Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 12 - Relic

A few seconds pass and Fisk's body catches fire with white and black flames. The flames burn the body in seconds leaving only ashes and a small object in the middle.

I walk over to the the ashes and shout " Oh my god ! It actually worked !" I stare in wonder at what's on the floor among the ashes.

A pure white crystal with some blue streaks on it is on the floor. I slowly squat down to the crystal that seems to be shining and pick it up. I conjure a small array to examine the crystal more closely .

It seems Fisk's life energy had been converted to pure spiritual energy !

Who would have guessed Fisk would be this useful in death than in life.

I am honestly surprised it worked at all. The blue streaks in the crystal seem to indicate some kind of residue that is different from the rest of the crystal. 'I wonder what they mean' .

My relic is seriously overpowered. I was worried that it was going to simply kill him. I wouldn't have been too broken up about it if It did, but I prefer this outcome.I can use this crystal and refine it to increase my abilities .

I had a vague idea about what I wanted to do and I guess I succeeded. My mind goes to what the Ancient One had told me about this relic. Which left me flabbergasted and honestly a little excited.

The sword of yin and yang also known as the sword of Pangu also known as the sword of life and death.

It is said that a primordial god named Pangu used this sword when he began creating the world. He separated yin from yang with a swing of his giant sword, creating the earth (murky yin) and the sky (clear yang).

To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up the sky.

In theory since all life consists of yin and yang it should have the ability of creation and destruction. It also possesses the ability to cut and absorb an opponent's physical or spiritual energy.

It can then use these energies to temporarily boost the wielder's abilities either by supplying yin to boost mental powers or yang to boost physical powers.

The only downside is that when the sword takes these energies from the wielder's opponents their opponents are severely weakned and may even die. Normally that would be a good thing but I can't arbitrarily use it against normal people .

Normal base humans don't usually have a large amount of spirtual and physical energy. The sword also has the ability to slowly gather these energies passively from heaven and earth, but it is much slower and it takes a long time to recharge.

The ability I just used was something I thought about, but didn't know if it would work.

I mean instead of temporarily boosting my abilities what if I can crystallize the life energy into different kinds of crystals that contain different types of energy.

The sword can naturally produced these crystals once or twice a year. These crystals should be theoretically more powerful than the one I just made. As it is directly refined from energies absorbed from heaven and earth. The sword also has the ability to kill gods and other mystical beings and absorb some of their energy .

It can also shrink and enlarge according to the wielder's preferences. When I heard about that particular ability from the Ancient One I was excited to say the least. It's powers are so bullshit I almost don't believe it exists .

The Ancient One warned me though to be careful when wielding the sword and to wield it with absolute clarity of mind.

Because it can easily go out of control and devour my own spirtual and physical abilities. It's a powerful relic with its clear advantages and disadvantages. I am pleased with it and I also suspect the reason why it chose me and the reason I felt a connection to it is because I transmigratted from another universe.

I probably died in my sleep in my old life and crossed over to this universe and since this sword is tied to the circle of life and death it was attracted to me.

The sword has other mystical abilities too according to the Ancient One, but she told me that I will discover them with time or if the sword chooses to reveal them to me.

Personally the cool part I like about the sword is that after it bonded to me it can now be called to my hand like thor's hammer and only be wielded by me or those I chose to give the sword to temporarily.

It can also grow stronger depending on its wielder as the more powerful or the more energy you have the more it could take and become even more powerful.

I sit down on the floor and decide to examine the crystal more heavily and even start to try see if I am able to refine it.

I channel my Chi into my hands and try to connect my energy to the energy present in the crystal. I probe it a few times until something finally clicks and I find my mind suddenly sucked in into the crystal.

I wake up and find myself in a white space that seems endless. Right away I try to make a portal, but the portals all lead to more white space. I walk around for a long while and what seems like hours pass by.

I was honestly starting to get a little desperate. I was wondering if I would ever be able to get out of here .

A few days pass by and I am still wandering. I have tried everything from spells to even punching the floor and blasting it with energy and weapon constructs.

I start thinking about what got me into this mess in the first place and I get a little frustrated.

The Ancient One warned me and told me to be cautious when using this relic, but I didn't listen . I didn't think something like this would ever happen. I take out my sword and start staring at it intensely.

I start cursing at it and saying " Useless piece of junk. You got me into this mess now you get me out of it" the sword seems to vibrate a bit and I start to wonder if it's sentient or not.

" Hey, can you understand me ? What is this place how do I get out of here ?" I say in a cordial tone. Hey I don't want to get it mad at me if it can understand what I am saying. Atleast until I can get out of here.

The sword starts to vibrate more intensely and it suddenly launches itself forward . My hand is stuck to the handle and I am getting dragged along.

It doesn't even have the decency to slow down a bit or fly higher, so that I don't get dragged on the floor.

"Stop ! Stop you stupid thing. Slow down a bit !" the sword doesn't listen to me and is still dragging me along. This keeps going until a few hours pass. I am honestly resigned at this point and blaming myself for being careless in the first place.

The sword starts to slow down a bit. It keeps slowing down until I can see something in the horizon.

There is a large circular mound with the symbol of yin and yang imprinted on it. 12 pedestals seem to be arranged in a circular pattern on the mound.

There are 6 black pedestals on the left and 6 white pedestals on the right. All of them are blank except for one of the white pedestals. It seems to have a little rotating blue orb on it.

The sword has stopped moving at this point, but it almost seems to be vibrating in anticipation. It's pointing at the pedestal that has the blue orb almost urging me to touch it.

I walk slowly to the elevated mound and step on it . I walk closer to the pedestal that has the blue orb and I touch it.

Almost instantly the blue orb is absorbed into my body and some blue writing appears on the white pedstal. It's written in Chinese and it says mind.

"Huh, neat" I mumble. Almost right away the elevated mound with the yin and yang symbol that I am standing on shines brightly. I close my eyes and brace myself. I wait a few moments and nothing happens.

I slowly open my eyes and find myself sitting in the same place previously. I start to sweat a little and I ask Sophie " Sophie how long was I gone for ?"

Sophie " Gone where ? You just sat down and closed your eyes for I few minutes." I gulp after I hear her answer. Gone for a few minutes ? Well it felt more like days. I take a few minutes to catch my breath and calm down. I notice the crystal that I had previously in my hands has now disappeared.

I start trying to remember the feeling I got when I touched the crystal and I start to glow a bit. It feels the same like when I call on my Chi and focus it. I can feel like there is something different.

I remember what was written on the pedstal inside that weird space. The word mind. I then close my eyes and focus on my mind. I notice the difference right away. I enter my mindscape and find all my defenses have gotten stronger and there are blue wisps floating around.

I head to the red door right away. I find that it's colour has significantly dimmed. I try to force the door open, but it still won't open. I can feel that I am almost there and that all I need is a little push for it to come down.

Suddenly I hear a voice that says " You should wait for a bit. You're still not strong enough to open it. They say patience is a virtue"

I turn around startled and I conjure energy weapons to attack.

I look around and find no one behind me I start to mumble a bit and say " Great now I am hearing voices inside my own head. I hope I am not losing my mind. "

" You're not losing your mind, but you are hearing voices" the voice says. This time I am freaked out as the voice seems to be coming from all around me.

I shout and say with anger " Who are you and why are you inside my head ?" I start to look around nervously and I can't seem to sense the owner of the voice.

"Oh you know who I am. " the voice says

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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