Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 3 - Overworked

After I had met kitty I went to the library as I had planned. I ended up spending at least a few hours there reading and looking for references. It only took a couple of hours to increase my reptoire of languages.

I now know how to speak about a couple of dozen languages I learnt languages I thought I would need as I plan on traveling and going on missions to achieve my goals it will make blending in with my surroundings that much easier.

I started with latin and Hindi because they will be useful to me in the near future. I then moved on to Slavic based languages like polish, Austrian and Ukrainian. I also learned Japanese, Cantonese , Vietnamese, Mandarin and even a Cantonese dialect called Guangzhou.

I also learned most latin based languages aka (Romance languages) like Italian and French. Also a few Germanic languages like Dutch and Swedish.

I couldn't find anything in the library about ixiXhosa which is spoken in Wakanda. I could have learned more languages but I figured 22 languages where enough since if I needed more I could just learn them in a few minutes and I think I covered my bases with what I know now.

Most of my time was used brushing up on my field of study in my previous life and seeing if there were any differences between here and my previous world.

I found quite a few and I found that there were strange inconsistencies in the technology and fields of advancement between the Marvel universe and my Earth.

I think it comes from the fact that this world has aliens and has been influenced by the quite frankly ludicrous amount of Extraterrestrial contact .

The Kree came and experimented on humans and created the inhumans and there are probably a few Skrulls running around not to mention the Supernatural side of things like Demons and Mythological Gods who aren't so Mythological down here. Dimensional beings ? Parallel universes? the list goes on and on.

I found that Physics, Biology and Computer science were way more advanced than on my Earth. Chemistry wasn't more advanced I guess it just worked differently here because some of the Equations and Chemical formulas I saw I am pretty sure were impossible back on my Earth.

If you think about it creating a Serum in WW2 with the kind of technology they had at the time should have been impossible. It should have been impossible period, but that's Marvel for you all you need is Genius level intellect, determination maybe a lab accident or two and a whole lot of bullshit and you can achieve the impossible.

I spent most of my time relearning about computer science it was mostly the theoretical part that took a lot of time. The language itself didn't take me long to learn. I picked up some books to take home with me that I thought would be useful for my goals in the future.

They were mostly about Computer science, Engineering, theoretical physics, Biology and Chemistry. I will focus on those especially for the next few months at least if not a year.

I am also starting to think that my powers aren't as strong and advanced as Cypher's were.

Because some of the feats I remember him doing are things like hacking alien technology in minutes to stop a disaster even though he never had contact with Alien technology before and I remember reading that he started to view everything as a language and he basically became a human Super Computer .

It's most likely because I just awakened my powers. I will have to add it to the list of things I will have to work on along with my studies.

I started going to school it was hard at first to pretend to know people I didn't really remember . My new parents didn't notice anything too strange at first a few inconsistencies here and there but nothing too out of the ordinary they did sit me down a few times and try to talk to me and see what was going on with me or if I was in trouble because I have been aloof and distant these past few weeks.

I honestly didn't know how to speak to them without letting them know I don't remember them .

I thought about faking a head injury and claiming that I lost my memories but changed my mind. I suspected that if I did that I would find Xavier in the living room trying to help me through my pretend amnesia.

I started hanging out with Kitty alot and getting to know her. It was easier to get to know new people since I won't need to lie to them and pretend I knew them. She is a pretty sweet girl and very compassionate I don't know how Xavier convinced her to be an X-man(woman) in the future.

I don't see here fighting or in combat situations to be honest. I spent 6 months going to school. I sadly had to avoid those who were too close to the old Doug which resulted in hurt feelings. I felt really bad about it but I didn't know what to do about it.

My new parents started giving me space after getting tired of asking me whats wrong they just didn't know what to make of me. I heard my Mom telling my Dad not to worry and that I was going through a phase but she didn't sound too convinced with what she was saying . I think on some level they knew something was wrong but didn't know what it is.

I had to fast track my plans it was 2006 now and its been 6 months since I arrived in this world. I honestly feel exhausted and extremely sad. I thought this was going to be a fresh start with a new family and life but honestly lying all the time got old really quick.

I don't understand how or why heroes don't tell their families or loved ones about what they do especially if they have a good relationship with them. I get having a secret identity, but letting them live in ignorance wondering why you disappear for hours on end sometimes you show up injured and them getting the feeling you're lying to them its just not worth it.

You already decided to put them at risk the moment you decided to be a hero. Not letting them know that they are in potential danger is just plain reckless and naive. I couldn't even stand doing it to strangers.

I decided to talk to my parents tomorrow I will be telling them that I am taking my highschool exams next month and will be graduating early.

The next day at breakfast " Mom, Dad I have something to tell you" they give each other a look. "What is it honey is everything alright?" My Mom says in a concerned tone.

"Its fine I just have something to tell you. Uhm.. I plan on taking my graduation exams next month and graduating out of high school early ." I say firmly. Both of their eyes widen and they both look anxious. My Dad says in a harsh tone "What do you mean you're graduating early you're still 16 for crying out loud !"

then my Mother interjects "Honey whatever it is that's bothering you can tell us if you don't want to talk to me I know some colleagues of mine who could help you!" she says desperately.

Their confusion and anger is justified as they have tried to get me to talk to them numerous times but I' d always just shut them down. My Dad then says" You' ve been distant you stopped going out these past few months even your friends stopped coming over.

I even went to your school to find out if you were being bullied or something imagine my surprise when I hear that you stopped talking to most of your friends and just go straight home after school" My mother's eyes start to tear up and she says in a desperate voice " let us help you Doug please!"

I start to get nervous I didn't even get to the part where I tell them that I am leaving for at least a few years. I don't think they would agree if I did especially right now.

I start saying softly " Mom, Dad you know how smart I am I have been getting straight A' s these past few months and I am always reading or working on something Highschool doesn't even interest me anymore either the people or the subjects I..I need something more I don't see myself going there anymore. "

I started to get a little emotional by the end of my speech some of it is true I really couldn't connect with any of these people and I have been breezing through my subjects frankly highschool became a waste of time the subjects and projects I have been working on are far more interesting.

The only highlight of going to high school at this point is seeing or hanging out with Kitty, but I suspect that her powers started manifesting as she has been rather distracted these past few weeks and she also mentioned something about going to a boarding school so in the end Xavier got to her.

I couldn't do much about it even if I suspected it how could I explain to her how I knew what I knew and why she shouldn't completely trust him.

At least she should be safe for the time being but that won't remain true for long God only knows how many times the X mansion has been attacked, but I have a plan for that and its related to some of the projects I have been working on.

As I got emotional and started tearing up partially due to the emotional stress I have been under. My parents eyes started to soften a bit and my mother said in a gentle voice "Oh Honey we just want what's best for you. We are just frustrated because you' ve been getting a little distant is this really what you want ? Do you want to really leave all your friends behind ? What about that girl you have been going out with the one called Kitty ? "

I answer and say" She's leaving too she's going to a boarding school I don't even know if she's coming back. She was one of the few reasons I was still going to school I have been thinking about leaving for a long while now and now I have no reason to stay. " My Dad looks at me and says "Are you really sure about this ? What do you plan to do after graduating are you going straight to college ?"

I shake my head " No I was thinking of taking a couple of years off and try to find myself I want to find out who I really am maybe also travel a bit see the world see different cultures meet new people broaden my horizons. I think this would be good for me and by the time I am done I will be ready to go to college it should be around the time I was supposed to go to college originally.

It wouldn't set me back or anything but I think it's for the best. "

My parents are just listening to me while I talk they haven't interrupted me or started shouting yet, So I guess they are thinking about it. After I finish talking things are silent for a long while on the kitchen table.

My parents looked to each other and nodded then my Mom started saying " We don't like this and we would prefer if you stayed in high school and tried giving it another shot, but It seems that you have thought a lot about this.

We won't stand in your way, but there are certain conditions that you' re going to have to stick to if you want us to agree to this " I nod prompting her to continue" Firstly, You'll write us once a week. Secondly, you are coming to visit as much as you can. Thirdly, You have to ace all your exams and when you come back you will have to go to college" She says firmly but not unkindly.

I gave her a nod letting her know I understand. "Okay, your conditions are reasonable and I promise you guys you won't regret this I really need to do this and I am happy you understand."

I said.

I then got up and gave them both a hug and said " I love you both and I promise to make you proud" After an emotional breakfast I went to school and told Kitty I am leaving next month she was a little upset but understood my reasons and encouraged me to do what my heart tells me.

She also told me that this is her last year in Bayville and she's going to her new school next year. We both hug and promise to keep in contact and visit whenever we can. I got home after school and went to my computer and spoke out loud " So alright Sophie where are we with

project (X) ?"

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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