Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 99 - True Adamantium

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Ancient runes were called the language of gods which were very mysterious. It was said to be able to get a glimpse of the mysteries of the gods

The rune's magical language that's been used by magicals for centuries. Of course, there were levels to its mastery.

There was Rune master, Rune Grand Master, Rune Ancestor, Rune King and Rune God. Odin was obviously a Rune King. While my prowess were somewhere between Master and Grand Master.

Belief and intent go a long way. Several centuries' worth of people believing they meant something, you could wipe knowledge of them out of existence now, but it wouldn't stop the runes power.

The next morning after that dinner with my parents, I had some stuff to take care of.

I teleported to my lab in limbo, and started working on the plans for my new body.

The first being enchanting. I had a rough idea of what I wanted to achieve when building my new body, and one of those ideas was carving runes into my skeleton and enchanting the bones, and maybe even adding a mystical network which would enable me to channel enormous amounts of energy.

Combining all the resources on hand I planned on building the perfect body, using both magic and science.

I took a chunk of the Promethieum core used to sustain limbo, and reshaped it into a human heart.

It's been soaking in the space stone energy, for over a year and the Reality stone for about a month.

It was filled with energy from both infinity stones.

I even decided to borrow the Time Stone from the ancient one, and channeled some of it's energy into the new heart.

By the time I was done, It was two parts space energy to one and a half Reality and 2 quarters time energy.

Having said that, without further development it wouldn't actually function as a real heart, or without some sort of energy system to channel the energy contained within.

That's where the reality stone comes into play. Using it's power to reshape reality, I altered the part I took, and shaped it into a human heart.

It didn't look entirely human, judging by the way it tended to glow and pulse on its own.

The next step was engraving a Rune to hold its shape by using part of the energy it naturally produces every time it pulsed.

A rune for it to function as a biological heart, and one for it to self repair incase it's damaged.

My skin would be gaining the same treatment too, once Dr. Cho finished working on the cradle.

Printing tissue wasn't my area of expertise, so while Dr. Cho worked on that I'd be busy with synthesizing the metal I'll be using for my skeleton.

Now the most difficult part of making enchanting permanent is two different things. The material and the runes that bind it.

Obviously, normal bones weren't going to cut it.

I began experimenting with the process that created Adamantium, but ended up creating a special Adamantium compound, which was more durable than any form of Adamantium created, and then through another process, fused Wakandan Vibranium as a catalyst.

It was created through the mixing of certain chemical resins whose composition was composed of both isotopes of Vibranium.

For eight minutes after the resins are mixed, it can be molded into a particular shape as long as it is kept at a temperature of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

After this brief period, the process of creating Adamantium was completed, and it is cured.

The extremely stable molecular structure of the Adamantium prevented it from being molded further, even if the temperature remains high enough to keep it in liquid form.

Only a device called a "Molecular Rearranger" can alter the form of hardened Adamantium.

The result was a large rounded specimen of alloy which was virtually indestructible.

I called it True Adamantium.

The exact chemical composition of Captain America's shield and the exact degree to which it is indestructible have never been determined, nor has anyone else ever learned how to duplicate either the special Adamantium compound used in the creation of the shield, which is known as Proto-Adamantium.

True Adamantium was nearly as strong as the Proto-Adamantium used to create Captain America's shield, and is, for virtually all practical purposes, indestructible.

The degree of indestructibility varies directly with the thickness of the Adamantium.

A direct blow from Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, conveyed with the thunder god's full strength, will only slightly dent a solid cylinder of true Adamantium.

A sufficient mass of True Adamantium could survive a direct hit from a nuclear weapon.

Wolverine's skeleton was covered in a weaker version of 'Adamantium', his variation was both toxic and magnetic, unlike mine.

And, now that I think about it, I should probably talk to Logan about that at some point.

Uru was magically potent, so I figured I'd use it to create the energy network itself. But, the process of coming up with one proved to be more challenging than I thought.

My brain was quickly storing, analyzing, calculating, more effecient designs. Sage's powers, plus my own powers working in tandem to produce a greater effect.

The effective time I could safely overdraw Sage's meta human ability was finally over; the data was completely analyzed – perhaps it should be called that the analyzed information formed a brand-like thing that engraved deeply in my mind.

I wasn't trying to comprehend it all, but I was using all of my processing power. Soon, half a day passed.

I picked up an engraving tool especially enchanted to carve into anything and started drawing on the adamantium metal before me.

It was connected to a tank of liquefied Uru, which would fill the groves I etched into the Adamantium.

'I should probably figure out what I need the most. The energy circuit is going to take a lot of space, so I should probably consider what's most important to me.' I thought to myself.

A Rune for Agility will be essential as I can't imagine the skeleton will be light. One for Resilience, Hardness, and even one for regeneration.

Although, the runes I drew were useful, unfortunately there wasn't enough space to engrave as many as I would have liked.

The energy system by itself took about 98% of the available surface area.

As time progressed, an abnormal change started to take place.

The entire laboratory became a strange place. The surrounding space showed ripples and distortions. I wanted to pause and rest, there was something odd, but for some reason I couldn't stop, or more accurately It felt like my body wasn't my own anymore. As if my hands were being guided by an unknown force.

As I entered into some sort of trance my vision blurred as runes and sigils previously unknown to me, began to appear inside my mind.

My consciousness gradually began to fade, and it wasn't long before, I lost my perception of time...

(New York, Manhattan)

As Fury was driving through the city he was instructing his car's computer to make a call.

"Activating communications encryption protocol." The computer said.

"Open secure line zero-four-zero-five." He said.

" Confirmed."

" This is Hill." The voice said.

" I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions." Nick Fury

" Give me four hours." She said.

" You have three, over. " He said.

He then stopped at a red traffic light, and looked over to the next car and saw two police officers in a car staring at him .

He was about to say something, when, suddenly something smashed into his car.

" Fracture detected. Recommend anesthetic injection." The car's on board computer announced.

Within moments his car was surrounded by several other police cars crashing into him. Injuring him, in the process.

One of the mercenaries disguised as an officer grabbed one of his guns and fired at the car. The bullets did nothing, since the glass was bullet proof.

When the bullets ran out, instead of reloading the magazine, the mercenary pointed to his partner to circle around the other side of the vehicle.

Fury waited a few seconds before he'd decided waiting around to get killed was pointless.

The chances of him getting out of this scot free weren't all that good. The men who were attacking seemed to be waiting on something all whilst making sure he's surrounded.

They soon opened fire once more, concentrating their fire on various weak points.

"Get me out of here!" Fury shouted.

"Propulsion systems offline." The on board computer announced.

"Then reboot, dammit!" He said.

By this point, the armor on Fury's vehicle was starting to become weaker.

The mercenaries then brought out a battering ram, and started smashing it into the windshield.

"Warning! Window integrity compromised."

" You think? How long to propulsion?" Fury snapped back.

"Calculating... Window Integrity thiry-one percent. Deploying countermeasures." The computer stated.

" Hold that order!"

*Bam! *

The batterring ram is smashed against the car window again.

" Window Integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised."

" Wait!" Fury said.

* Bam! *

The battering ram is smashed against the window again.

" Window Integrity one percent." He shouted.

"Now!" He shouted.

Suddenly a minigun pulled up from inside the car and Fury used it to return fire on the mercenaries causing the SWAT truck and some of the police cars to explode.

"Propulsion systems now online." The computer announced.

"Full acceleration, now!" He said, as he continued to fire at the mercenaries. The car automatically backed up and drove off.

Deducing the car was far too damaged for him, to successfully escape "Initiate vertical takeoff!" Fury ordered.

"Flight systems damaged." The computer said.

"Then get me Agent Hill." He said.

"" Communications array damaged."

" Well, what's not damaged?" Fury asked.

" Air conditioning is fully operational." The computer stated.

" Motherfu... "

The police cars continued to chase after him as he wove through the cars on the road.

" Traffic ahead." The on board computer announced.

As Fury headed into the traffic he smashed into some cars causing a pile up which stopped the police cars, the mercenaries got out and started shooting at Fury's car once more.

He managed to kill two of the mercenaries by running them down before getting past the traffic, but the remaining mercenaries continued to chase after him and managed to sandwich his vehicle between them.

"Warning, approaching intersection."

As they approached the intersection he managed to shake off the two police cars, killing off the mercenaries.

" GET ME. OFF. THE GRID." He shouted.

"Calculating route to secure location."


Suddenly, a gernade that attached itself to Fury's vehicle caused it to explode and flip over.

Trapped inside his car, Fury watched as a mysterious figure holding a gerade launcher emerged ahead in the middle of the road walking over to the car.

(Shield Headquarters)

"Have you been sleeping? You look tired, Steve," Natasha said.

Steve ignored the question. "You told me you spoke with Hill. What did she say?"

There was a beat of silence, " It's bad Steve. Really, bad."

Steve began nervously pacing while looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

He began silently berating himself for just sitting around and not looking for Bucky.

" We need to find. I need to find him." He said.

" But, Fury said... " Natasha said.

" I know what he said, but now that it has come to this. I don't think we have a choice. " Steve said.

( Chapter End)


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" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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