Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 2 - Ambitious

After another mini freakout and yet another panic attack. I started to consider my plans for the future and what I can do in regards to my new situation.

I thought about graduating early from high school and instead going to college to get a degree in Computer Science. Like I was doing before I came to this universe.

This way my new parents will attribute my behavioral change to me going to college and being more mature, but I realized that in 12 years or so there is a fifty percent chance I get erased.

Dying is also a strong possibility in the many events to come and even if I try to stay away I don't think whatever brought me here is just gonna let me go on with my life like nothing ever happened.

Marvel has a way of dragging people to trouble especially when they are trying to avoid it and I am still not sure which Marvel universe I am in.

Is it the MCU or the comics and which version am I in am I on Earth-616 or a mix between the two or something completely different. I started getting a headache and then decided to look for more information.

I tried to look for any mention of mutants and I found some. Apparently professor X is known as a famous author and psychiatrist he also has a school for the gifted aka superpowered child soldier training facility. After realizing where I am and my new situation.

A thought goes through my mind " Wait I wouldn't be randomly transported to a random guy's body in Marvel... a few seconds pass Oh My God ! I am Cypher !!!"

After calming down again 'God I should really stop freaking out so much or I am going to have a heart attack' I started to try and remember his back story and it started to come back to me in bits and pieces, but then I realized that something isn't quite right.

Cypher is a part of the New Mutants and if I understand things correctly he should be way younger than he is right now, so it seems I was transported to the past to the Marvel universe and into an older Cypher's body.

I also remember that Doug's father helped Xavier with some legal problems in the past and also that Xavier knew that Doug was a mutant but didn't try to recruit him.

He probably thought that Cypher wasn't good enough for his child soldier program or that his mutation wasn't noticeable and Doug could potentially live a normal life as anything out of the ordinary could be attributed to him having a genius level intellect rather than him being a mutant.

I don't really know its probably a combination of both for all I know. I wonder which iteration of Xavier is in this universe is it the morally ambiguous kind of good Xavier who uses methods that are sometimes questionable and kind of reminds me of a less likeable for the greater good Dumbledore or is it the Mind Rapey Xavier .

I should probably try and avoid him at least until I could find a way to protect my mind especially with the information inside my head that could spell doom if ever found out.

I don't trust him enough to stay out of my mind even if he tells me he won't read it all it takes is a single stray thought to leak out and it all goes to shit.

If I remember correctly Cypher's powers are semi-telepathic and semi-clairvoyant in nature which could help me explain why my mind is protected If I meet him and could also explain any future knowledge I have.

The only thing that is respected in this universe is power. I should also try to gain more knowledge as knowledge is power and using Cypher's abilities I think that I can prove that I can become a power in this universe not to be trifled with.

I will achieve my goals using my other worldly knowledge and every piece of information I can get my hands on. I start planning my course of action to achieve power in this universe. Luckily, I have some information about this body's background and Mutant power if I remember it right.

He's supposed to be some kind of linguistic and programming genius can learn how to fight fairly quickly if taught properly and has semi-telepathic and semi-clairvoyant powera. Hmm I should probably see if he already activated his mutant power as its hard tell right of the bat.

I go to the book shelves and grab a book written in French and I start reading at first I don't understand anything as I didn't learn French in my last life. After a few sentences I start to understand what I am reading by the end of the page I can understand every word. "Okay this doesn't make any sense how the hell does this ability work ? Does my brain have google translate or something? Maybe I gained this body's memories of this language?"

I go online and pull up some articles written in various languages. I didn't find anything written in Russian. On the bookshelves, so he probably didn't know how to speak it yet. I find an article talking about Russia's Nuclear plant project and I realise that I am already half way through the article and didn't even notice that

I can now read Russian. "What about writing and speaking? " I try writing what I remember about the Marvel universe in Russian and its surprisingly easy.

I then try speaking and surprisingly I can speak it fluently. I go on youtube to see if I am just spouting nonsense and how my accent is compared to a native speaker .

I notice that my accent was a little off but after watching a few videos my accent became a lot more natural and I could easily pass for a Russian native with my looks and accent.

" Interesting so I can speak, write and understand a language just from reading a few words but to sound native I atleast need some kind of audio-visual input to master it." Suddenly a large grin is on my face. "Oh this is going to be fun !"

I start thinking about what I should do and my plans for the near future. "Okay I need to explore my abilities more I am guessing I activated them when I got transported into this body, next

I should probably go downstairs and see if someone's home nobody came to knock but maybe that's because it's the weekend and he probably sleeps in, its been a couple of hours already and I am already tri-lingual

so I should probably hit a library soon and learn all I can. Luckily I already have a computer with an internet connection but I got to be careful about that because I remember something about

Cypher having an internet addiction at one point and him not eating for weeks due to his addiction . He was trying to decode the internet or whatever that means.

So I should try and stick to books as much as I can and only go online if I have something important to do" I shut off my computer and grab my wallet.

I also found some car keys so mobility isn't going to be an issue I have a couple of hundred bucks in my wallet. I go to the door and I tell myself " Okay after you open this door you're now Douglas Ramsey nicknamed Doug.

You have new parents and a new life. You go to Bayville high in Upstate New and you're probably a genius now." taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly I grab the handle and open the door and walk out the room humming I will survive.

Which isn't as easy to do in this universe and I mean surviving not singing." Huh I have a nice voice add that to the list of things I can do now . "

I arrived downstairs and found the house empty I call out ' Mom ! Dad ! is anybody home!' I waited a few seconds and hearing no one answer I concluded no one is home.

"Okay works for me" I thought. I go to the kitchen grab some cereal and milk. I eat a simple breakfast and grab an apple for the road. I make sure I have my driver's license and walkout of the house.

I find a blue R34 in the driveway . A grin splits my face. " I like his style he may have had an inferiority complex but at least he knows his stuff" I thought. I got in and started my new car it roared. "I can get used to this" I thought. I drive off the driveway and leave the house.

As I am driving around I realise I don't know where anything is. I pull up next to a girl and slow down the car. I call out " Excuse me miss can you tell me where is the nearest library? " I get her attention she gives me and my car a look. I think she's checking me out.

She answers me while tapping a finger on her chin trying to remember " Oh, its on the 59th on Main Street. You will have to go across Salem lake thought its about an hour from here they probably aren't open yet but by the time you arrive it should take about another half hour for the library to open."

I took another look at the girl she looked to be around 16 or 17.

She's a brunette and had light brown eyes. I kept staring for a few seconds until I heard her say" If I knew my new lip gloss looked this good I would have bought three more"

" I am sorry ! I didn't mean to stare I just didn't expect so much information all at once." I said trying to come up with an excuse.

" Well, I didn't expect cute blondes in a convertable asking me where the library is on a weekend I guess life is full of surprises . " She said with a teasing smile.

" I just wanted to look up some stuff in the library I am planning on an early graduation." I said.

" Oh are you in college? You look so young though. " She said.

" Well I am still in highschool I go to Bayville high in Upstate New York I didn't even tell my parents yet I plan to have an early graduation " Her eyes widened a bit.

" Really I go to the same school too ! How come I never saw you around? " She asked.

" Well it is a big school you know. " I answered.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed by before I said. " So do you plan on telling me your name or ? She looked embarrassed and stammerd a sorry.

" I am Katherine but my friends call me Kitty " she said with a charming smile.

"I am Douglas, but you can call me Doug " I said introducing myself.

I suddenly remembered something about Cypher's past, If I remember correctly he was friends with shadow cat aka Kitty Pryde.

Sprite the human ghost, the one no cell can hold and things such as walls and physical confines are merely a suggestion.

She can break into any vault or secure location anywhere in the world this girl by herself can steal nuclear war codes or steal highly classified information and watch as the world burned .

Granted she wouldn't do that but her powers are one of the most versatile powers I have ever seen especially in espionage, infiltration and combat.

I wouldn't call her a power house, but give her some training and she can be turned into a far more deadlier version than the Black Widow herself .

Shuddering for a bit after that thought I politely asked her for her full name which confirmed my suspicion of her identity.

I offered to drive her to her house, but she politely declined and told me she lived right around the corner.

I asked for her number and suggested we should hangout sometime.

We said our good byes and I drove off to the library.

' I wonder if she discovered her powers yet and if she is in contact with the X-men.'

This was too much of a coincidence.

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on  Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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