Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 15 - Martial Arts

A few weeks have passed ever since, I knocked on the dojo's door. Shang-Chi was surprisingly amiable and training with him was fruitful .

I had insisted on giving him some money to atleast fix up the dojo, to which he eventually relented, it took a lot of pestering for him to agree, but what finally sold it to him, is that I told him if he didn't take the money I would just buy, the building next to his and write it in his name and then turn it into a dojo.

My martial arts certainly improved by leaps and bounds these past few weeks. Training with Shang-Chi was interesting to say the least he truly deserves to be called the best Martial artists in the world. Even with my abilities I think he could kick my ass if I didn't use too many spells, experience is truly valuable, his ability to read me is not inferior to mine.

I think back to what Sophie already dug up on him, apparently Shang-Chi was trying to get away from his father Fu-Manchu.

This guy was a real piece of work, he's an immortal crime lord with a shadow empire. I don't remember much about him from the comics, but he's not someone to be trifled with.

I can vaguely remember something about him trying to take over the US and trying to instigate a war between the US and China, I don't remember how he planned to achieve it, but I remember Shang-Chi was somehow able to stop him in time. I think back on my first meeting with Shang-Chi and remember how eventful it was.


' Knock, Knock '

A few minutes pass and I hear no one coming towards the door, I check the door and find it unlocked.

' Isn' t he home ? Sophie told me he hasn't gone out yet. ' I thought to myself, I opened the door slowly and started to walk inside, I found myself in a dimly lit hallway with still no signs of anybody home.

" Hello, is anybody here ?" I shout in a loud voice. I hear no answer, so I proceed to head down the hallway and look for him, I reach a big room, that looks like your stereotypical kung fu dojo, the dojo is dimly lit by the moonlight coming from the windows.

Suddenly, I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye move in the room, I turn to face the direction from which I saw it move, but it disappears too quickly for me to track it with my eyes. It happens again, but this time I see a human figure, I quickly yell out " Shang-Chi is that you ?".

I get a kick to the face as an answer and I manage a weak block. I skid back a few feet and rub my arms and mutter "Damn this guy kicks like a bull" I yell out again and say " Shang-Chi there's no need to fight I just want to talk. "

This time I am greeted with a fist to my face and I see Shang-Chi in front of me, this time I block his fist, but he kicks off with his foot and kicks my knee and then proceeds to do a back flip by kicking his other foot off my arms.

He lands on the floor facing me in a fighting stance one hand behind his back and one hand in front of him and says " Then talk, I sensed your Chi as soon you came in, tell my father that I won't be coming back and that I will one day stop him" he finishes saying in a calm tone. I can sense the underlying anger though in his tone, he seems to be wary, but confident as he stares at me.

"I am not sent by your father, I am merely seeking guidance" I state calmly. His gaze is still on me and I can sense his disbelief.

" Seeking guidance ? I can sense that you have a considerable amount of Chi you're not a normal person and you also managed to block my attacks twice, why should I believe that you're not one of my father's lackeys" he says in a calm voice.

I shake my head and say " I am not, I simply have this much Chi, because I worked hard to achieve it, I don't know how to prove to you I am not one of you father's men, but maybe this will" I then proceed to open a large portal beside me and then say " Can your father's men do this ?" I say while smirking.

His eyes widen in disbelief and I can see shock on his face, I lift my arm towards the portal prompting him to get closer, he moves closer, but still with wariness towards the portal, he stands infront of the portal and I hear him mutter

' Woah '.

I walk towards the portal and walk through it,

I look at him expectantly for him to follow, a few seconds pass and he walks in after me . He walks in slowly and stares all around him, I then say " Welcome to the highest point on Earth, the top of Mount. Everest" I say with a devilish smirk on my face.

"Is this real, is it an illusion ? " he says in awe,

I answer and say " If it is an illusion you want that can be done too" I then create an illusion of him standing beside us, which seems to surprise him even more.

" Well, my father although powerful was not capable of such things nonetheless his men" he says.

" Who are you and what do you want ?" he questions, I look at him and smile " As I said I am looking for guidance, as for who I am my name is Douglas Ramsey Master of the Mystic Arts and personal disciple of the Sorcerer Supreme, but you can call me Doug or Cypher for short"

I say while giving a slight bow.

He stares at me dumbfoundedly, a few seconds pass by and I give a slight cough, I don't think he understood most of what I said, I think he is just surprised by the whole thing.

" I don't understand, why would someone as powerful as you seek my guidance ?" he says with a confused look on his face.

I shake my head and say " Don't underestimate yourself. You're the greatest martial artists on earth and a Master of Chi, I came to learn from you and to ask you to join me , I am putting together a team and I will need someone to teach them and guide them, in return you will have my full support both personally and financially against your father and any of your enemies" I finish in a persuasive tone.

He looks at me and says " I appreciate your offer, but you must know my father is not an enemy to be taken lightly"

I smirk and say " Neither am I" we went back to the dojo and talked for some time, he agreed to train me, but said he'll have to think about my offer regarding him being a team instructor and joining a team.

I promised him, that if he ever needed my help I will be there, I tried offering him more things such as funding and a training facility or even weapons, he refused and said that my help against his father was more than enough.

(Flashback End)

I get off the floor and wipe the sweat of my forehead I hear ' again ' and then get up to face the music, I have gotten better that's for sure, I can now last 20 minutes against him instead of my initial 5 minutes, of course that's if we're strictly using martial arts, I could probably win if I go all out.

I have also improved in the use of Chi and can manipulate it a lot easier than before, I also came up with a new technique, where I pump Chi to all parts of my body to boost my overall stats. I call it [Chi mode] , it boosts my durability and regeneration the most, my speed and strength also get a boost, but not as much as my durability and regeneration.

I can maintain this state for only 5 minutes for now, but I am working on increasing the duration. Shang-Chi was certainly impressed when he saw me do it, he also complemented my creativity and control. Most people don't have enough Chi to do what I did and even if they do they don't have the mental capacity and control to do it for it to be viable.

I was only able to do it, because I used the ability I gained from the sword, Parallel thinking, It takes a lot of mental power to both maintain this state and be able to fight and cast spells and the same time, It's certainly a useful trump card for when I face someone I can't normally handle.

I have also tasked Sophie, with starting on the paper work to start my company I am still undecided on the name, I am trying to decide between Omni Prime industries or Meta Minds industries. Sophie says my naming sense is terrible and that I should just name it something normal.

I get a kick to the face, as a reward for being absent minded, while sparring and I just lay there on the floor.

" You're not focused, I told you many times to focus and not let your mind wonder, it's a bad habit " I hear while I am laying on the floor.

I sigh and say " You're right I just have a lot on my mind "

"Then we should take a break, unfocused training is not beneficial, a certain state of mind should be maintained while in combat, you should go meditate and try and clear your mind, before we resume" he says.

I nod my head and get up to start meditating and my mind wanders again after a few minutes, I suddenly get a smack to the head and hear him say " Focus, you're breathing wrong" he states.

I grumble a bit and mutter " Troublesome masters, first the Ancient One and Mr. Stick up his ass and now him"

I sigh and close my eyes.

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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