Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 17 - Experiment No.42

Breaking in into OsCorp was unsurprisingly easy I mean, all I had to do was go into the mirror dimension and effortlessly walk in, any doors or obstacles were dealt with extreme prejudice and reduced to smithereens, as things in the real world aren't affected by what happens in the mirror dimension. The hardest part really was finding the right enclosure and making sure I got the right spider.

In my old universe I used to be a real fan of Miles Morales' spiderman, I mean his powers were cooler and he was arguably stronger than Peter parker, I am honestly starting to think that most of the people who got spider powers were in some way more powerful than the original spiderman.

Cindy Moon was even bit by the same spider as peter, but still got better powers, for starters her spider sense was stronger, her webs were more useful and versatile for combat, and she also kicked spidey's ass a couple of times in the comics .

I am starting to think that the spider gene reacts differently to each person I might not necessarily gain the same powers as Morales did, I may even gain stronger ones. Sophie thinks there's a good chance I could just die and the process could have an adverse effect on me due to my X-gene.

Still I have my fingers crossed, I am just hoping with enough ass pulls and some Marvel bullshit, it will be enough for what I have got planned.

I finally reach the lab where they keep the spiders and search for the one I need. I cast a minor illusion to hide, the fact that a mini portal just appeared inside the cage. I take the spider and quickly stick it in a large vial I had prepared and stash it away.

I then head to the closest bathroom and then exit the mirror dimension, I then cast an illusion over myself to make myself invisible, I head to building's main frame and connect my smart watch to the main frame.

"Sophie are you in ?" I whisper

Sophie " Yes, I am in, decryption will take a few minutes"

Doug " Good, copy any decent files you can find on any experiments related to serums like the spider serum or the goblin serum, also download schematics for any weapons or armors"

Now you might be wondering why I only took the the spider and some files, but I have got my reasons, most of the projects that could be useful to me are either still in their infancy or in the prototype stage.

It's better if I let them develop them more and just take all their hard work when it's finished, the data is more useful to be honest. The only reason I took the spider was because most of the research and leg work was already done by the Parkers before their untimely demise. They were honestly brilliant and years ahead of their time.

I finish downloading everything and leave a few surprises for Norman in the system.

I open another portal and arrive home, I take out the spider and start to examine it with my chi.

The spider surprisingly has a strong life force.

I thought about testing its venom and experimenting with it first, but I don't have enough time, as there is only one week left before my enrollment to the X-mansion.

I honestly thought about trying to stay under the rader and not reveal that I am a mutant as I am sure the mansion is being watched by various organizations and individuals, but it's inevitable that I am found out, by either Cerebero or the Brotherhood of idiots, I also remember reading in the comics, that Magneto had mutants who were able to detect newly awakened mutants or already existing ones, so that he can find and recruit mutants for his cause .

I can already see it happening, me revealing I am the Ceo of a multimillion company and the X-men rolling in with their jet trying to recruit me, when suddenly the Brotherhood plus Magneto show up and try to recruit me to their side instead, in the comics Xavier didn't try to actively recruit Cypher because he had an unnoticeable mutation plus his powers were considered weak, but I suspect that won't be the case when it's revealed I own a company with considerable resources and influence , being rich can be considered a super power too, just ask Batman or Iron man .

I make sure everything is in order and then enter the Mirror dimension and I lay on my bed, I hold the spider in my hands and let it bite me, I quickly put it back in its vial and wait for the transformation.

The spider bite hurt more than I expected and I started to feel something was happening .

Suddenly I am hit with an intense sharp pain all over my body and it feels like thousands of needles have just been inserted into my body. I start to grunt and my whole body tenses and it feels like my heart is about to explode out of my chest with how fast it's beating.

I think something is wrong, I can feel my body breaking down and I feel like I am seconds away from passing out.

I start to bleed out of my eyes, nose and ears, and my skin turns so red it almost seems I have been cooked alive. I start shouting and crying for help, but then remember I am in the mirror dimension and no body can hear me.

A thought suddenly pops into my head and I remember that my Chi mode increases my regeneration and healing, which I sorely need right now, I start channeling Chi into my body, but it's hard to focus with this overwhelming pain.

A few agonizing minutes pass of me cycling my Chi into my body to try and soothe the pain, my body had stopped breaking down, but it's not enough for me to heal, I take a deep breath and try focus my mind to enter my Chi mode, it's my last chance at getting out of this mess.

I start taking deep breathes in and out over and over, until I start entering my Chi mode, I am successful at last and I can feel that it's working and that my body is starting to heal itself.

I try and maintain my Chi mode for as long as I can while trying to stay focused , a few minutes pass by and I am starting to settle down, my heart rate is finally coming down and I am starting to feel better, my body automatically exits the Chi mode and I pass out from exhaustion.

I wakeup a few hours later and I can hear a voice shouting " Doug ! Doug ! Are you alright ? Wake up !"

I am still out of it, but I manage to say " I am alright, it's fine, I am fine"

Sophie " I have been trying to wake you up for hours" she says in a concerned voice

Doug " How long was I out for anyway ?"

Sophie " 9 hours, you reckless idiot it's almost time for breakfast"

I quickly exit the mirror dimension, while still in my bed, I show up in time for me to hear a knock on my door.

" Doug come down breakfast is ready, we haven't heard a beep out of you, since yesterday, young man" my mom says from behind the door.

" I am fine, just give me a few minutes to get ready before I come down" I say

"Well, don't take too long your father and I have work you know" she says.

I get up to head to the shower after casting a spell to get rid of all the dried blood, when I am suddenly hit with a rush of memories and I pass out again.

Sophie " Sigh,... What an idiot *AI virtual face-palm *"

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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