


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