Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 16 - Home

Getting back home was a relief, it's been a long time, since I have had a place I could call home, I think ever since my previous parents died my home died with them, but now I felt like the emptiness that I had felt for years was beginning to be filled by my new parents' prescence.

I realize now that although I don't have Doug's original memories , I still retained a lot of his emotional memories instead. It didn't feel weird to call them mom and dad on the contrary it felt natural.

I guess these memories although locked away for now still had an effect on me, at least at a subconscious level if not consciously there is a sense of familiarity and kinship.

I decided I would finally go home next week. I want to spend some time with them before I do what I have got planned . There's is still a risk that it won't work or that I would simply die. I am honestly being reckless here, but I just can't wait anymore. I started to feel that a crucial part of me was missing ever since I discovered that red door. It's time that it comes down.

( Ding, Dong)

I ring the door bell and wait for a few seconds, before the door finally opens up.

" Hi, Mom did you miss me" I say with a mischievous smirk. My mom launches herself at me and hugs me, her eyes start tearing up a bit.

" Honey, I missed you so much. You're finally home"

I start getting a little emotional too and my eyes tear up a bit when I hear the word home, I say

" Yes, mom I am finally home" I said while my voice cracked a bit from being overwhelmed from emotions.

I have been gone for almost more than a year . After I finished training with Shang-Chi I traveled for real this time. I decided to put all those languages to good use, I saw the world interacted with a lot of people, saw a lot of different cultures and traditions. It really broadened my horizons and I feel that it was a good decision.

My mom started hugging me tightly almost to the point I couldn't breathe I said Mom" I can't breathe" while wheezing a bit she loosens her tight hug and says "You're finally back" she said cupping my face with her right hand I then asked where dad was.

She answered and said "Yeah he's got a new client a colleague of mine actually professer Charles Xavier he's opened a school and needed some legal advise on some things."

I freeze for a second and then manage to say "Professer Xaver ! Do you know him ?"

"Yeah he's a fellow psychiatrist we've met a few times at various conventions and seminars where he would speak, he's a famous author and wrote various books. I recommended your dad to him when he mentioned something about having to deal with legal issues regarding his new school for the gifted. We had been thinking of admitting you there especially since you said you didn't fit in your last school, plus I found out that kitty actually goes there. "she said while nudging me with her elbow.

I asked confusedly " Why would I want to go there ?"

" Well it's a school for the gifted so there is bound to be some subjects that interest you, I heard they have got a lot of advanced classes plus they offer scholarships for top students you're still 17.

Your father and I already indulged you enough you have been gone for a year already. Make some friends before you go to college socialize a bit, maybe meet a girl or two. You're still young don't give up on people too soon maybe you'll meet some interesting people there who knows ? Look we'll talk about it more when your father comes. "She says after she notices my disatisfied look, I am actually tempted by the idea, having a chance to spend more time with Kitty my only friend, and even getting to meet some of my favorite characters like wolverine. If this had come up I year ago I would have refused it on the spot, but I now have my mental defenses and if someone tries to read my mind they are in for a world of hurt, so I am not afraid of getting mind raped anymore.

I'll also get a chance to solve that whole dark Phoenix debacle before it all goes to shit. It's not that I have a hero complex or something it's just I have always thought that Jean got dealt a bad hand and almost 90% of the time she ends up dead or even worst she ends up dating that douche bag cyclops aka laser eyes, I want to recruit her to my team.

I think she would be an invaluable addition especially if she gets a handle on her powers, having a cosmic entities avatar in your corner seems like a win to me and worth the risk. I was wondering how I was going to approach her and how I would try to get her on my side, but this seems like a golden opportunity, maybe I'll get to bring kitty on my side too, she'd be a great infiltration specialist and very suitable for my spy team.

I plan on making a super hero team like the avengers and also building a secret super spy team for covert operations. After I set up my company I plan on having my team legalized and ready by the time the chituari come around they'll be great as a deput for the team.

I plan on stealing the avenger's thunder no pun intended get rid of the mutant stigma and advertise them as superpowered individuals or meta-humans with emphasis on the human part. Getting political support is going to be my biggest hurdle, but I have got a plan for that too, I just hope that it works out as I hope too. I'll also get to show both Xavier and his boyfriend that I can do what they haven't been able to.

After thinking about it for a bit, I nod my head and tell my mom that I am going to think about it.

I still have a month left before the school year begins, so that I can apply, so I'll take this time to work on my other projects and finalize some plans before the time comes.

I have also decided on what I'll name my new company I decided to go with Cypher Solutions it was simple and Sophie didn't make fun of me when I suggested it, so that's a win in my book.

I chat with my mom for a bit, but then decided to go to my room as she's getting started on making dinner, she told me she is going to make all of our favorite foods, since it's a special occasion.

I finally arrive at my room and get settled in, I then say " Sophie, it's time for phase one"

Sophie " Are you sure ? , I still think it's an unnecessary risk. "

Doug " Well, what can I say I am impatient and I need it, since things are about to get hectic, the X-mansion seems to get attacked almost every week, and since I am getting involved with the X-men, I don't want them to suspect something strange, it would be too noticeable if I do it after."

Sophie " Fine, I can't stop you anyway , I have already located it, experiment no. 42 has already begun "

I smile a bit too broadly and say " Good, time to break into Ozcorp."

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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