Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 13 - Stranger

Note: This chapter is meant to be a parody of how your typical young master novels start. Where they basically find a broken ass OP artifact that helps them bullshit their way to godhood . Which is utterly ridiculous to be honest.

It's mostly meant as a joke, so don't worry this fic won't turn into a cultivation fic. The Mc isn't stupid. Someone suggested an idea, so I wrote this chapter for pure entertainment.

Thank you and enjoy ;)


" You should already know who I am" the creepy voice said.

Doug " Who are you?" I ask for a second time.

" I am the benevolent spirit that inhabits this sword" the voice says in a deep and grave voice.

Whaa..? a confused expression appears on my face and I wonder if I heard right. What? A spirit ?

"Ha ha ha it's your lucky day you brat" the voice says in a mischievous tone.

' Is the voice messing around?' I start to get irritated as he is now chuckling. " Show yourself you coward. What are you doing in my head ?!"

I exclaim loudly.

Suddenly a humanoid shape starts to materialize infront of me and starts to take shape, the figure looks familiar. It finally finished materializing and the person in front of me is Fisk ?!

" You are supposed to be dead ! How are you here?" I exclaim.

"Tut, tut, tut who said I was Fisk" the man said in a mocking voice.

I am starting to get confused here. First this guy says he's a spirit and then he says he is not Fisk while looking exactly like him. I decide to attack as it doesn't matter who he is. He's an intruder and that's all that matters.

"Well who ever you are coming here was a mistake" without saying anything more. I attack him using telekinesis, but nothing happens. I then open a small portal that leads to the back of his head and punch through it using a Chi enhanced fist.

The fist goes through his head. The man is still standing their with an amused look on his. He hasn't reacted to my attacks yet.

"Attacking me is useless non of this is real" he says. He then starts walking towards me slowly and all my attacks are going through him like a ghost . I tried using energy weapons even telekinetic blasts. None of them worked.

He's still coming towards me so I decide to use telekinesis to levitate away from him. He chuckles and then takes a step on the air and starts climbing up like he is walking up on invisible stairs.

I grit my teeth and say " This is my last warning tell me who you are and what do you want or you're not going to like what's going to happen. "

'This guy shrugged everything I threw at him and he is still coming at me. He hasn't attacked me yet, but I can feel pressure coming from him and I can sense he is dangerous' . I think in my head.

" Oh, no need to go that far its not going to work and you'll get trapped too" he says with a knowing smile.

My pupils shrink a bit and I stare at him with a wary look ' How did he know that I planned to activate level 2 of my mental defenses' I was going to activate code red which traps the intruder in a sensory deprived environment for months until he starts hallucinating and driven mad.

I didn't activate it earlier, because I didn't want to do it while I am still this close to him. The defenses will trap us both as it is designed to trap any intruders present in my mindscape.

The reason I designed it this way is because mind control is very real and someone might even try to fool my defenses by taking my likeness or projecting a false image of myself.

" I think this is enough. I think It is obvious, that you can't even touch me let alone hurt me" he says.

"Well you forced me to do this" I say defiantly and as I am about to activate level 2 of my mental defenses he suddenly disappears and appears before me. Before I could react he lashes out with his hand and smacks me a few meters away.

" I don't have time for this" he says disdainfully. He walks over to me and starts talking.

" My name is Xin and I am the sword spirit of the artifact you possess the sword of Pangu. I was reawakened by the absorption of that man's spiritual energy" he says.

I stare at him and think 'Did I fall into some kind of Chinese light novel what the hell is this crap'

I think in disbelief .

" Wait, then why do you look like fisk if you're the sword's spirit and what are you doing in my mindscape ?" I question the spirit before me. I am still wary of him and I am taking what he's saying at face value, so I can get him to divulge more information.

" Hmm... This man. Wilson Fisk I absorbed some of his essence when you plunged the sword into his heart. I also got some memories from him and I have to say this is certainly an interesting era. It's been thousands of years since my last master" It replies with a distant look on his face as If trying to remember the past.

"So, the reason you look like Fisk is because you absorbed him ? " I question thoughtfully.

"Well, as I said some of his memories and spiritual energy. It's not enough to fully awaken me. He was too weak." It answers shortly.

" Wait, since you're the sword's spirit how did you get in here and I am also supposed to be your Master as I own the sword why didn't you answer me when I first questioned you " I ask with a thoughtful look on my face.

" First of all I have to recognize you as my master for me to obey you. You are not qualified yet. Frankly you're too weak compared to any of my previous masters. As for how I got in here it's simple. The moment you picked up the sword a spirtual connection was formed between you and the sword and since I am the sword's spirit naturally I can use this connection to show up in here. " he says while gazing at me.

I grumble at his answer. I know I am not as powerful as some of the beings in this universe, but I am the Sorcerer Supreme's disciple god damit he is not supposed to be able to smack me around this easily.

" I don't have much time. The spiritual energy I absorbed is not enough to sustain me. I will transfer the rest to you. In the future try to absorb something a bit more powerful possibly a god or two" he says.

" A God or two ?!" I shout

" Well I won't recognize you as my master until at least you can do this much." he says in a mocking tone.

" Who the hell said anything about wanting to be your master" I say in an angry tone.

" You won't be able to utilize the pedestals of yin and yang effectively without me. I helped you to absorb and purify the energy you took in. If you had absorbed someone more powerful you could have gotten some of their abilities, but since you absorbed a normal human. All you get is a small boost to your spiritual energy which in turn strengthed your mental prowess. Plus a few condensed memories and skills of that person's lifetime. " he says.

" What memories and skills ? " I question.

" Yes, every person's memories and skills can be condensed into an essence that can eventually be absorbed by you or someone else. The crystals that are produced by the sword are not simple. They are the agglomeration of that person's life. You may get lucky and get a useful skill or you might even get a mundane one. It depends on your luck really " he answers.

" What about the memories ? I don't want Fisk's memories " I say. That guy was seriously messed up I don't want any of his memories. Plus I already had all the useful information I needed since that trip down memory lane I took him on.

" Well I can help you with that If you want I can block the transfer of any memories deemed undesirable, but I can't help you with what kind of ability or skill you get, as it depends on your luck and karma" he says thoughtfully.

I nod my head and say " So, what happens after you transfer the rest of the energy to me ?"

He hums and says " Hmm.. I will slumber in the sword's world until I can absorb more energy . I would go into sleep mode as you humans might say and awaken again the next time you try to refine a spiritual essence crystal until then I'll have to depend on the energy of heaven and earth to sustain me while I am sleeping . The energy absorbed this time was merely enough for me to awaken for a few minutes "

" Okay, so how do you want to do this ? " I ask

" Just stand there and don't move " he says with a smirk.

He then proceeds to shoot a blue ray at my head before I can react. The beam travels to my head and strikes me. I am knocked down to the floor and everything starts to fade and I pass out.

(Inside Doug's Mind scape)

" What an interesting human. Things will definitely be fun." he says to no one, but himself as he chuckles.

Suddenly a sharp look appears on his face and a chilly aura permeates the air and he grits his teeth.

" Just you wait. I will get out of here one day and I will make you suffer" his voice echoes as he disappears from the mindscape and all that is left is silence.

(Chapter End)

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