Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 14 - Seal

I woke up with a headache and started rubbing my eyes. It felt like someone was driving a screw driver into my head. I sat up and started channeling Chi to my head to speed up my recovery.

A half hour later I opened my eyes and sighed

" Well this didn't go as I expected" I tiredly muttered. I decided to go get some rest and figure out what I am going to do.

I shrunk the sword and put it in my pocket. I got up and stretched and then opened a portal straight to my hotel room and fell asleep right away.

The next morning I woke up and I started meditating. I started to think about all that happened yesterday and how I felt about it.

It was the first time I ever killed someone. It was a strange experience. It felt too easy too. All it took was for one stab in the right place and someone died. It really sets in how fragile people really are and how easily someone could get hurt.

Logically I knew that Fisk had to go and he was guilty too. Was it wrong of me to play judge, jury and executioner. Maybe it was or maybe it wasn't it doesn't really matter.

I am not going to go around and kill everybody I deem as evil. Fisk was in my way and I just removed him. He was evil and hurt and killed a lot of people. He was guilty I made sure that he was, when I read his mind.

He couldn't be reformed and most importantly he was too dangerous to be left running around. Not dangerous to me personally , but dangerous all the same.

It didn't feel good to kill in fact the act itself made me feel uncomfortable and anxious. I don't feel bad about killing fisk I just feel bad about killing someone in general.

I decided to ponder more about what happened and reached the conclusion that I have to atleast have some sort of code or self made rule, so I can keep myself in check.

I don't want to turn into a monster. I decided that if I kill again. Those I kill must have certain qualities. First of all they must be irredeemably evil. Secondly they have to be my enemy or they are in the way of my goals. Thirdly them being dead is beneficial to the rest of humanity. I would sleep a lot better at night knowing that those people aren't able to hurt anyone again.

I then start thinking about the sword spirit. That came out of left field, so bad that it caught me off guard. Normally I wouldn't be this flustered and the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I found out what skill I got.

Apparently I am now capable of parallel thought. I don't know how that is related to fisk, but that's apparently what I got. It's certainly a useful skill to have and it is convenient as it can help me be a better sorcerer, but it all seems kind of fishy. Fisk was a normal base human. Why would I get this ability and, it's too convenient.

Also that sword spirit was really strange. The Ancient One never mentioned anything about it having a spirit. I also don't like the idea that I was helpless against it inside my own mindscape. I also found it strange that I stopped when he told me too. I was definitely going to activate my mental defenses, but for some reason I changed my mind.

I decide to go pay a visit to the Ancient One and ask her about this sword. If it's what I really think it is then I will need her help.

I opened a portal to Kamar-taj and then arrived in front of the Ancient One's room. I stretched my hand to knock, but then the door suddenly opens.

I find an apprentice holding the door open, he says " Come in please the Ancient One will be with you in a moment" he then let's me in and proceeds to walkout and closes the door behind him.

I walk in and find the Ancient One constructing some sort of spell formula in the air. She didn't acknowledge me, when I walked in, so I waited for her until she finished . A few minutes pass, until she finishes and then she turns to me and says " I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was just adding in some wards to my chamber "

I nod my head in understanding and say " I understand, thank you for seeing me on such short notice"

" It's alright you're my disciple you can come see me at any time. Is there something I can help you with ?" she says in an inviting tone.

I nod my head and then proceeded to tell her about my sword and what happened . I decided to leave out the parts about what I did to Fisk. She doesn't need to know about my business. I just told her it was a criminal and the crystal just formed when I stabbed him and he died.

She frowns at my explanation and then asks me a question " Do you think what you met was really a sword spirit as you say or was it merely posing as one ? "

" I think something is strange too. It seemed to shrug off everything I threw at it, but then panicked and punched me in the face when I was going to activate my mental defenses " I say while contemplating the previous events.

"I also sensed that it had an ulterior motive. If I have learned anything in this world, I have atleast learned that everything comes at a price this statement holds true especially in the magic community, plus I am not too keen on making deals with anyone or anything ." I continue

" That's a good approach to have, especially in the magical world. Everything has a price and it's unwise to make deals with unknown entities " she nods her head in approval.

" I can't tell you how many apprentices and even Masters of the Mystic Arts have been tricked over the centuries by entities that claimed to be Gods or benevolent spirits. Almost all of them ended up either losing their soul and life or end up summoning something to this dimension that doesn't belong here. " she continues. She then asks me for the sword, so she can examine it and proceeds to scan it using spells.

A few minutes passed and I suddenly ask

" Have you discovered something ? " she puts down the sword and says" Whatever it is, it isn't a spirit as it claims. I can detect a malicious aura from the sword. It was undetectable before, because it was slumbering, this requires further investigation I will have to use my own artifact to get to the bottom of this"

I watch the Ancient One as she examines my relic for the second time. This time I can see green wisps coming out of of her relic. ' This issue seems a lot more serious now, I didn't think she would have to use the power of the time stone' I think to myself.

An hour passes by and the Ancient One is still engrossed in what she's doing. Finally she stops and says " There I have placed a temporary Seal on the sword to prevent the spirit from coming out. I didn't want to risk awakening it forcibly as it could retaliate and destroy the relic itself."

"Why would it do that isn't it living in there ?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

" I sensed a familiar aura, while sealing it. If we forcibly try to destroy it could destroy the sword out of spite. I suspect this aura belongs to a dark entity I fought hundreds of years ago. It maybe using the sword as a conduit to regain its power. It's a good thing you came to me when you did. "

She ends with an approving smile.

" Isn't it better if we destroy it ? I like the sword and all, but not enough to not sacrifice the sword to kill that thing " I say confusedly.

" It's alright sealing it for now, is quite enough. In the meantime I will do some research as I don't recall exactly which entity it was. I did fight alot of them back in my day" she says as a vicious gleam shines in her eyes for barely a second.

I nod my head in understanding and then ask " Should I use the sword or is it dangerous ?"

"Don't worry in addition to sealing the entity, I have also sealed its ability to absorb energies. If you are really worried about it I could lend you another relic until this matter is resolved. It won't be as compatible as your own, but it should suffice for now. " she says.

" I think I'll leave it with you then, until this is all figured out. As for lending me another relic, which one are we talking about here ? " I ask

" How about a virtually indestructible sword "she says with a smile.

After I finished my business with the Ancient One I thanked for her help and then opened a portal to New York. I asked Sophie about the whereabouts of Shang-Chi as I think it's time to finally meet him. I plan to start my own company after, I finish my training with him, but I'll have to get him to agree first.

I opened a portal at a dojo that's in Chinatown. It seemed that the dojo belonged to Shang-Chi's relative who died and left it to him. The building seemed old and in need of repair. I thought about offering him some cash to get him to agree, but I will have to see how our first interaction goes first.

I walk up to the door's dojo and knock.

(Chapter End)


I already have 5 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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